1,099 research outputs found

    Variadic genericity through linguistic reflection : a performance evaluation

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    This work is partially supported by the EPSRC through Grant GR/L32699 “Compliant System Architecture” and by ESPRIT through Working Group EP22552 “PASTEL”.The use of variadic genericity within schema definitions increases the variety of databases that may be captured by a single specification. For example, a class of databases of engineering part objects, in which each database instance varies in the types of the parts and the number of part types, should lend itself to a single definition. However, precise specification of such a schema is beyond the capability of polymorphic type systems and schema definition languages. It is possible to capture such generality by introducing a level of interpretation, in which the variation in types and in the number of fields is encoded in a general data structure. Queries that interpret the encoded information can be written against this general data structure. An alternative approach to supporting such variadic genericity is to generate a precise database containing tailored data structures and queries for each different instance of the virtual schema.1 This involves source code generation and dynamic compilation, a process known as linguistic reflection. The motivation is that once generated, the specific queries may execute more efficiently than their generic counter-parts, since the generic code is “compiled away”. This paper compares the two approaches and gives performance measurements for an example using the persistent languages Napier88 and PJama.Postprin

    Demonstration of hyper-programming in Java

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    We demonstrate the use of a hyper-programming system to build persistent Java applications in PJama, an orthogonally persistent version of Java. This allows program representations to contain type-safe links to persistent objects embedded directly within the source code. The potential benefits include greater potential for static program checking, improved efficiency, and reduced programming effort.Postprin

    On the selection of connectivity-based metrics for WSNs using a classification of application behaviour

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    This paper addresses a subset of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications in which data is produced by a set of resource-constrained source nodes and forwarded to one or more sink nodes. The performance of such applications is affected by the connectivity of the WSN, since nodes must remain connected in order to transfer data from sources to sinks. Designers use metrics to measure and improve the efficacy of WSN applications. We aim to facilitate the choice of connectivity-based metrics by introducing a classification of WSN applications based on their data collection behaviour and indicating the metrics best suited to the evaluation of particular application classes. We argue that no suitable metric currently exists for a significant class of applications with the following characteristics: 1) application data is periodically routed or disseminated from source nodes to one or more sink nodes, and 2) the application can continue to function with the loss of source nodes although its useful network lifetime diminishes as a result. We present a new metric, known as Connectivity Weighted Transfer, which may be used to evaluate WSN applications with these characteristics.Preprin

    A component-based model and language for wireless sensor network applications

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    Wireless sensor networks are often used by experts in many different fields to gather data pertinent to their work. Although their expertise may not include software engineering, these users are expected to produce low-level software for a concurrent, real-time and resource-constrained computing environment. In this paper, we introduce a component-based model for wireless sensor network applications and a language, Insense, for supporting the model. An application is modelled as a composition of interacting components and the application model is preserved in the Insense implementation where active components communicate via typed channels. The primary design criteria for Insense include: to abstract over low-level concerns for ease of programming; to permit worst-case space and time usage of programs to be determinable; to support the fractal composition of components whilst eliminating implicit dependencies between them; and, to facilitate the construction of low footprint programs suitable for resource-constrained devices. This paper presents an overview of the component model and Insense, and demonstrates how they meet the above criteria.Preprin

    Measuring Productivity Change and Its Components for Fisheries: The Case of the Alaskan Pollock Fishery, 1994-2003

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    Traditional productivity measures have been much less prevalent than other measures of economic and biological performance in fisheries economics. It has been increasingly recognized, however, that modeling and measuring fisheries' production relationships is central to understanding and ultimately correcting the repercussions of externalities and poorly designed regulations. We use a transformation function production model to estimate productivity and its components for the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands pollock fishery. We recognize the roles of externalities from pollock harvesting by incorporating data on environmental conditions, bycatch, and biomass stock, and capture regulatory impacts through fishing strategy indicators and fixed effects. We find that the productive contributions and interactions of environmental conditions, bycatch, and fishing strategies are statistically significant, and that regulatory changes have had both direct and indirect impacts on catch patterns.Fisheries Productivity, Regulatory Impacts, Bycatch, Environmental Factors, Primal Production Model, Productivity Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Towards verifying correctness of wireless sensor network applications using Insense and Spin

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    The design and implementation of wireless sensor network applications often require domain experts, who may lack expertise in software engineering, to produce resource-constrained, concurrent, real-time software without the support of high-level software engineering facilities. The Insense language aims to address this mismatch by allowing the complexities of synchronisation, memory management and event-driven programming to be borne by the language implementation rather than by the programmer. The main contribution of this paper is all initial step towards verifying the correctness of WSN applications with a focus on concurrency. We model part of the synchronisation mechanism of the Insense language implementation using Promela constructs and verify its correctness using SPIN. We demonstrate how a previously published version of the mechanism is shown to be incorrect by SPIN, and give complete verification results for the revised mechanism.Preprin


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    This study uses a cost-function-based model of production processes in U.S. agriculture to represent producers' input and output decisions, and the implied costs of reductions in risk associated with leaching and runoff from agricultural chemical use. The model facilitates evaluation of the statistical significance of measured shadow values for "bad" outputs, and their input- and output-specific components, with a focus on the impacts on pesticide demand and its quality and quantity aspects. The shadow values of risk reduction are statistically significant, and imply increased demand for effective pesticides over time that stem largely from improvements in quality due to embodied technology, and that vary substantively by region.Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management,

    System Evolution, Feedback and Compliant Architectures

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    Proceedings, International Workshop on Feedback and Evolution in Software and Business Processes (FEAST 2000), Imperial College, London. Supported by EPSRCPostprintNon peer reviewe

    Effects of solute concentrations on kinetic pathways in Ni-Al-Cr alloys

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    The kinetic pathways resulting from the formation of coherent L12-ordered y'-precipitates in the g-matrix (f.c.c.) of Ni-7.5 Al-8.5 Cr at.% and Ni-5.2 Al-14.2 Cr at.% alloys, aged at 873 K, are investigated by atom-probe tomography (APT) over a range of aging times from 1/6 to 1024 hours; these alloys have approximately the same volume fraction of the y'-precipitate phase. Quantification of the phase decomposition within the framework of classical nucleation theory reveals that the y-matrix solid-solution solute supersaturations of both alloys provide the chemical driving force, which acts as the primary determinant of the nucleation behavior. In the coarsening regime, the temporal evolution of the y'-precipitate average radii and the y-matrix supersaturations follow the predictions of classical coarsening models, while the temporal evolution of the y'-precipitate number densities of both alloys do not. APT results are compared to equilibrium calculations of the pertinent solvus lines determined by employing both Thermo-Calc and Grand-Canonical Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: Submitted to Acta Materialia, June, 200
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