215 research outputs found
Dynamics of the (spin-) Hall effect in topological insulators and graphene
A single two-dimensional Dirac cone with a mass gap produces a quantized
(spin-) Hall step in the absence of magnetic field. What happens in strong
electric fields? This question is investigated by analyzing time evolution and
dynamics of the (spin-) Hall effect. After switching on a longitudinal electric
field, a stationary Hall current is reached through damped oscillations. The
Hall conductivity remains quantized as long as the electric field (E) is too
weak to induce Landau-Zener transitions, but quantization breaks down for
strong fields and the conductivity decreases as 1/sqrt{E}. These apply to the
(spin-) Hall conductivity of graphene and the Hall and magnetoelectric response
of topological insulators.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Control of effective free energy landscape in a frustrated magnet by a field pulse
Thermal fluctuations can lift the degeneracy of a ground state manifold,
producing a free energy landscape without accidentally degenerate minima. In a
process known as order by disorder, a subset of states incorporating
symmetry-breaking may be selected. Here, we show that such a free energy
landscape can be controlled in a non-equilibrium setting as the slow motion
within the ground state manifold is governed by the fast modes out of it. For
the paradigmatic case of the classical pyrochlore XY antiferromagnet, we show
that a uniform magnetic field pulse can excite these fast modes to generate a
tunable effective free energy landscape with minima at thermodynamically
unstable portions of the ground state manifold.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; minor revision
Out-of-time-ordered density correlators in Luttinger liquids
Information scrambling and the butterfly effect in chaotic quantum systems
can be diagnosed by out-of-time-ordered (OTO) commutators through an
exponential growth and large late time value. We show that the latter feature
shows up in a strongly correlated many-body system, a Luttinger liquid, whose
density fluctuations we study at long and short wavelengths, both in
equilibrium and after a quantum quench. We find rich behaviour combining
robustly universal and non-universal features. The OTO commutators display
temperature and initial state independent behaviour, and grow as for
short times. For the short wavelength density operator, they reach a sizeable
value after the light cone only in an interacting Luttinger liquid, where the
bare excitations break up into collective modes. We benchmark our findings
numerically on an interacting spinless fermion model in 1D, and find
persistence of central features even in the non-integrable case. As a
non-universal feature, the short time growth exhibits a distance dependent
power.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure
The fate of a discrete time crystal in an open system
Following the recent realisation that periodically driven quantum matter can
support new types of spatiotemporal order, now known as discrete time crystals
(DTCs), we consider the stability of this phenomenon. Motivated by its
conceptual importance as well as its experimental relevance we consider the
effect of coupling to an external environment. We use this to argue, both
analytically and numerically, that the DTC in disordered one-dimensional
systems is destroyed at long times by any such natural coupling. This holds
true even in the case where the coupling is such that the system is prevented
from heating up by an external thermal bath
Disordered flat bands on the kagome lattice
We study two models of correlated bond- and site-disorder on the kagome
lattice considering both translationally invariant and completely disordered
systems. The models are shown to exhibit a perfectly flat ground state band in
the presence of disorder for which we provide exact analytic solutions. Whereas
in one model the flat band remains gapped and touches the dispersive band, the
other model has a finite gap, demonstrating that the band touching is not
protected by topology alone. Our model also displays fully saturated
ferromagnetic groundstates in the presence of repulsive interactions, an
example of disordered flat band ferromagnetism.Comment: 7+3 pages, 4+2 figures, accepted versio
The Coulomb potential V(r)=1/r and other radial problems on the Bethe lattice
We study the problem of a particle hopping on the Bethe lattice in the
presence of a Coulomb potential. We obtain an exact solution to the particle's
Green's function along with the full energy spectrum. In addition, we present a
mapping of a generalized radial potential problem defined on the Bethe lattice
to an infinite number of one dimensional problems that are easily accessible
numerically. The latter method is particularly useful when the problem admits
no analytical solution.Comment: 5 pages + reference
Non-equilibrium dynamics in Bose-Hubbard ladders
Motivated by a recent experiment on the non-equilibrium dynamics of
interacting bosons in ladder-shaped optical lattices, we report exact
calculations on the sweep dynamics of Bose-Hubbard systems in finite two-leg
ladders. The sweep changes the energy bias between the legs linearly over a
finite time. As in the experiment, we study the cases of [a] the bosons
initially all in the lower-energy leg (ground state sweep) and [b] the bosons
initially all in the higher-energy leg (inverse sweep). The approach to
adiabaticity in the inverse sweep is intricate, as the transfer of bosons is
non-monotonic as a function of both sweep time and intra-leg tunnel coupling.
Our exact study provides explanations for these non-monotonicities based on
features of the full spectrum, without appealing to concepts (e.g., gapless
excitation spectrum) that are more appropriate for the thermodynamic limit. We
also demonstrate and study Stueckelberg oscillations in the finite-size
ladders.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure
Persistence of the flat band in a kagome magnet with dipolar interactions
The weathervane modes of the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the
kagome lattice constitute possibly the earliest and certainly the most
celebrated example of a flat band of zero-energy excitations. Such modes arise
from the underconstraint that has since become a defining criterion of strong
geometrical frustration. We investigate the fate of this flat band when dipolar
interactions are added. These change the nearest-neighbour model fundamentally
as they remove the Heisenberg spin-rotational symmetry while also introducing a
long- range component to the interaction. We explain how the modes continue to
remain approximately dispersionless, while being lifted to finite energy as
well as being squeezed: they change their ellipticity described by the ratio of
the amplitudes of the canonically conjugate variables comprising them. This
phenomenon provides interesting connections between concepts such as constraint
counting and self-screening underpinning the field of frustrated magnetism. We
discuss variants of these phenomena for different interactions, lattices and
dimension.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure
Onset of Floquet Thermalisation
In presence of interactions, a closed, homogeneous (disorder-free) many-body
system is believed to generically heat up to an `infinite temperature' ensemble
when subjected to a periodic drive: in the spirit of the ergodicity hypothesis
underpinning statistical mechanics, this happens as no energy or other
conservation law prevents this. Here we present an interacting Ising chain
driven by a field of time-dependent strength, where such heating onsets only
below a threshold value of the drive amplitude, above which the system exhibits
non-ergodic behaviour. The onset appears at {\it strong, but not fast} driving.
This in particular puts it beyond the scope of high-frequency expansions. The
onset location shifts, but it is robustly present, across wide variations of
the model Hamiltonian such as driving frequency and protocol, as well as the
initial state. The portion of nonergodic states in the Floquet spectrum, while
thermodynamically subdominant, has a finite entropy. We find that the
magnetisation as an {\it emergent} conserved quantity underpinning the
freezing; indeed the freezing effect is readily observed, as initially
magnetised states remain partially frozen {\it up to infinite time}. This
result, which bears a family resemblance to the Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theorem
for classical dynamical systems, could be a valuable ingredient for extending
Floquet engineering to the interacting realm.Comment: 10 pages, including Supplemental Materia
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