3,777 research outputs found
New exact results on density matrix for XXX spin chain
Using the fermionic basis we obtain the expectation values of all
\slt-invariant and -invariant local operators on 10 sites for the
anisotropic six-vertex model on a cylinder with generic Matsubara data. This is
equivalent to the generalised Gibbs ensemble for the XXX spin chain. In the
case when the \slt and symmetries are not broken this computation is
equivalent to finding the entire density matrix up to 10 sites. As application,
we compute the entanglement entropy without and with temperature, and compare
the results with CFT predictions.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure
Finite type modules and Bethe Ansatz for quantum toroidal gl(1)
We study highest weight representations of the Borel subalgebra of the
quantum toroidal gl(1) algebra with finite-dimensional weight spaces. In
particular, we develop the q-character theory for such modules. We introduce
and study the subcategory of `finite type' modules. By definition, a module
over the Borel subalgebra is finite type if the Cartan like current \psi^+(z)
has a finite number of eigenvalues, even though the module itself can be
infinite dimensional.
We use our results to diagonalize the transfer matrix T_{V,W}(u;p) analogous
to those of the six vertex model. In our setting T_{V,W}(u;p) acts in a tensor
product W of Fock spaces and V is a highest weight module over the Borel
subalgebra of quantum toroidal gl(1) with finite-dimensional weight spaces.
Namely we show that for a special choice of finite type modules the
corresponding transfer matrices, Q(u;p) and T(u;p), are polynomials in u and
satisfy a two-term TQ relation. We use this relation to prove the Bethe Ansatz
equation for the zeroes of the eigenvalues of Q(u;p). Then we show that the
eigenvalues of T_{V,W}(u;p) are given by an appropriate substitution of
eigenvalues of Q(u;p) into the q-character of V.Comment: Latex 42 page
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