20 research outputs found
On construction, performance, and diversification for structured queries on the semantic desktop
[no abstract
Analyzing and Predicting Sentiment of Images on the Social Web
In this paper we study the connection between sentiment of images expressed in metadata and their visual content in the social photo sharing environment Flickr. To this end, we consider the bag-of-visual words representation as well as the color distribution of images, and make use of the SentiWordNet thesaurus to extract numerical values for their sentiment from accompanying textual metadata. We then perform a discriminative feature analysis based on information theoretic methods, and apply machine learning techniques to predict the sentiment of images. Our large-scale empirical study on a set of over half a million Flickr images shows a considerable correlation between sentiment and visual features, and promising results towards estimating the polarity of sentiment in images
Information extraction from multimedia web documents: an open-source platform and testbed
The LivingKnowledge project aimed to enhance the current state of the art in search, retrieval and knowledge management on the web by advancing the use of sentiment and opinion analysis within multimedia applications. To achieve this aim, a diverse set of novel and complementary analysis techniques have been integrated into a single, but extensible software platform on which such applications can be built. The platform combines state-of-the-art techniques for extracting facts, opinions and sentiment from multimedia documents, and unlike earlier platforms, it exploits both visual and textual techniques to support multimedia information retrieval. Foreseeing the usefulness of this software in the wider community, the platform has been made generally available as an open-source project. This paper describes the platform design, gives an overview of the analysis algorithms integrated into the system and describes two applications that utilise the system for multimedia information retrieval
Audiostreaming in der Praxis
This presentation provides an overview of the current production and broadcasting system of Radio UNiCC, the University Radio in Chemnitz. Furthermore, several significant technologies are discussed. In the end there are some more examples of audio streaming.
This presentation was broadcasted into the internet and was recorded as well. The recording file is available.Der Vortrag beschreibt das aktuelle Produktions- und Sendesystem von Radio UNiCC, dem Uniradio an der TU Chemnitz. Weiterhin werden Schlüsseltechnologien des Audiostreamings gegenübergestellt. Abgerundet wird der Vortrag durch weitere Anwendungsbeispiele von Audiostreaming.
Der Vortrag wurde live übertragen und aufgezeichnet. Der Mitschitt steht zur Verfügung
Evaluation of the influence of channel conditions on Car2X Communication
The C2X Communication is of high interest to the automotive industry. Ongoing research on this topic mainly bases on the simulation of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. In order to estimate the necessary level of simulation details their impact on the results needs to be examined. This thesis focuses on different channel models as the freespace, shadowing, and Ricean model, along with varying parameters.
For these simulations the network simulator ns-2 is extended to provide IEEE 802.11p compliance. However, the WAVE mode is not considered since it is still under development and not finally approved. Besides a more sophisticated packet error model than the existing implementation, as well as a link adaptation algorithm, is added.
In this thesis several simulations examine specific details of wireless communication systems such as fairness of multiple access, interferences, throughput, and variability. Furthermore, the simulation points out some unexpected phenomena as starving nodes and saturation effects in multi hop networks. Those led to the conclusion that the IEEE 802.11 draft amendment does not solve known problems of the original IEEE 802.11 standard