5 research outputs found

    Competitive algorithms for unbounded one-way trading

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    In the one-way trading problem, a seller has L units of product to be sold to a sequence σ of buyers u1,u2,…,uσu1,u2,…,uσ arriving online and he needs to decide, for each ui, the amount of product to be sold to ui at the then-prevailing market price pi. The objective is to maximize the seller's revenue. We note that all previous algorithms for the problem need to impose some artificial upper bound M and lower bound m on the market prices, and the seller needs to know either the values of M and m , or their ratio M/mM/m, at the outset....[cont'd

    Additional file 1 of Association of immune cell composition with the risk factors and incidence of acute coronary syndrome

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    Additional file 1. Figure S1. Histograms of immune cell proportions after arcsine square root transformation. Immune cell composition observed from routine blood tests (A) and estimated from DNA methylation profiles (B). Lym, lymphocyte proportion; Mono, monocyte proportion; Neu, neutrophil proportion; CD8T, CD8+ T cell proportion; CD4T, CD4+ T cell proportion; B, B cell proportion; and NK, natural killer cell proportion