10,153 research outputs found

    Conceptual study of an advanced supersonic technology transport (AST-107) for transpacific range using low-bypass-ratio turbofan engines

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    An advanced supersonic technology configuration concept designated the AST-107, using a low bypass ratio turbofan engine, is described and analyzed. The aircraft had provisions for 273 passengers arranged five abreast. The cruise Mach number was 2.62. The mission range for the AST-107 was 8.48 Mm (4576 n.mi.) and an average lift drag ratio of 9.15 during cruise was achieved. The available lateral control was not sufficient for the required 15.4 m/s (30 kt) crosswind landing condition, and a crosswind landing gear or a significant reduction in dihedral effect would be necessary to meet this requirement. The lowest computed noise levels, including a mechanical suppressor noise reduction of 3 EPNdB at the flyover and sideline monitoring stations, were 110.3 EPNdB (sideline noise), 113.1 EPNdB (centerline noise) and 110.5 EPNdB (approach noise)

    INTERP3: A computer routine for linear interpolation of trivariate functions defined by nondistinct unequally spaced variables

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    A report on the computer routine INTERP3 is presented. The routine is designed to linearly interpolate a variable which is a function of three independent variables. The variables within the parameter arrays do not have to be distinct, or equally spaced, and the array variables can be in increasing or decreasing order

    The design of an Fe-12Mn-O.2Ti alloy steel for low temperature use

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    An investigation was made to improve the low temperature mechanical properties of Fe-8 approximately 12% Mn-O 2Ti alloy steels. A two-phase(alpha + gamma) tempering in combination with cold working or hot working was identified as an effective treatment. A potential application as a Ni-free cryogenic steel was shown for this alloy. It was also shown that an Fe-8Mn steel could be grain-refined by a purely thermal treatment because of its dislocated martensitic structure and absence of epsilon phase. A significant reduction of the ductile-brittle transition temperature was obtained in this alloy. The nature and origin of brittle fracture in Fe-Mn alloys were also investigated. Two embrittling regions were found in a cooling curve of an Fe-12Mn-O 2Ti steel which was shown to be responsible for intergranular fracture. Auger electron spectroscopy identified no segregation during solution-annealing treatment. Avoiding the embrittling zones by controlled cooling led to a high cryogenic toughness in a solution-annealed condition

    A simplified analysis of propulsion installation losses for computerized aircraft design

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    A simplified method is presented for computing the installation losses of aircraft gas turbine propulsion systems. The method has been programmed for use in computer aided conceptual aircraft design studies that cover a broad range of Mach numbers and altitudes. The items computed are: inlet size, pressure recovery, additive drag, subsonic spillage drag, bleed and bypass drags, auxiliary air systems drag, boundary-layer diverter drag, nozzle boattail drag, and the interference drag on the region adjacent to multiple nozzle installations. The methods for computing each of these installation effects are described and computer codes for the calculation of these effects are furnished. The results of these methods are compared with selected data for the F-5A and other aircraft. The computer program can be used with uninstalled engine performance information which is currently supplied by a cycle analysis program. The program, including comments, is about 600 FORTRAN statements long, and uses both theoretical and empirical techniques

    Assessment of Variable-cycle Engines for Mach 2.7 Supersonic Transports

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    Three proposed SCAR propulsion systems in terms of aircraft range for a fixed payload and take-off gross weight with a design cruise Mach number 2.7 are evaluated. The effects of various noise and operational restraints are determined and sensitivities to some of the more important performance variables are presented for the most probable design noise and operational restraint case. Critical areas requiring new or improved technology for each cycle are delineated

    Performance estimation for highly loaded six and ten blade propellers combined with an advanced technology turboshaft engine

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    Performance estimations, weights, and scaling laws for the six blade and ten blade highly loaded propellers combined with an advanced turboshaft engine are presented. These data are useful for aircraft mission studies using the turboprop system. Comparisons are made between the performance of post 1980 technology turboprop propulsion systems and the performance of both a current technology turbofan and a post 1990 technology turbofan

    Performance estimation for a highly loaded eight-blade propeller combined with an advanced technology turboshaft engine

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    Performance estimation, weights, and scaling laws for an eight-blade highly loaded propeller combined with an advanced turboshaft engine are presented. The data are useful for planned aircraft mission studies using the turboprop propulsion system. Comparisons are made between the performance of the 1990+ technology turboprop propulsion system and the performance of both a current technology turbofan and an 1990+ technology turbofan

    X-Ray Diffraction and Reflectance Spectroscopy of Murchison Powders (CM2) After Thermal Analysis Under Reducing Conditions to Final Temperatures Between 300 and 1300c

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    The asteroids Ryugu and Bennu have spectral characteristics in common with CI/CM type carbonaceous chondrites and are target bodies for JAXAs Hayabusa2 and NASAs OSIRIS-Rex missions, respectively. Analog studies, based primarily on the Murchison CM2 chondrite, provide a pathway to separate spectral properties resulting space weathering from those inherent to parent-body, mineralogy, chemistry, and processes. Ryugu shares spectral properties with thermally metamorphosed and partly dehydrated CI/CM chondrites. We have undertaken a multidisciplinary study of the thermal decomposition of Murchison powder samples as an analog to metamorphic process that may have occurred on Ryugu. Bulk analyses include thermal And evolved gas analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and VIS-NIR and Mssbauer spectroscopy; micro- to nanoscale analyses included scanning and transmission electron microscopy and electron probe micro analysisWe report here XRD and VIS-NIR analyses of pre- and post-heated Murchison powders, and in a companion paper report results from multiple electron beam techniques

    Shot noise limited detection of OH using the technique of laser induced fluorescence

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    Nearly shot-noise limited detection of OH using the technique of laser-induced fluorescence is reported. A LIDAR configuration is used to excite fluorescence in a large volume and a narrow-bandwidth interference filter provides spectral discrimination. This arrangement alleviates the effect of ozone interference and facilitates image processing at relatively close distances. The detection limit is determined mainly by the shot-noise of the solar background. Ground-based measurements in Dearborn indicate a detection limit of better than 1 x 10 to the 6th power OH/cubic cm over a forty-minute acquisition period. Under favorable conditions, a comparable detection limit was also observed for airborne measurements

    Microwave Spectroscopy

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    Contains reports on seven research projects.United States Army Signal Corps (Contract DA36-039-sc-74895
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