2,959 research outputs found

    Authentication Based on Texture Analysis And SVM Classification

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    This paper presents for identification and here used a fusion mechanism that amalgamates both, a Canny Edge detection and a Circular Hough Transform to detect the iris boundaries in the eye’s digital image. We then applied the Gabor Wavelet filter instead of using 1D Log-Gabor filter in order to exact the deterministic patterns in a person’s iris in the form of a feature vector. By comparing the quantized vectors using the Hamming Distance operator, we determine finally and for classification used Support vector Machine

    An Integrated Framework for Infectious Disease Control Using Mathematical Modeling and Deep Learning.

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    Infectious diseases are a major global public health concern. Precise modeling and prediction methods are essential to develop effective strategies for disease control. However, data imbalance and the presence of noise and intensity inhomogeneity make disease detection more challenging. Goal: In this article, a novel infectious disease pattern prediction system is proposed by integrating deterministic and stochastic model benefits with the benefits of the deep learning model. Results: The combined benefits yield improvement in the performance of solution prediction. Moreover, the objective is also to investigate the influence of time delay on infection rates and rates associated with vaccination. Conclusions: In this proposed framework, at first, the global stability at disease free equilibrium is effectively analysed using Routh-Haurwitz criteria and Lyapunov method, and the endemic equilibrium is analysed using non-linear Volterra integral equations in the infectious disease model. Unlike the existing model, emphasis is given to suggesting a model that is capable of investigating stability while considering the effect of vaccination and migration rate. Next, the influence of vaccination on the rate of infection is effectively predicted using an efficient deep learning model by employing the long-term dependencies in sequential data. Thus making the prediction more accurate

    Bridging the Gap of Skilled Surgeons in Low and Middle Income Countries Using ICT Based Tools : A Case Study in Super-Speciality Training

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    Introduction: Over the last two decades, advancement of super specialised surgical disciplines has shown improved health outcome, in particular quality and safety. Although medical technology has developed to meet diagnostics and therapeutic needs, there is a scarcity of trained human resources in advanced specialities in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Innovative methods are needed to educate and train people at their workplaces using collaborative technologies and networks. Methods: Over the last 15 years, two general surgeons in Cuttack have been telementored from Lucknow 1,163 km away, using collaborative technologies to develop Endocrine Surgery. This study reviews the last 11 years of the service which includes a clinical decision support system and treatment planning advice using real time videoconferencing. Results: Over the last 11 years, 199 endocrine surgeries per annum were performed with most being thyroid cases as compared with 119 surgeries per annum during the previous five years. Parathyroid and adrenal cases increased significantly during this period (p <0.001). Rates of temporary and permanent vocal cord palsy (1.7% and 0%), hypocalcaemia (5.9% and 1.1%) were comparable with high volume centres. Based on the quantum, safety and quality outcome of endocrine surgery the provincial government has approved creation of a super-speciality department of endocrine surgery in Cuttack. Conclusion: Sustained engagement using telementoring can transfer surgical skills to needy surgeons and enable them to match the expertise of mentors. This model can be replicated in other specialities in a cost effective way to develop specialised human resources for healthcare, in particular in LMICs


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      Objective: Cartap hydrochloride poisoning is an uncommon poisoning encountered in India. The aim of this study was to assess the characteristics, severity, management, and outcome of patients with Cartap poisoning, treated with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in intensive care unit (ICU) of a tertiary referral hospital.Methods: This is a retrospective study where 11 cases of Cartap poisoning admitted to hospital ICU between 2011 and 2016 were identified from the case records. The demographic data, mode of ingestion, time to treat, ingested dose and severity of poisoning, presenting features, duration of mechanical ventilation (MV), dose of NAC used, complications, and outcome were noted.Results: Patients were scored as moderate or severe cases of poisoning. Severe cases consumed >10 g, underwent gastric lavage > 4 hrs, and took Cartap concomitantly with alcohol or in empty stomach. Duration of MV varied from 68-94 hrs in severe cases and 12-48 hrs in moderate cases. Average dose of NAC in severe case was 11.19 g and moderate case was 8.89 g. The most common presenting symptoms were vomiting, altered sensorium, and breathlessness. Severe cases had more complications, and the most common complication was hypotension followed by seizures. Survival was 100%.Conclusion: 50% of Cartap poisoning cases had good survival outcome. Severity of poisoning depends on amount of Cartap ingested, time taken for gastric lavage, and concomitant administration of alcohol. Duration of MV and dose of NAC and complications encountered correlates with the severity of poisoning

    Population Aging in India: Facts, Issues, and Options

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    India, one of the world's two population superpowers, is undergoing unprecedented demographic changes. Increasing longevity and falling fertility have resulted in a dramatic increase in the population of adults aged 60 and up, in both absolute and relative terms. This change presents wide-ranging and complex health, social, and economic challenges, both current and future, to which this diverse and heterogeneous country must rapidly adapt. This chapter first lays out the context, scope, and magnitude of India's demographic changes. It then details the major challenges these shifts pose in the interconnected areas of health, especially the massive challenges of a growing burden of noncommunicable diseases; gender, particularly the needs and vulnerabilities of an increasingly female older adult population; and income security. This chapter also presents an overview of India's recent and ongoing initiatives to adapt to population aging and provide support to older adults and their families. It concludes with policy recommendations that may serve as a productive next step forward, keeping in mind the need for urgent and timely action on the part of government, private companies, researchers, and general population

    Use of Matrix-Pencil Method for Efficient Islanding Detection in Static DG and a Parallel Comparison With DWT Method

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    Islanding or nonislanding events in grid-connected distributed generation bring along a typical distinguishable transient signature in its frequency profile. This demarcation leads to the development of a new islanding protection approach, which is based on the estimation of frequency waveform parameter (transient\u27s frequency) by Matrix pencil (MP) method. To demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed MP method, four critical scenarios are considered in this paper for covering all possible disturbance events. These events are also compared along with a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) based islanding detection method in simulations as well as in RT-LAB-based real-time environment. It is noteworthy to mention that the proposed MP method has been found to have a positive edge over the DWT-based method in terms of robustness and chances of misidentification

    Two Distributed Algorithms for E-ticket Validation Protocols for Mobile Clients

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    The e-ticket (electronic ticket) validation problem has relevance in mobile computing environment because of the multiple submission of a ticket that is possible due to intermittent disconnections and mobility of hosts. Here, we propose protocols that are not only sensitive to disconnection but also to location. One of the proposed protocols is the variant of the distributed protocol proposed by Pedone (2000) for Internet users. This shows that a distributed protocol for static network can be restructured for distributed computation in a mobile computing environment. We have also proposed another protocol that uses a hierarchical location database of mobile hosts (Pitoura and Samaras, 2001)

    Role of Remittances on Households’ Expenditure Pattern in India

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    Using the unit data from the National Sample Survey (64th round, 2007-08), this paper examine the effect of remittances on the marginal spending behavior of households in India. Majority of the households reported that they spent remittances on food items, clothing bedding and foot wears, healthcare and educating the household members and on durable goods etc. The share of expenditure on difference heads with respect to receipts of remittance, however, suggests that households receiving remittances spend 2 per cent less at the margin on food articles compared to households those who do not receive remittances. Further, households receiving remittances spend more at the margin on education (12 per cent), clothing and bedding & foot wears (1.5 per cent) and durable consumer goods (6 per cent), compared to those who do not receive any remittance. These findings support the theoretical argument that remittances help to increase the level of investment in human and physical capital and play an important role in raising the standard of living of the households

    Understanding the cataract treatment disparities among older adults in India

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    BackgroundCataract is a leading cause of global blindness, affecting around 33% of blind individuals worldwide. It significantly impacts individuals’ well-being, independence, and quality of life, posing a substantial economic burden. India’s rapidly ageing population necessitates an examination of cataract prevalence and treatment disparities. No attempts have been made to address socioeconomic variation in treatment disparities of effective cataract treatment coverage among older adults in India.Data and methodThis study utilises data from the Longitudinal Ageing Study of India (LASI) conducted in 2017–18, that covered, 73,396 individuals aged 45 and above. Logistic regression, univariate, and bivariate analyses were employed to understand the variation of cataract and their associations with various demographic factors. Visual acuity tests and self-reported cataract data were used.ResultsThe prevalence of cataract among older adults in India was 14.25%, with higher rates among females and the older adult. Socioeconomic disparities werelarge, with lower prevalence among those with higher education and urban residence. Despite the effectiveness of cataract surgery, disparities in treatment access and effective coverage persisted. Approximately 27.52% of older adults did not receive cataract treatment, and those who received out of them 28% did not receive effective treatment. The effective treatment was lower among female, less educated, and poor.ConclusionCataract remains a significant public health concern in India, particularly among older adults. The study highlights the importance of addressing socioeconomic disparities in cataract treatment access and quality of care. Targeted interventions are needed to bridge these gaps, ultimately improving visual health outcomes and well-being among older adults in India
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