461 research outputs found

    A variational constitutive model for porous metal plasticity

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    This paper presents a variational formulation of viscoplastic constitutive updates for porous elastoplastic materials. The material model combines von Mises plasticity with volumetric plastic expansion as induced, e.g., by the growth of voids and defects in metals. The finite deformation theory is based on the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient and an internal variable formulation of continuum thermodynamics. By the use of logarithmic and exponential mappings the stress update algorithms are extended from small strains to finite deformations. Thus the time-discretized version of the porous-viscoplastic constitutive updates is described in a fully variational manner. The range of behavior predicted by the model and the performance of the variational update are demonstrated by its application to the forced expansion and fragmentation of U-6%Nb rings

    Biomechanics of traumatic brain injury

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    A biomechanical model for traumatic brain injury and soft tissue damage is presented. A variational constitutive model for soft biological tissues is utilized to reproduce axonal damage and cavitation injury through inelastic deformation. The material response is split into elastoplastic and viscoelastic components, including rate effects, shear and porous plasticity, and finite viscoelasticity. Mechanical damage of brain tissue is classified as volumetric (compression/tension) and shear-type. Finite element simulations of brain injuries are presented, examining frontal and oblique head impacts with external objects. Localization, extension, intensity and reversibility/irreversibility of tissue damage are predicted. Future directions of this work, relating mechanical damage and physiological brain dysfunction, and application to relevant medical and engineering problems are discussed

    A variational constitutive model for soft biological tissues

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    In this paper, a fully variational constitutive model of soft biological tissues is formulated in the finite strain regime. The model includes Ogden-type hyperelasticity, finite viscosity, deviatoric and volumetric plasticity, rate and microinertia effects. Variational updates are obtained via time discretization and pre-minimization of a suitable objective function with respect to internal variables. Genetic algorithms are used for model parameter identification due to their suitability for non-convex, high dimensional optimization problems. The material behavior predicted by the model is compared to available tests on swine and human brain tissue. The ability of the model to predict a wide range of experimentally observed behavior, including hysteresis, cyclic softening, rate effects, and plastic deformation is demonstrated

    A variational constitutive model for soft biological tissues

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    In this paper, a fully variational constitutive model of soft biological tissues is formulated in the finite strain regime. The model includes Ogden-type hyperelasticity, finite viscosity, deviatoric and volumetric plasticity, rate and microinertia effects. Variational updates are obtained via time discretization and pre-minimization of a suitable objective function with respect to internal variables. Genetic algorithms are used for model parameter identification due to their suitability for non-convex, high dimensional optimization problems. The material behavior predicted by the model is compared to available tests on swine and human brain tissue. The ability of the model to predict a wide range of experimentally observed behavior, including hysteresis, cyclic softening, rate effects, and plastic deformation is demonstrated

    Computational assessment of ballistic impact on a high strength structural steel/polyurea composite plate

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    Ballistic impact on a polyurea retrofitted high strength structural steel plate is simulated and validated. A soft material model for polyurea, which is capable of capturing complex mechanical behavior characterized by large strains, hysteresis, rate sensitivity, stress softening (Mullins effect), and deviatoric and volumetric plasticity, is calibrated against several uniaxial tension experiments and a threedimensional release wave experiment to capture both the material point and bulk behaviors. A porous plasticity model is employed to model the high strength structural steel and localization elements are included to capture adiabatic shear bands and strain localization. The computational capabilities of these models are demonstrated by the prediction of the target plate displacement, which shows excellent agreement with experiments

    Los procesos logísticos y su influencia en la ejecución de gastos de la Gerencia Regional de Salud de Arequipa – 2021

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    Esta investigación tuvo como finalidad determinar cómo influye los procesos logísticos en la ejecución de gastos en la Gerencia Regional de Salud de Arequipa - 2021; para esta investigación se empleó metodología de enfoque cuantitativo, investigación es de tipo básica, nivel de investigación descriptiva correlacional, transversal, con un diseño no experimental, en cuanto a la recolección de los datos se usó la técnica de la encuesta, instrumento cuestionario, se trabajó con una población y muestra de 40 colaboradores. Los resultados en cuanto al estudio los procesos logísticos, el 42.50% casi siempre consideraron que el suministro de bienes y servicios son óptimos, el procedimiento de adquisición de compras es el más adecuado; en relación a la ejecución de gastos; mientras el 40.00% consideraron que la Gerencia es responsable con su programación de gastos, consideran que la formulación de gastos es idónea en la institución y la ejecución de gastos es óptima de manera trimestral. En conclusión, según la prueba de Rho de Spearman de 0.985**, existió una correlación directa entre los procesos logísticos y la ejecución del gasto, p=0.000 ≤ 0.05, en definitiva, el proceso logístico influye significativamente en la ejecución de gastos

    Three-dimensional fracture and fragmentation of artificial kidney stones

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    The brittle fracture of a gypsum cylinder, which is used as an artificial kidney stone in lithotripsy research, is simulated by the use of the finite element method. The cylinder is submerged in water and is subjected to a pressure front parallel to one of its planar faces. The stresses induced by the pressure wave lead to fracture in the interior of the cylinder, with the formation of a spall plane located about 2/3 of the length from the face on which the pressure is applied. We show that the simulation reproduces the salient features of experimental observations

    A variational constitutive model for porous metal plasticity

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    This paper presents a variational formulation of viscoplastic constitutive updates for porous elastoplastic materials. The material model combines von Mises plasticity with volumetric plastic expansion as induced, e.g., by the growth of voids and defects in metals. The finite deformation theory is based on the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient and an internal variable formulation of continuum thermodynamics. By the use of logarithmic and exponential mappings the stress update algorithms are extended from small strains to finite deformations. Thus the time-discretized version of the porous-viscoplastic constitutive updates is described in a fully variational manner. The range of behavior predicted by the model and the performance of the variational update are demonstrated by its application to the forced expansion and fragmentation of U-6%Nb rings

    Afferent Connections to the Rostrolateral Part of the Periaqueductal Gray: A Critical Region Influencing the Motivation Drive to Hunt and Forage

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    Previous studies have shown that a particular site in the periaqueductal gray (PAG), the rostrolateral PAG, influences the motivation drive to forage or hunt. To have a deeper understanding on the putative paths involved in the decision-making process between foraging, hunting, and other behavioral responses, in the present investigation, we carried out a systematic analysis of the neural inputs to the rostrolateral PAG (rlPAG), using Fluorogold as a retrograde tracer. According to the present findings, the rlPAG appears to be importantly driven by medial prefrontal cortical areas involved in controlling attention-related and decision-making processes. Moreover, the rlPAG also receives a wealth of information from different amygdalar, hypothalamic, and brainstem sites related to feeding, drinking, or hunting behavioral responses. Therefore, this unique combination of afferent connections puts the rlPAG in a privileged position to influence the motivation drive to choose whether hunting and foraging would be the most appropriate adaptive responses