29 research outputs found
Recollement and Tilting Complexes
First, we study recollement of a derived category of unbounded complexes of
modules induced by a partial tilting complex. Second, we give equivalent
conditions for P^{centerdot} to be a recollement tilting complex, that is, a
tilting complex which induces an equivalence between recollements
\{\cat{D}_{A/AeA}(A), \cat{D}(A), \cat{D}(eAe)} and \{\cat{D}_{B/BfB}(B),
\cat{D}(B), \cat{D}(fBf)}, where e, f are idempotents of A, B, respectively.
In this case, there is an unbounded bimodule complex
which induces an equivalence between
\cat{D}_{A/AeA}(A) and \cat{D}_{B/BfB}(B). Third, we apply the above to a
symmetric algebra A. We show that a partial tilting complex
for A of length 2 extends to a tilting complex, and that is a
tilting complex if and only if the number of indecomposable types of
is one of A. Finally, we show that for an idempotent e of A, a
tilting complex for eAe extends to a recollement tilting complex for A, and
that its standard equivalence induces an equivalence between \cat{Mod}A/AeA
and \cat{Mod}B/BfB.Comment: 24 page
Extensions of rings and tilting complexes
AbstractWe give conditions that extensions of rings make tilting complexes. Moreover, we show that Frobenius extensions are invariant under derived equivalences which are induced by these tilting complexes
Adaptability and selectivity of human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) pan agonists revealed from crystal structures
The structures of the ligand-binding domains (LBDs) of human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARα, PPARγ and PPARδ) in complexes with a pan agonist, an α/δ dual agonist and a PPARδ-specific agonist were determined. The results explain how each ligand is recognized by the PPAR LBDs at an atomic level