2 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1-6. of Developmental disruption of amygdala transcriptome and socioemotional behavior in rats exposed to valproic acid prenatally

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    Table S1. Canonical RNA sequencing pathways differing from P10 to 21 in (A) both VPA and saline amygdala, (B) exclusively in saline amygdala, or (C) exclusively in VPA amygdala. Table S2. Canonical RNA sequencing pathways differing between saline and VPA amygdala at (A) P10 and (B) P21. Table S3. Canonical Proteomic Pathways differing between saline and VPA amygdala at P21. Table S4. Diseases and Functions RNA Sequencing Categories differing from P10 to 21 in (A) both VPA and saline amygdala, (B) exclusively in saline amygdala, or (C) exclusively in VPA amygdala both VPA and saline amygdala. Table S5. Diseases and functions RNA sequencing categories differing between saline and VPA amygdala at (A) P10 and (B) P21. Table S6. Diseases and functions proteomic categories differing between saline and VPA amygdala at P21. (DOCX 86 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Developmental disruption of amygdala transcriptome and socioemotional behavior in rats exposed to valproic acid prenatally

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    RNA sequencing pathways differentially altered across development between VPA and saline amygdala. Pathways with significant time (P10–21) by treatment (VPA/saline) effects are displayed. Treatment effects did not reach statistical significance after FDR multiple comparison correction, thus Ingenuity Pathway Analyses were run on genes with uncorrected p < 0.05 treatment effects at P10 (n = 542) and P21 (n = 406). Canonical pathways and diseases and functions categories with predicted activation or inhibition differences were broadly categorized into the following groups: cellular development and growth; nervous system development and function; immune system, cancer, disease; cell/organismal death; metabolism; and developmental, neurological, or psychological disorder. (PDF 59 kb