1,690 research outputs found

    Performance and requirements of GEO SAR systems in the presence of Radio Frequency Interferences

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    Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar (GEO SAR) is a possible next generation SAR system, which has the excellent performance of less than one-day revisit and hundreds of kilometres coverage. However, Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) is a serious problem, because the specified primary allocation frequencies are shared by the increasing number of microwave devices. More seriously, as the high orbit of GEO SAR makes the system have a very large imaging swath, the RFI signals all over the illuminated continent will interfere and deteriorate the GEO SAR signal. Aimed at the RFI impact in GEO SAR case, this paper focuses on the performance evaluation and the system design requirement of GEO SAR in the presence of RFI impact. Under the RFI impact, Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) and the required power are theoretically deduced both for the ground RFI and the bistatic scattering RFI cases. Based on the theoretical analysis, performance evaluations of the GEO SAR design examples in the presence of RFI are conducted. The results show that higher RFI intensity and lower working frequency will make the GEO SAR have a higher power requirement for compensating the RFI impact. Moreover, specular RFI bistatic scattering will give rise to the extremely serious impact on GEO SAR, which needs incredible power requirements for compensations. At last, real RFI signal behaviours and statistical analyses based on the SMOS satellite, Beidou-2 navigation satellite and Sentinel-1 A data have been given in the appendix


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    International audienceIntroduction (en anglais et français) au volume monographique de la revue RiLUn

    Recreational fishing on the West coast of the Northern Adriatic Sea (Western Mediterranean) and its possible ecological implications

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    The marine recreational fishing (MRF) represents one of the most popular activities along the coasts of numerous countries around the world, in particular in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite the evidences of potential effects on the marine biodiversity and commercially exploited stocks, a sound information base and adequate management plans are still lacking, both at the national and basin level. An analysis of the MRF on the West coasts of the Adriatic Sea was carried out, in 2014, by using a standardized questionnaires approach, aiming to describe the state of the art and to preliminarily assess catches, in comparison with the commercial ones, at the regional scale. Gilt-headed seabream, European seabass, cuttlefish, squid and Atlantic bluefin tuna resulted the anglers' preferred species, even if the top five in term of caught biomass were bluefin tuna, seabream, cuttlefish, common dolphinfish and little tunny, in the order (accounting up to 60% of total catches). The exploitation level resulted to be significant, as confirmed by the comparison with commercial fisheries, being the MRF captures 30% or 45% of the artisanal fishery in the same area, with some species, such as bluefish, bonito, pandora and picarel, showing larger values. The preliminary assessment of ecological effects, highlighted that the exploitation use about 10%-16% of energy fixed by the primary production (Primary Production Required to sustain fishery), but the ecosystem effects are still sustainable (Lindex and probability to be sustainable fished). However, combining catches by MRF with those by small scale fishery completely changes the situation, showing an unsustainable condition, suggesting the need for taking into the account also MRF in the future management planning for the Adriatic coastal area. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Influence of Start-up Management on the Residual Life of a Large Steam Turbine Shaft

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    The liberalization of electricity market in Europe led to a growing competition between energy producers, making crucial the ability to optimize the management strategies of power plants. Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPP) have to operate in a flexible way, with frequent and rapid variations of the power produced, in order to quickly adapt to the frequent changes in load imposed by the demand. Nowadays, they typically operate in cycling mode with daily start-up and shut-down. The components of the plant are subjected to great cyclical variations in temperature, which induce stresses on materials, especially during the start-up phases. The present activity concerns the assessment of life consumption -caused by these operations- on the rotor of the steam turbine of the CCPP (800 MW) inside the Tirreno Power thermal plant located in Vado Ligure, Italy. The aim is to draw a set of curves representing the percent life expended per cycle as a function of rate of steam temperature change and magnitude of the overall temperature increase. These curves are called Cyclic Life Expenditure curves (CLE). In the future, the developed methodology will be used to reduce the start-up times, keeping under control the life consumption of the rotor and optimizing the maneuvers that generate thermal transients

    Quality of life measures in Italian children with atopic dermatitis and their families

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The impact of atopic dermatitis (AD) on children's quality of life (QoL) in US and European countries is relatively well known, though rarely evaluated in the Italian population. Moreover, the association between child age and QoL has not been enough investigated, even though few studies detected a worse QoL in youngest AD children. The aim of the study was to evaluate the QoL in an Italian sample of atopic children and their families, also exploring a possible association with child age.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>60 AD children aged between 1-12 years and their mothers completed specific QoL questionnaires (IDQoL/CDLQI, DFI) and a clinician completed a measure of AD severity (SCORAD).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>AD severity (Objective SCORAD) significantly correlated with QoL measures. Severe AD children showed higher IDQoL/CDLQI and DFI scores compared to mild and moderate AD groups (<it>P </it>= 0.006 and <it>P </it>< 0.0005, respectively), but only DFI scores differed in these last two conditions (<it>P </it>= 0.014). DFI scores negatively correlated with children's age (<it>P </it>= 0.046), but did not differ when considering child age ranges. Multiple linear regression analyses revealed a significant association between Objective SCORAD and QoL measures.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A strong association between severe AD and poor QoL, both in children and mothers, was found in the Italian sample, in line with the international literature. Family's QoL scores were sensitively related to AD severity, more than the child's QoL, emphasising that the disease has a deep impact on the family. A significant association between age and QoL was only partially found and needs further investigation.</p

    Lockdown: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected the Fishing Activities in the Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean Sea)

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has brought a global socio-economic crisis to almost all sectors including the fishery. To limit the infection, governments adopted several containment measures. In Italy, Croatia, and Slovenia, a lockdown period was imposed from March to May 2020, during which many activities, including restaurants had to close or limit their business. All of this caused a strong reduction in seafood requests and consequently, a decrease in fishing activities. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of the COVID-19 in the Northern and Central Adriatic fleet, by comparing the fishing activities in three periods (before, during, and after the lockdown) of 2019 and 2020. The use of the Automatic Identification System(AIS) data allowed us to highlight the redistribution of the fishing grounds of the trawlers, mainly located near the coasts during the 2020 lockdown period, as well as a reduction of about 50% of fishing effort. This reduction resulted higher for the Chioggia trawlers (−80%) and, in terms of fishing effort decrease, the large bottom otter trawl was the fishing segment mainly affected by the COVID-19 event. Moreover, by analysing the landings of the Chioggia fleet and the Venice lagoon fleets, it was possible to point out a strong reduction both in landings and profits ranging from −30%, for the small-scale fishery operating at sea, to −85%, for the small bottom otter trawl

    CFD Analysis of Urban Canopy Flows Employing the V2F Model: Impact of Different Aspect Ratios and Relative Heights

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    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is currently used in the environmental field to simulate flow and dispersion of pollutants around buildings. However, the closure assumptions of the turbulence usually employed in CFD codes are not always physically based and adequate for all the flow regimes relating to practical applications. The starting point of this work is the performance assessment of the V2F (i.e., v2¯ − f) model implemented in Ansys Fluent for simulating the flow field in an idealized array of two-dimensional canyons. The V2F model has been used in the past to predict low-speed and wall-bounded flows, but it has never been used to simulate airflows in urban street canyons. The numerical results are validated against experimental data collected in the water channel and compared with other turbulence models incorporated in Ansys Fluent (i.e., variations of both k-Δ and k-ω models and the Reynolds stress model). The results show that the V2F model provides the best prediction of the flow field for two flow regimes commonly found in urban canopies. The V2F model is also employed to quantify the air-exchange rate (ACH) for a series of two-dimensional building arrangements, such as step-up and step-down configurations, having different aspect ratios and relative heights of the buildings. The results show a clear dependence of the ACH on the latter two parameters and highlight the role played by the turbulence in the exchange of air mass, particularly important for the step-down configurations, when the ventilation associated with the mean flow is generally poor

    Geosynchronous SAR for Terrain & atmosphere with short revisit (GeoSTARe)

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    Geo STA Re would be a mission combining the continuous view capabilities from geostationary orbits of super-continental areas with the all-day, all-weather imaging capabilities of Synthetic Aperture Radar. It would complement Copernicus Sentinel-1 bringing the repeat time from days down to hours. In that, it would provide novel and unique observations. The well proven potentials of Radar in sensing roughness, deformations, and moisture, combined with the short time to get any image, from minutes to an hour, and the immediate data download and exploitation (thanks to the geostationary orbit) makes GeoSTARe a game changer in those fields where hourly-to-daily monitoring is a must

    Noncoding RNAs in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Potential Applications in Combined Therapeutic Strategies and Promising Candidates of Treatment Response

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    The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is increasing, and 40% of patients are diagnosed at advanced stages. Over the past 5 years, the number of clinically available treatments has dramatically increased for HCC, making patient management particularly complex. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have improved the overall survival of patients, showing a durable treatment benefit over time and a different response pattern with respect to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). Although there is improved survival in responder cases, a sizeable group of patients are primary progressors or are ineligible for immunotherapy. Indeed, patients with nonviral etiologies, such as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and alterations in specific driver genes might be less responsive to immunotherapy. Therefore, improving the comprehension of mechanisms of drug resistance and identifying biomarkers that are informative of the best treatment approach are required actions to improve patient survival. Abundant evidence indicates that noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are pivotal players in cancer. Molecular mechanisms through which ncRNAs exert their effects in cancer progression and drug resistance have been widely investigated. Nevertheless, there are no studies summarizing the synergistic effect between ncRNA-based strategies and TKIs or ICIs in the preclinical setting. This review aims to provide up-to-date information regarding the possible use of ncRNAs as therapeutic targets in association with molecular-targeted agents and immunotherapies and as predictive tools for the selection of optimized treatment options in advanced HCCs

    Numerical and experimental analysis of the leaning Tower of Pisa under earthquake

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    Twenty years have passed from the most recent studies about the dynamic behavior of the leaning Tower of Pisa. Significant changes have occurred in the meantime, the most important ones concerning the soil-structure interaction. From 1999 to 2001, the foundation of the monument was consolidated through under-excavation, and the "Catino" at the basement was rigidly connected to the foundation. Moreover, in light of the recent advances in the field of earthquake engineering, past studies about the Tower must be revised. Therefore, the present research aims at providing new data and results about the structural response of the Tower under earthquake. As regards the experimental assessment of the Tower, the dynamic response of the structure recorded during some earthquakes has been analyzed in the time- and frequency-domain. An Array 2D test has been performed in the Square of Miracles to identify a soil profile suitable for site response analyses, thus allowing the definition of the free-field seismic inputs at the base of the Tower. On the other hand, a synthetic evaluation of the seismic input in terms of response spectra has been done by means of a hybrid approach that combines Probabilistic and Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment methods. Furthermore, natural accelerograms have been selected and scaled properly. A finite element model that takes into account the inclination of the structure has been elaborated, and it has been updated taking into account the available experimental results. Finally, current numerical and experimental efforts for enhancing the seismic characterization of the Tower have been illustrated
