3,650 research outputs found
D Pi scattering and D meson resonances from lattice QCD
The masses and widths of the broad scalar D_0^*(2400) and the axial D_1(2430)
charmed-light resonances are extracted by simulating the corresponding D Pi and
D* Pi scattering on the lattice. The resonance parameters are obtained using a
Breit-Wigner fit of the elastic phase shifts. The resulting D_0^*(2400) mass is
351+/-21 MeV above the spin-average 1/4(m_D+3m_{D*}), in agreement with the
experimental value of 347+/-29 MeV above. The resulting D_0^* to D Pi coupling
g^{lat}=2.55+/-0.21 GeV is close to the experimental value g^{exp}<=1.92+/-0.14
GeV, where g parametrizes the width . The resonance
parameters for the broad D_1(2430) are also found close to the experimental
values; these are obtained by appealing to the heavy quark limit, where the
neighboring resonance D_1(2420) is narrow. The calculated I=1/2 scattering
lengths are a_0=0.81+/-0.14 fm for D Pi and a_0=0.81+/-0.17 fm for D* Pi
scattering. The simulation of the scattering in these channels incorporates
quark-antiquark as well as multi-hadron interpolators, and the distillation
method is used for contractions. In addition, the ground and several excited
charm-light and charmonium states with various J^P are calculated using
standard quark-antiquark interpolators. Our simulations are done in lattice QCD
with two-dynamical light quarks at a mass corresponding to m_\pi\approx 266
MeV.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures; published version; pole positions for the
scalar and axial D-meson resnances are given in "Note added" (after the
Summary section
Nonlinear stability and control study of highly maneuverable high performance aircraft
The purpose was to develop and apply new nonlinear system methodologies to the stability analysis and adaptive control of high angle of attack (alpha) aircraft such as the F-18. Considerable progress is documented on nonlinear adaptive control and associated model development, identification, and simulation. The analysis considered linear and nonlinear, longitudinal, high alpha aircraft dynamics with varying degrees of approximation dependent on the purpose. In all cases, angle of attack or pitch rate was controlled primarily by a horizontal stabilizer. In most cases studied, a linear adaptive controller provided sufficient stability. However, it has been demonstrated by simulation of a simplified nonlinear model that certain large rapid maneuvers were not readily stabilized by the investigated linear adaptive control, but were controlled instead by means of a nonlinear time-series based adaptive control
Nonlinear stability and control study of highly maneuverable high performance aircraft
This project is intended to research and develop new nonlinear methodologies for the control and stability analysis of high-performance, high angle-of-attack aircraft such as HARV (F18). Past research (reported in our Phase 1, 2, and 3 progress reports) is summarized and more details of final Phase 3 research is provided. While research emphasis is on nonlinear control, other tasks such as associated model development, system identification, stability analysis, and simulation are performed in some detail as well. An overview of various models that were investigated for different purposes such as an approximate model reference for control adaptation, as well as another model for accurate rigid-body longitudinal motion is provided. Only a very cursory analysis was made relative to type 8 (flexible body dynamics). Standard nonlinear longitudinal airframe dynamics (type 7) with the available modified F18 stability derivatives, thrust vectoring, actuator dynamics, and control constraints are utilized for simulated flight evaluation of derived controller performance in all cases studied
Nonlinear stability and control study of highly maneuverable high performance aircraft, phase 2
This research should lead to the development of new nonlinear methodologies for the adaptive control and stability analysis of high angle-of-attack aircraft such as the F18 (HARV). The emphasis has been on nonlinear adaptive control, but associated model development, system identification, stability analysis and simulation is performed in some detail as well. Various models under investigation for different purposes are summarized in tabular form. Models and simulation for the longitudinal dynamics have been developed for all types except the nonlinear ordinary differential equation model. Briefly, studies completed indicate that nonlinear adaptive control can outperform linear adaptive control for rapid maneuvers with large changes in alpha. The transient responses are compared where the desired alpha varies from 5 degrees to 60 degrees to 30 degrees and back to 5 degrees in all about 16 sec. Here, the horizontal stabilator is the only control used with an assumed first-order linear actuator with a 1/30 sec time constant
Bad News for Boys–An Environmental Cause?
Automatically harvested by the SBTS Archives on 2010-10-0
Homosexuality and the Bible: Telling the Truth
Automatically harvested by the SBTS Archives on 2010-10-0
The Christian Worldview as Master Narrative: Sin and its Consequences
Automatically harvested by the SBTS Archives on 2011-01-0
The Mythology of Star Wars: The Faith versus the Force
Automatically harvested by the SBTS Archives on 2010-10-0
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