42 research outputs found

    Transbordamento da Nova Pandemia de Covid-19 no Turismo De Punjab

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    The paper purposes to describe the spread of Covid-19 in Punjab, pre Covid-19 period, its effects on Punjab Tourism, and also put forwards a set of recovery measures for tourism sector. The data used is secondary in nature, collected from news broadcasted by several media outlets, various journals, newspapers, articles and official website of Punjab Tourism, Ministry of Tourism, WHO.  The study investigated that the outbreak of the global pandemic Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease -2019) pandemic is an unprecedented shock to the state’s tourism industry. The Punjab Tourism was in a prospering state before Covid-19 struck. With the prolonged country-wide lockdown, global economic downturn and associated disruption of movement of tourists, the Punjab tourism industry is facing an extended period of decline.  The study indicates the effects of Covid-19 in Punjab Tourism and also extends the preventive measures to tackle the pandemic. Although, the length of the impact will depend upon the duration and gravity of the health crisis, the duration of the lockdown and the manner in which the situation unfolds once the lockdown is lifted yet the situation can be tackled by adopting the suggestive recovery measures.  Key words: COVID-19 Pandemic; Punjab Tourism; Tourists Arrival; Spill Over; Recovery Measures.El objetivo de este artículo es describir la propagación de Covid-19 en Punjab, el periodo anterior a Covid-19, sus efectos en el turismo de Punjab y también proponer una serie de medidas de recuperación para el sector turístico. Los datos utilizados son de carácter secundario, recogidos de las noticias emitidas por varios medios de comunicación, varias revistas, periódicos, artículos y el sitio web oficial de Punjab Tourism, el Ministerio de Turismo y la OMS.  El estudio investigó que el estallido de la pandemia mundial Covid-19 (Enfermedad del Virus de la Corona -2019) es una conmoción sin precedentes para la industria turística del estado. El turismo de Punjab se encontraba en un estado próspero antes de que se produjera la Covid-19. Con el prolongado cierre del país, la recesión económica mundial y la consiguiente interrupción del movimiento de turistas, la industria turística del Punjab se enfrenta a un prolongado periodo de declive.  El estudio indica los efectos de Covid-19 en el turismo de Punjab y también amplía las medidas preventivas para hacer frente a la pandemia. Aunque la duración del impacto dependerá de la duración y la gravedad de la crisis sanitaria, de la duración del cierre y de la forma en que se desarrolle la situación una vez que se levante el cierre, la situación puede afrontarse adoptando las sugerentes medidas de recuperación. Palabras clave: Pandemia de COVID-19; Turismo en Punjab; Llegada de turistas; Desbordamiento; Medidas de recuperaciónO documento tem o objetivo de descrever a disseminação do Covid-19 no Punjab, período pré-Covid-19, seus efeitos sobre o Turismo do Punjab, e também apresentar um conjunto de medidas de recuperação para o setor turístico. Os dados utilizados são de natureza secundária, coletados de notícias transmitidas por diversos meios de comunicação, vários jornais, jornais, artigos e site oficial do Punjab Turismo, Ministério do Turismo, OMS.  O estudo investigou que o surto da pandemia global da Covid-19 (Doença do Vírus Corona -2019) é um choque sem precedentes para a indústria turística do estado. O Turismo do Punjab estava em um estado próspero antes da epidemia de Covid-19. Com o bloqueio prolongado de todo o país, a retração econômica global e a consequente interrupção do movimento de turistas, a indústria do turismo do Punjab está enfrentando um período prolongado de declínio.  O estudo indica os efeitos do Covid-19 no Turismo do Punjab e também estende as medidas preventivas para enfrentar a pandemia. Embora, a duração do impacto dependerá da duração e gravidade da crise sanitária, da duração do bloqueio e da forma como a situação se desenrolará uma vez que o bloqueio for levantado, ainda que a situação possa ser enfrentada adotando as sugestivas medidas de recuperação. Palavras-chave: COVID-19 Pandemia; Punjab Turismo; Chegada de Turistas; Spill Over; Medidas de Recuperação

    Prevalence of various urogynaecological problems and their subsequent management with outcome amongst women attending a tertiary care hospital of a developing Country

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    Background: The prevalence of urogynaecological problems may be significantly underestimated since the physicians rarely ask women about these problems and women seldom initiate discussion about these symptoms on their own with the physician.Methods: The present study was conducted from March 2006 to August 2008. All the women between 20 to 80 years of age with varying parity attending gynecological outpatient department were evaluated for urogynaecological and bowel problems, based on a questionnaire incorporating demographic and urogynaecological symptoms (IUGA terminology). The frequency of various urinary problems was correlated with the demographic data, urodynamic studies and cystoscopic findings, whenever appropriate and available. Exclusion criteria: The women with disorders of central nervous system, retention urine and pregnancy were excluded from the study.Results: During this period, 15100 women attended outpatient department of gynecology. Out of these, 376 women had urogynaecological and bowel problems. The prevalence of urogynaecological and bowel problems was 24.9 per 1000 women. The incidence of symptoms was dysuria in 38.5 % women, increased frequency of micturition in 38% women; feeling of something coming out per vaginum in 37% women, nocturia in 27.6 % women and pain lower abdomen in 25 % women.Conclusions: Amongst incontinence, 31.3% women had stress incontinence, 25% women had urge incontinence, 14.6% women had urgency, 8.7% women had continuous urinary incontinence and 2.12% women had anal incontinence

    Malaria card: an empowering tool for patients and for epidemiological recording

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    Malaria places a substantial burden on the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. World Malaria Report 2020 showed that the progress in global malaria control has come to a plateau. On the other hand, India has shown considerable progress in reducing its malaria burden. Malaria surveillance system mainly depends upon health workers who are also involved with other national health programs. Community participation can play significant role in success of any control/elimination programme. Epidemiological monitoring and record keeping of disease occurrence and control programmes is important. We have designed and proposed a simple booklet called "Malaria card" which when deployed in the community, can potentially result in improved malaria tracking and record-keeping. The malaria card like immunization card for under-five children, can be utilized to capture information on important aspects of malaria and co-morbidities. It will help communities in maintaining their own record and also will give easy access to health care workers to episodes of malaria and for epidemiological tracking

    ARM-AMO: An Efficient Association Rule Mining Algorithm Based on Animal Migration Optimization

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI linkAssociation rule mining (ARM) aims to find out association rules that satisfy predefined minimum support and confidence from a given database. However, in many cases ARM generates extremely large number of association rules, which are impossible for end users to comprehend or validate, thereby limiting the usefulness of data mining results. In this paper, we propose a new mining algorithm based on Animal Migration Optimization (AMO), called ARM-AMO, to reduce the number of association rules. It is based on the idea that rules which are not of high support and unnecessary are deleted from the data. Firstly, Apriori algorithm is applied to generate frequent itemsets and association rules. Then, AMO is used to reduce the number of association rules with a new fitness function that incorporates frequent rules. It is observed from the experiments that, in comparison with the other relevant techniques, ARM-AMO greatly reduces the computational time for frequent item set generation, memory for association rule generation, and the number of rules generated

    ARM-AMO: An Efficient Association Rule Mining Algorithm Based on Animal Migration Optimization

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI linkAssociation rule mining (ARM) aims to find out association rules that satisfy predefined minimum support and confidence from a given database. However, in many cases ARM generates extremely large number of association rules, which are impossible for end users to comprehend or validate, thereby limiting the usefulness of data mining results. In this paper, we propose a new mining algorithm based on Animal Migration Optimization (AMO), called ARM-AMO, to reduce the number of association rules. It is based on the idea that rules which are not of high support and unnecessary are deleted from the data. Firstly, Apriori algorithm is applied to generate frequent itemsets and association rules. Then, AMO is used to reduce the number of association rules with a new fitness function that incorporates frequent rules. It is observed from the experiments that, in comparison with the other relevant techniques, ARM-AMO greatly reduces the computational time for frequent item set generation, memory for association rule generation, and the number of rules generated

    Wearable Sensors for Real-Time Kinematics Analysis in Sports: A Review

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    Trichilemmal Cyst of the Eyelid: Masquerading as Recurrent Chalazion

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    A 52-years-old female presented with a history of a painless, progressive swelling in the left lower eyelid of one-year duration. The lesion was excised twice as a chalazion and recurred. Excisional biopsy of the mass was performed and histopathological findings were consistent with those of trichilemmal cyst. We report a rare case of trichilemmal cyst of the eyelid which was masquerading as chalazion for which the patient had undergone multiple surgeries. Wide excision was done and diagnosis was confirmed on histopathology. There was no recurrence seen till 2 months of postoperative period. Trichilemmal cyst, although rare, should be considered as differential diagnosis of recurrent chalazion

    Pulse Therapy in Rituximab Era: A Retrospective Study of 124 Patients of Pemphigus from a Tertiary Care Center of South Rajasthan

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    Background: Pemphigus is a potentially life-threatening autoimmune blistering disease which characteristically affects skin and mucosae. Pulse therapy for the treatment of pemphigus has been in vogue for several years and considered better than conventional corticosteroids. Aims and objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of pulse therapy in pemphigus patients treated over a period of 10 years. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was based on medical records of Pemphigus patients treated at Department of Dermatology from January 2008 to December 2017. Diagnosis of pemphigus was made on clinical ground, Tzanck smear and histopathology of skin/mucous membrane lesions. Patients were put on DCP/DAP depending on the completion of family. Results: A total of 124 patients were included in the study. Age of patients ranged from 18 years to 72 years with mean of 41.21±12.71 years. Amongst 124 patients, 114 (92%) had pemphigus vulgaris and 10 (8%) had pemphigus foliaceous. 89 patients received DCP and 35 patients received DAP therapy. Number of pulses received by patients in phase I ranged from 4 to 27, average being 8.16±4.63. 106 patients completed the phase I of which 83 completed the phase II. 54 patients had successfully completed phase III of which 22 are currently in phase IV and 28 patients have completed their five year follow up period and considered as cured. Conclusion: Pulse therapy is a cheap and easily available mode of therapy in treatment of pemphigus in India even in the present era of modern molecules like Rituximab. With pulse therapy, it is now possible to induce and maintain remission, and achieve cure, provided the patients strictly adhere to the prescribed schedule