27 research outputs found
Comunicação empresarial, inglês e tradução : um estudo do correio electrónico em empresas portuguesas de moldes para plásticos no quadro da gramática sistémico-funcional
Tese de doutoramento, Linguística (Linguística Inglesa), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2010No universo dos negócios e das indústrias de exportação em Portugal, a indústria de fabrico de moldes para plásticos estende-se à escala mundial, sendo os contactos e a troca de informação efectuados, maioritariamente, em língua inglesa e por correio electrónico.
Neste trabalho, a fim de se estudar a comunicação empresarial estabelecida nesta indústria e o papel nela atribuído à língua inglesa, analisou-se um corpus composto por e-mails autênticos, trocados entre dezanove empresas estrangeiras compradoras de moldes e doze fabricantes portugueses, localizados na Marinha Grande e em Oliveira de Azeméis.
Procedeu-se, em primeiro lugar, a uma análise da organização retórica, do grau de formalidade e da densidade terminológica da linguagem dos e-mails que constituem o corpus, pretendendo-se determinar o eventual grau de hibridismo do género, dado que, nesta indústria, os e-mails substituíram por completo as cartas comerciais.
Porque o nível de conhecimento da língua inglesa é inconstante dentro de algumas empresas aqui consideradas, é frequente proceder-se a traduções: são traduzidos para português textos ingleses antes de serem reenviados aos restantes trabalhadores; são traduzidos para inglês textos portugueses, antes de serem enviados a clientes. Esta prática de tradução é, por consequência, uma vertente deste estudo, onde, confrontando a mensagem nos textos de partida e de chegada, se investiga, particularmente, a expressão de relações interpessoais de poder, no sentido de constatar e tirar conclusões relativamente a eventuais alterações.
Reconhecendo-se que o ponto de partida para toda a produção dos textos estudados é o fabrico de moldes para plásticos, investigou-se, ainda, a origem e evolução da terminologia em uso nos textos trocados, procurando descobrir diferenças nas suas aplicações. Como base teórica para a obtenção de resultados, recorreu-se à Gramática Sistémico-Funcional, de M. A. K. Halliday, mais precisamente à teoria do registo e, na variável relações, à metafunção interpessoal, para além da metáfora gramatical. Comunicação empresarial; teoria do registo; metafunção interpessoal; metáfora gramatical; terminologia.In the universe of the export industries in Portugal, mouldmaking for plastics has reached a worldwide scale. As a result, making contacts and exchanging information are carried out, mainly, in English and by electronic mail.
This thesis aimed to study this industry‘s communicative practices and the role the English language plays in it, by analysing a corpus of authentic e-mails sent by nineteen foreign mould buyer companies to twelve Portuguese mould making companies, located in Marinha Grande and Oliveira de Azeméis.
The study began with an analysis of the rhetorical organization and the degree of formality and of terminological density of the language found in the e-mails, so as to determine the degree of hybridism of the genre, given that, in this industry, e-mails have replaced business letters.
Because the level of knowledge of the English language is uneven in some of these Portuguese companies, it is common to resort to translation: the received English texts are translated to Portuguese before being forwarded to the workers, and the texts in Portuguese are translated to English before being sent to clients. The practice of translation was, consequently, considered in this study, where the source and the target messages were confronted, in order to investigate eventual variations, particularly with regard to the expression of interpersonal power relations.
Because the point of departure to the production of all texts is the making of moulds for plastics, the origin and evolution of terminology in use was also examined in every e-mail exchange, both in English and Portuguese, in order to discover differences in its application. The theoretical basis applied to the study was M. A. K. Halliday‘s Systemic Functional Grammar, more specifically, register theory and, in the variable of tenor, interpersonal metafunction, and also grammatical metaphor. Business communication; register theory; interpersonal metafunction; grammar metaphor; terminology
Synthesis of new chemosensors for fluoride ion from dehydroamino acid derivatives
This work was funded by Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and FEDER through CQ-UM, CFUM, Project PTDC/QUI/81238/2006 and SFRH/BD/38766/2007 PhD grant of G.P
Linguagem, cultura e sociedade: abordagens linguísticas
Os artigos inseridos neste volume abrangem: um trabalho sobre o papel determinante
que o factor motivacional pode desempenhar no processo de aprendizagem de uma língua; uma análise de marcadores de controlo de contacto na língua portuguesa em contexto de reuniões empresariais; uma abordagem do uso de estrangeirismos em processos de comunicação relacionados com três campos
de actividade distintos; uma investigação sobre várias versões de traduções técnicas de inglês para português e as implicações decorrentes da sua falta de adaptação a diferentes realidades culturais e linguísticas; e, ainda, um estudo das dificuldades de compreensão do discurso científico e tecnológico enquanto factor de exclusão.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi
Application of gold nanoparticles as radiosensitizer for metastatic prostate cancer cell lines
More than 50% of all prostate cancer (PCa) patients are treated by radiotherapy (RT). Radioresistance and cancer recurrence are two consequences of the therapy and are related to dose heterogeneity and non-selectivity between normal and tumoral cells. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) could be used as potential radiosensitizers to overcome these therapeutic limitations of RT. This study assessed the biological interaction of different morphologies of AuNPs with ionizing radiation (IR) in PCa cells. To achieve that aim, three different amine-pegylated AuNPs were synthesized with distinct sizes and shapes (spherical, AuNPsp-PEG, star, AuNPst-PEG, and rods, AuNPr-PEG) and viability, injury and colony assays were used to analyze their biological effect on PCa cells (PC3, DU145, and LNCaP) when submitted to the accumulative fraction of RT. The combinatory effect of AuNPs with IR decreased cell viability and increased apoptosis compared to cells treated only with IR or untreated cells. Additionally, our results showed an increase in the sensitization enhancement ratio by cells treated with AuNPs and IR, and this effect is cell line dependent. Our findings support that the design of AuNPs modulated their cellular behavior and suggested that AuNPs could improve the RT efficacy in PCa cells.The author is grateful for the financial support of Foundation for Science and Technology
(grant reference: SFRH/BD/138271/2018).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Afinidade e diversidade de formas imaturas de anofelinos
As for the entire Amazon Region, malaria continues to be a major health public problem in Roraima that presented an Annual Parasitic Index of 85.4 in 2005, the highest in Brazil. Information on anopheline breeding sites is an essential component in malaria control strategies. Aiming to contribute to the limited knowledge on anopheline immature forms in Roraima, collections and breeding site observations were performed in 10 breeding sites around the capital city Boa Vista. Collections were carried out in the rainy and dry season periods between April 2004 and January 2005. Breeding sites comprised natural and artificial water reservoirs. A total of 623 immature forms were collected belonging to Anopheles albitarsis s.l., An.triannulatus s.l., An. nuneztovari/dunhami, An. braziliensis, An. evansae, An. oswaldoi s.l., An. strodei and An. darlingi. An. albitarsis and An. braziliensis were the most frequently found species. Eight larvae of An. darlingi were found in only one breeding site located in the forest. An. triannulatus/An. nuneztovari and An. albitarsis/An. braziliensis were the pairs of species that mostly occurred together. Both pair of species displayed the highest affinity index what might indicate a high compatibility for the same breeding conditions and/or a synergistic co-occurrence. Species diversity index was higher for the dry season.Como para toda a Amazônia, a malária representa um importante problema de saúde pública em Roraima. Roraima apresentou um índice parasitário anual de 85,4 em 2005, o maior do Brasil. O conhecimento dos criadouros de anofelinos constitui-se num componente primordial nas estratégias de controle da malária. No intuito de contribuir para o limitado conhecimento dos criadouros de anofelinos em Roraima, coleções de imaturos e observações dos criadouros foram realizadas no entorno da capital Boa Vista. As coletas foram feitas nas estações seca e chuvosa entre abril de 2004 e janeiro de 2005. Os criadouros observados foram reservatórios de água naturais e artificiais. Um total de 623 formas imaturas foram coletadas pertencentes às espécies An. albitarsis s.l., An.triannulatus s.l., An. nuneztovari/dunhami, An. braziliensis, An. evansae, An. oswaldoi s.l., An. strodei e An. darlingi. An. braziliensis e An. albitarsis foram as espécies mais freqüentemente encontradas. Oito larvas de An. darlingi foram encontradas em apenas um criadouro na floresta. An. triannulatus/An. nuneztovari e An. albitarsis/An. braziliensis foram os pares de espécies de maior co-ocorrência. Ambos pares de espécies apresentaram o maior índice de afinidade o que pode indicar compatibilidade para as mesmas condições prevalentes nos criadouros e/ou sinergismo. O índice de diversidade de espécies foi maior para a estação seca
Relevant information for the accountability of private institutions of social solidarity: results from fieldwork
The social economy (SE) has emerged as an interesting alternative for dealing with social problems. However, there are some concerns related to the abilities of these institutions regarding accountability. Thus, the present work aimed to determine if private social solidarity institutions (IPSS) are prepared to meet management requirements by increasing their accountability. In Portugal, IPSS are social economy organisations. Using an exploratory focus, we conducted qualitative research on 31 Portuguese IPSS. Interviews with those responsible for these entities took place between June and July 2019. The interviews were guided based on a semistructured script that was created based on a literature review. After content analysis, it was found that, in most of the institutions interviewed, the board does not use management tools, such as performance analysis, social impact assessments, strategic planning, and quality management systems, even though they recognise the importance of using them. This is due to the lack of access or knowledge about their use. In addition, the majority of the IPSS interviewed showed concern about the transparency and ethics of managers. Current strategic management practices are remarkably targeted at companies in the for-profit sector and can compromise the principles of investment in human and social issues.publishe
Accountability in the social economy: the case of private social solidarity institutions
Given the extreme importance of improving the accountability of private social solidarity institutions (IPSS), both for reasons of legal compliance and for reasons of improving legitimacy and notoriety among their stakeholders, in order to be accountable to them and in order to maintain their sustainability, this article aims to present a framework designed under a more comprehensive research project for the assessment of IPSS accountability, as well as the preliminary results of a pilot test of Portuguese IPSS. The framework was developed from a combination of methodologies that included a literature review, field work and a focus group, resulting in six dimensions with 76 indicators. For the pilot test, the data were collected by questionnaire for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020. The results of the pilot test, despite the limited number of entities, allowed the identification of some trends and indicators where entities show lower results and where they will have to focus to improve their accountability. Some possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic were also identified. Therefore, we believe that the framework designed answers the research question: how can we promote accountability (social, financial and economic) in the social economy sector, in particular in the case of IPSS?publishe
Can online transparency improve accountability? The case of portuguese private social solidarity institutions
The development of the non-profit sector (NPS) in Portugal has been gaining relevance in recent times, particularly in the form of institutions whose purpose is to broaden and increase the response to the needs of the most needy and socially vulnerable citizens. The financing of Portuguese non-profit sector entities is essentially made up of income from their activity, donations and public or governmental support. Therefore, these entities face increasing pressure from their funders, users and citizens in general for a greater dissemination of good practices regarding the social impact they have on the community; in particular, they are increasingly required to be transparent in their activities. The main objective of this study was to analyse the level of accountability and transparency of the private social solidarity institutions (IPSS) of the municipality of Porto. To this end, the websites of these institutions were analysed, using a qualitative and quantitative methodology, using the application of the transparency index Enhancement of an Accountability Guide for Learning E-Government. This analysis allowed us to verify that there are still a considerable number of entities that do not have an institutional website, and those that do, have a low level of transparency.publishe
Infeção Cutânea por Citomegalovírus em Doente com Infecção VIH/SIDA
Infection by cytomegalovirus has worldwide distribution with high prevalence in developing countries, where it reaches almost 100% of the population. Cutaneous manifestations are rare. Moreover, unspecific presentation of dermatological lesions may contribute to subdiagnosis of the disease. We report a case of a 24 years-old female patient, severely immunocompromised, with ulcerations on the skin with 4 months of evolution, diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection two months after the onset of lesions. In the third week of hospitalization she developed an acute cytomegalovirus retinitis, and despite initiation of anti-retroviral and anti- cytomegalovirus treatment initiation, she died after three months with an acute pericarditis.A infecção por citomegalovírus tem distribuição mundial com alta prevalência nos países subdesenvolvidos, onde atinge quase 100% da população. As manifestações cutâneas são raras. A apresentação inespecífica das mesmas pode contribuir para o subdiagnóstico da doença. Relatamos o caso clínico de uma doente de 24 anos, gravemente imunodeprimida, com ulcerações na pele com quatro meses de evolução, e diagnóstico de infecção por vírus de imunodeficiência humana tipo 1 dois meses após o início das lesões. Na terceira semana de internamento desenvolveu uma retinite aguda por citomegalovírus e, embora tenha iniciado tratamento antirretrovírico e depois ganciclovir acabou por falecer após três meses por pericardite aguda
Effects of dietary levels of L-glutamic acid and vitamin K in the activity of a-amylase of chicks
The effects of two levels of L-glutamic acid (L-Glu) combined with four levels of vitamin K (Vit K) were studied with the objective of evaluating the activities of a-amylase in the chyme and pancreas of chicks. Day-old male broilers were reared in eletrically heated batteries, fed with purified amino acids diets, minerals and vitamins (except Vit K) at the requirement levels, for 14 days. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. The experimental design was a factorial 2x4 with four replicates with eight chicks each The experimental diet was supplemented with 6.25 and 12.5% of L-Glu combined with .02; .2; 20; 200 mg Vit K/kg diet. Effects of L-Glu and Vit K were observed in the chyme with maximum specific activity (1,005.78±245.25 IU/g tissue) observed in chicks fed with 6.25% of L-Glu and 20 mg of Vit K. Reduction in activity was observed with 12.5% L-Glu. In pancreas, there was no significant interaction between L-Glu and Vit K for a-amylase activity, but significant effect of L-Glu was observed (IU/g tissue and IU/100 g body weight). Results suggest that a-amylase activity is affected by an association between L-Glu and Vit K in chickens fed purified diets. In general, 12.5% L-Glu regardless of Vit K levels led to reduction in a-amylase activity.Foram investigados os efeitos nutricionais de dois níveis de ácido L-glutâmico (L-Glu) combinados com quatro níveis de vitamina K (Vit K) sobre a atividade de a-amilase no quimo e pâncreas de aves de corte. Frangos de corte machos de um dia foram criados em baterias aquecidas e alimentados, à vontade, com dietas contendo todos L-aminoácidos essenciais, minerais e vitaminas (exceto Vit K) até os 14 dias de idade. O experimento foi realizado em esquema fatorial, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado 2x4, com quatro repetições de oito aves cada. A dieta básica foi suplementada com 6,25 e 12,5% de L-Glu combinados com 0,02; 0,2; 20,0 e 200,0 mg de Vit K/kg de ração. Efeitos significativos de L-Glu e Vit K foram observados no quimo. A atividade específica máxima (1.005,78±245,25 UI/mg de proteína) foi observada nas aves alimentadas com 6,25% de L-Glu e 20,0 mg de Vit K. Houve redução da atividade com a suplementação de 12,5% de L-Glu. No pâncreas, não houve interação entre L-Glu e Vit K, todavia, foi observado efeito de L-Glu sobre as atividades relativas, expressas em UI/g de tecido e UI/100 g de peso corporal. Os resultados sugerem que a associação entre L-Glu e Vit K interfere na atividade enzimática de a-amilase em aves de corte submetidas a dietas purificadas. Os resultados indicam que o nível de 12,5% de L-Glu associado aos diferentes níveis de vitamina K reduziu a atividade enzimática