10,781 research outputs found
Detection of heavy charged Higgs bosons at future Linear Colliders via production
We show how a statistically significant signal of heavy charged Higgs bosons
of a Type II Two-Higgs Doublet (2HDM) Model produced in association with
tau-neutrino pairs can be established at future Linear Colliders (LCs)
in the jet decay channel for large in the
M_{H^\pm}\gsim \sqrt s/2 mass regionComment: 6 pages, latex, 3 figures; talk given at the International Workshop
on Linear Colliders (LCWS2002), Jeju Island, Korea, 26-30 August 2002; one
reference added and one correcte
Variations on a Higgs theme
We show how the boson can be generated in gluon-gluon fusion and yield
two photons, via , through massive fermion loops only,
thereby contributing events to a candidate Higgs sample in the di-photon
channel. A sub-leading contribution also exists from events. Assuming the Standard Model, the corresponding event
rates are negligible at the LHC stages of 7, 8 TeV, given the luminosities
collected therein (about 5 and 20 fb, respectively). Conversely, at 14
TeV, the first process become accessible for luminosities of order 300
fb. Finally, we show how additional fermion states entering such loops,
in production, in decay or in both cases, could affect the predictions in this
channel by curiously mimicking Higgs signals.Comment: 18 pages, 1 table, 4 figure
HERWIG: an event generator for Linear Colliders
I review all the new features of the HERWIG event generator which are
relevant to Linear Collider (LC) physics starting from version 6.1Comment: 9 pages, latex, 4 figures; talk given at the International Workshop
on Linear Colliders (LCWS2002), Jeju Island, Korea, 26-30 August 200
HERWIG: an event generator for MSSM processes
The HERWIG event generator was widely used throughout the workshop,
particularly in the emulation of Supersymmetric and Higgs processes in the
context of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. We briefly review here
its main features in this respectComment: 5 pages, no figures, talk given at the `Seventh Workshop on High
Energy Physics Phenomenology WHEPP-VII', Harish Chandra Research Institute,
Allahabad, India, 4-15 January 2002 (to be published by PRAMANA - Journal of
A simple symmetry as a guide toward new physics beyond the Standard Model
There exists one experimental result that cannot be explained by the Standard
Model (SM), the current theoretical framework for particle physics: non-zero
masses for the neutrinos (elementary particles travelling close to light speed,
electrically neutral and weakly interacting). The SM assumes that they are
massless. Therefore, particle physicists are now exploring new physics beyond
the SM. There is strong anticipation that we are about to unravel it, in the
form of new matter and/or forces, at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), presently
running at CERN. We discuss a minimal extension of the SM, based on a somewhat
larger version of its symmetry structure and particle content, that can
naturally explain the existence of neutrino masses while also predicting novel
signals accessible at the LHC, including a light Higgs boson, as evidenced by
current data.Comment: 5 pages: version to be published in Frontiers in High-Energy and
Astroparticle Physics following a change of title and minor changes to the
The Supersymmetric Standard Model with Inverse Seesaw at the Large Hadron Collider
We review the TeV scale extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric
Standard Model (BLSSM) where an inverse seesaw mechanism of light neutrino mass
generation is naturally implemented and concentrate on its hallmark
manifestations at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).Comment: 26 pages, 4 tables, 13 figures, to appear in Reports on Progress in
Heavy charged Higgs boson production at next generation colliders
We investigate the scope of all relevant production modes of charged Higgs
bosons in the MSSM, with mass larger than the one of the top quark, at future
Linear Colliders operating in mode at the TeV energy scale.
Final states with one or two bosons are considered, as produced by both
tree- and loop-level interactionsComment: 11 pages, latex, 6 figure
Searches for new particles at LEP: a summary report
We review the progress made at LEP in the quest for new particles.Comment: 10 pages, latex, 1 figure, summary talk given at `13th Convegno sulla
Fisica al LEP (LEPTRE 2001)', Rome, Italy, 18-20 April 200
Effects of jet algorithms from higher order QCD in mass determinations at LEP2
We analyse the impact of systematic effects due to the scale dependence of
QCD corrections in combination with the use of different jet clustering
algorithms in the measurement of the mass in the fully hadronic decay
mode of pairs produced at LEP2. We consider higher order contributions
induced by both virtual and real gluon radiation onto the electroweak CC03 and
CC11 channels through at the parton level. We find that
the associated uncertainties can be of order 100 MeV, thus competitive with
those possibly arising in the non-perturbative regime and indeed above the
current experimental estimates.Comment: 16 pages, latex, 4 figures, version to appear in EPJdirect
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