96 research outputs found
The city's industrial image. Jerez de la Frontera in the 19th century
[EN] The Jerez de la Frontera urban and landscape transformation in the 19th century central decade is reconstructed and interpreted by a set of images that go from the middle of the 16th century to the end of the 21th. During this period of time, Jerez become one of the most relevant industrial cities of the country thank to the Sherry trade. The city territorial image transformation was carried out by the industrial building implantation, from an initial process of industrial redefinition of the urban front to the final denial of his own landscape condition. At the same time, the renewed population image would be assumed by the own transformer agents as element of his managerial iconography.[ES] A partir de un conjunto de imágenes que van de mediados del siglo xvi a finales del xix se reconstruye e interpreta la transformación urbano paisajística experimentada por la ciudad de Jerez de la Frontera en las décadas centrales del siglo xix, periodo en el que gracias al comercio del jerez se convertiría en una de las ciudades industriales más relevantes del país. La implantación de las edificaciones industriales conllevó la transformación de la imagen territorial de la ciudad, desde un proceso inicial de redefinición industrial de la fachada urbana hasta la negación final de su propia condición paisajística. Al mismo tiempo la imagen renovada de la población sería asumida por los propios agentes transformadores como elemento de su iconografía empresarial.Aladro Prieto, JM.; Mosquera Adell, E. (2018). La imagen industrial de la ciudad. Jerez de la Frontera siglo XIX. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 23(32):254-261. doi:10.4995/ega.2018.9815SWORD254261233
A museological approach of an urban project: Parisian cultural institutions as urban actors
Considering the most recent contemporary historical, geographical and social displacements of the places of power have been taken into consideration through the role of the culture and arts on them. The aim of this research is to examine, from the perspective of the urban historiography of Paris, an analyse of the trajectory and transformation of the city by the means of its museums' institutions. Paris has suffered from important processes of acceleration and changes to become the contemporary capital that it is nowadays. The city counts with the precedent of its great Haussmannian transformation into a modern city and the historical three concentric growth of its city walls perimeter and the later succession of up to six international exhibitions (between 1855 and 1937). However, after the impasse produced by the two war periods, a new urban and political project - still present in our days - was built up based on the cultural institutions. Great new cultural infrastructures were designed for expecting areas and terrain vagues, most of them with a proved level of change, at the Seine riverbanks. They follow the Louvre museum historic model of implantation. Meanwhile, the historical inner Marais district experimented a deep restoration and a reuse process, with cultural institutions as the main actors. Even more, Beaubourg void was pointed as an opportunity for a decisive change for the whole city. Cultural insertions of the opportunity spaces beside the river have definitely established Paris as a top rank cultural destination. Heading the cultural tourism rates at a global level, its historical heart - The City Island, nowadays being under research conducted by the French architect Dominique Perrault, with the horizon of a 25-years renovation project, the Right Bank (with the French Cinematheque, the Arsenal Pavilion, Louvre Museum, Decorative Arts Museum, The Orangerie, The Grand Palais, The Palais of Tokyo and the Palais of Chaillot) and the Left Bank (counting with the French National Library, The Arab World Institute, the Orsay Museum, the Invalids Hospital, Quay Branly Museum and the Eiffel Tower), sum up to the most relevant museums' institutions and exhibition spaces of the city. Thus, the research will deepen in the urban strategy for the choice of the museums and cultural institutions as the decisive architectural actors for the renewal of the Parisian urban landscape. The role of their architectures, intimately associated with their performing use, will be critically examined
Water supply in the genesis of the city: the conventual models of Seville and Malaga
El abastecimiento de agua, al igual que otros servicios utilitarios de las ciudades, constituye una parte fundamental de su desarrollo y crecimiento. Por
ello, conocer y valorar los orígenes de estas infraestructuras permite descubrir ciertas dinámicas heredadas en la ciudad contemporánea. Las ciudades
de Sevilla y Málaga constituyen dos claros —aunque dispares— ejemplos
de organización de la ciudad conventual andaluza. Por este motivo, el
análisis en paralelo de su evolución en el transcurso de los siglos xviii y xix,
nos permite comprender cómo sus estructuras de abastecimiento circulan
en paralelo a la estructura de poder de la ciudad. Dichas tramas desvelan
claves acerca de cuáles fueron los motivos y patrones que determinaron su
crecimiento. Esta visión de la ciudad histórica, desde sus redes y nodos infraestructurales pone en valor espacios ahora anónimos que, sin embargo,
gozaron de gran importancia, valor útil, simbólico y social tiempo atrás.Water supply, like other utilitarian services in cities, is a fundamental
part of their development and growth. Therefore, knowing and assessing the origin of these infrastructures allows us to discover certain inherited dynamics of the contemporary city. The cities of Seville and Malaga
are two clear –though different– examples of the arrangement of the
Andalusian conventual city. Thus, the parallel analysis of their evolution,
throughout the 18th and 19th Centuries, lets us understand how their
supply networks circulate in parallel with the power structure of the city.
These structures reveal keys on the reasons and patterns that determined growth in both cities. The perspective of the historical city viewed
from its networks and infrastructural nodes, gives value to spaces that
had great significance, with useful, symbolic and social importance during the past, but are anonymous at present time
Monastic Buildings: A Review About New Uses on Former Monasteries. The Portuguese Cistercian Case
This paper aims to present a review contribution to the history of the reform and renewal in the Portuguese Cistercian monasteries, throughout nine centuries of cultural and architectural history, but focusing on the new uses on former monasteries. The monastic Orders had a vital importance, both temporal and spatial, in the development of the urban fabric of cities. It must be considered that the transformation and development of the territory have been responsible for isolated buildings and settlements which have gradually been absorbed by the expansion of the urban fabric. The Cistercian Order played a remarkable role in the affirmation of Portugal (1143) and had an unquestionable position, since the medieval period, in the construction of a significant part of the Portuguese culture. The first Cistercian monasteries appeared in Portugal, in the 12th century, far from the urban context. Portuguese Cistercian monasteries became worthy examples of the European Cistercian architecture, although, over the time, they have been adapted, enlarged and transformed according to the styles of each epoch. The disappearance of the religious Orders, in 1834, and the successive owners adapted the monastic buildings to new uses. The monasteries have provided the contemporary city, especially from the 19th and 20th centuries, with expectant spaces or new fields of experimentation as diverse as rehabilitation, reuse, renovation and conversion. These are new spaces which adapt to new situations and new uses, thus updating themselves, so that the values of the present can be included and integrated into its history. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss, in which way the ideals and the realities of these monastic buildings and related urban spaces are divergent, but also a factor of city growth and cultural development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Heritage values and rehabilitation: architectural intervention in the Archaeological Museum of Seville (Spain)
The present investigation examines the role of museum buildings in their consideration as heritage institutions. A particular interest in rehabilitation processes and conversion of international exhibition pavilions into museums will be assessed. The Archaeological Museum of Seville will be taken as a case study. The Ibero-American Exhibition of Seville (1929) was a paramount event in the city, with a vast development of the
southern area of the city as well as a display of flourishing regionalist architecture. Its powerful image has transcended from this temporary event, embracing relevant institutions over decades, such as the Archeological Museum. Plus, historical preservation has enhanced its heritage value. Within the grounds of the historic María Luisa Park, the museum has undergone a remarkable evolution as an institution that requires a new relationship with its building, together with an adequation to new museological perspectives. During the lifetime of the museum, the former exhibition pavilion has experienced a succession of rehabilitation processes in the 20th century, always searching for a continuity with the concept of the original building. However, the evolution of the institution faces new challenges for the 21st century: display of the collection, technological issues, public and community services, network affiliation, etc. A series of cultural heritage protection measures that affect the property and its collections, its immediate environment, and the urban environment in which it is located, condition the building and its urban context. Nowadays, a new architectural intervention is in process, with the main goal of putting together all these requirements. The project also deals
with the production of a new architecture of representation, respecting and rehabilitating the original regionalist building but also creating a contemporary image for the institution. The relevance of the museum, together with its urban role, make the Archeological Museum of Seville an important agent of cultural requalification. In conclusion, this paper will show how urban culture has been renewed, experiencing a decisive transformation of public spaces and cultural facilities, for leisure, education, or tourism. A new reconsideration of the Cultural Property in question is an experience that can be extrapolated to other museum experiences that emerged in the 20th century and that are currently undergoing a comprehensive reexamination
Sevilla ciudad conventual, urbanismo y patrimonio
Frente a la tradición monástica temprana de vida en comunidad apartada, determinados procesos culturales han incidido decisivamente en el desarrollo de las ciudades. Alcanzaron un protagonismo especialmente intenso en Sevilla, uno de los mayores recintos murados de Europa, experimentándose desde 1248 hasta la época de la secularización, tanto en su periferia próxima como en el interior de sus murallas. Más de noventa conventos condicionaron fuertemente la naturaleza del conjunto de la ciudad, en su sentido funcional y en su paisaje construido, asumiendo en la simbolización de su personalidad un destacado papel.La pluralidad de órdenes y los distintos criterios de asentamiento en la ciudad ofrecieron un rico catálogo de posibilidades urbanas. La pervivencia de algunos conventos masculinos recuperados, y la centenaria continuidad histórica de comunidades femeninas en sus cenobios primitivos, dan pie a situaciones urbanas y patrimoniales de alto nivel. La nueva Sevilla que surgiría a partir de las desamortizaciones no se generó desde un proceso coherente, pero hoy constituye asimismo un patrimonio urbano adicional, donde la cultura conventual ocupa un papel relevante.Opposite to the monastic early tradition of life in isolated communities, certain processes have decisively affected to the development of the cities. They reached an intense presence in Seville, one of the biggest walled enclosures of Europe, experienced from 1248 up to the time of secularization, in its near periphery as inside its walls. More than ninety convents were concerning strongly the nature of the city as a whole, in its functional sense and built landscape, assuming the symbolization of its personality and an outstanding paper. The diversity of orders and the different criteria of accession offered a rich catalogue of urban possibilities. The survival of some recovered masculine convents, and the centenary continuity of feminine communities in their primitive monasteries, they give course for high-level urban and patrimonial situations. The new Seville that would arise from the secularization process was not generated from a coherent process, but today it constitutes likewise an additional urban heritage, where the monastic culture performs a relevant paper
El Máster Universitario en Arquitectura y Patrimonio Histórico (MARPH), título oficial de Postgrado adaptado al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior
Ponencia escrita presentada en la sesión dedicada a Formación,Doctorado y Posgrado en las IV Jornadas Internacionales sobre Investigación en Arquitectura y Urbanismo.La ponencia recoge la experiencia a lo largo de los últimos dieciséis años del master en arquitectura y patrimonio histórico, proyecto docente y de investigación absolutamente pionero en Andalucía y que cuenta con el apoyo institucional de la administración responsable de la tutela del mismo. Proyecto formativo que ha intentado cubrir las carencias que en materia de patrimonio histórico tienen en la actualidad las enseñanzas de la arquitectura y una gran parte de los profesionales que la ejercen. El carácter pluridisciplinar de la materia plantea una formación transversal, donde se integran además de arquitectos, historiadores, arqueólogos, geógrafos, antropólogos, juristas, ingenieros, etc, asumiendo todos ellos su integración en la confección del proyecto patrimonial. El resultado son generaciones de profesionales trabajando e investigando en materia de patrimonio con repercusión en Andalucía y en el panorama nacional e internacional.Pérez Cano, MT.; Mosquera Adell, E. (2012). El Máster Universitario en Arquitectura y Patrimonio Histórico (MARPH), título oficial de Postgrado adaptado al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1492
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