33,670 research outputs found

    Pragmatic particles and information structure in colloquial Indonesian dialogue

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    Theory of Pairing Assisted Spin Polarization in Spin-Triplet Equal Spin Pairing: Origin of Extra Magnetization in Sr_2RuO_4 in Superconducting State

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    It is shown that an extra magnetization is induced by an onset of the equal-spin-pairing of spin triplet superconductivity if the energy dependence of the density of states of quasiparticles exists in the normal state. It turns out that the effect is observable in Sr_2RuO_4 due to the existence of van Hove singularity in the density of states near the Fermi level, explaining the extra contribution in the Knight shift reported by Ishida et al. It is also quite non-trivial that this effect exists even without external magnetic field, which implies that the time reversal symmetry is spontaneously broken in the spin space.Comment: published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. online on April 10, 2014; free access for one mont

    Ab-initio procedure for effective models of correlated materials with entangled band structure

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    We present a first-principles method for deriving effective low-energy models of electrons in solids having entangled band structure. The procedure starts with dividing the Hilbert space into two subspaces, the low-energy part ("dd space'') and the rest of the space ("rr space''). The low-energy model is constructed for the dd space by eliminating the degrees of freedom of the rr space. The thus derived model contains the strength of electron correlation expressed by a partially screened Coulomb interaction, calculated in the constrained random-phase-approximation (cRPA) where screening channels within the dd space, PdP_d, are subtracted. One conceptual problem of this established downfolding method is that for entangled bands it is not clear how to cut out the dd space and how to distinguish PdP_d from the total polarization. Here, we propose a simple procedure to overcome this difficulty. In our scheme, the dd subspace is cut out from the Hilbert space of the Kohn Sham eigenfunctions with the help of a procedure to construct a localized Wannier basis. The rr subspace is constructed as the complementary space orthogonal to the dd subspace. After this disentanglement, PdP_d becomes well defined. Using the disentangled bands, the effective parameters are uniquely determined in the cRPA. The method is successfully applied to 3dd transition metals.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Micro mixer with fast diffusion

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    A concept for micromixing of liquid is introduced, and its feasibility is demonstrated. The mixer allows fast mixing of small amounts of two liquids and is applicable to microliquid handling systems. The mixer has a channel for the liquid, an inlet port for the reagent, a 2.2-mm×2-mm×330-μm mixing area, and 400 micronozzles (15 μm×15 μm) through with a reagent is injected into the sample liquid. The resulting microplumes greatly increase the contact surface between the two liquids and hasten the speed of the mixing by diffusion. The fabrication process is extremely simple. The mixing is complete within a few seconds; a homogeneous state of mixing is reached in 1.2 s when the total volume injected is 0.5 μl and the injection flow rate is 0.75 μl/

    The information structure of Javanese narratives

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