265 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Rural Area Aid in the Czech Republic at the Regional Level

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    Import 22/07/2015Volba tématu a zpracování diplomové práce vycházelo z požadavků Agentury pro regionální rozvoj, a.s., v Ostravě na její praktické využití. Cílem diplomové práce je komparace a zhodnocení finanční podpory rozvoje venkovského prostoru na úrovni krajů České republiky v období 2007-2014. Práce se zaměřuje na analýzu podpory rozvoje venkova plynoucí z národních a evropských dotačních zdrojů, a to především z Programu rozvoje venkova ČR 2007-2013. Součástí analýzy je také zhodnocení čerpání dotačních prostředků na podporu rozvoje venkovského prostoru v Moravskoslezském kraji. Z provedené analýzy vyplývá, že na rozvoj venkovského prostoru více finančních prostředků bylo vynaložených z evropských než z národních zdrojů. Nejvíce žádostí o největším finančním objemu bylo schválených z Programu rozvoje venkova České republiky 2007-2013. Z provedené analýzy komparace krajů vyplývá, že mezi nejlepší kraje v čerpání dotačních prostředků určené na venkovský prostor patřil kraj Středočeský, Vysočina a Jihočeský. Moravskoslezský kraj se umístil na 9. místě. Z hlediska dotace na počet obcí, patřil mezi nejlepší kraje Karlovarský, Moravskoslezský a Jihočeský kraj. Dle ukazatele dotace na počet obyvatel, kraj Vysočina, Jihočeský a Karlovarský kraj. Moravskoslezský kraj se umístil na 8. místě.The theme and the processing of the thesis were based on the requirements of the Regional Development Agency in Ostrava to its practical use. The goal of this diploma thesis is a comparison and an evaluation of the financial support for the development of the rural area in the Czech Republic at the regional level in 2007-2014. This thesis is focused on an analysis or a rural development aid resulting from national and European funding sources, particularly from the Rural Development Programme of the Czech Republic 2007-2013. The study also includes an assesment of the utilization of grant funds to support the development of rural areas in the Moravian-Silesian Region. The analysis indicates that more financial sources were expended on the development of rural areas from the European funds than from the national ones. Most applications for the largest financial volume were approved by the Rural Development Programme of the Czech Republic 2007-2013. Conducted analysis of the comparison of the regions indicates that the Central Bohemia Region, the Vysocina Region and the South Bohemia Region belong to the best regions in the grants drawing. Moravian-Silesian Region was ranked 9th. In terms of the number of grants to municipalities, the best regions were the Karlovy Vary Region, the Moravian-Silesian Region and the South Bohemia Region. According to the indicator of the subsidies to the population, the Vysocina Region, the South Bohemia Region and the Karlovy Vary Region were the best. Moravian-Silesian Region was ranked 8th.120 - Katedra evropské integracevýborn

    The relationship between 15-minute walking isochrone circle and shopping center vitality.

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    The relationship between 15-minute walking isochrone circle and shopping center vitality.</p

    45-minute transit isochronous circle vs. pedestrian flow per unit area for Shopping Centers in Nanshan District.

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    45-minute transit isochronous circle vs. pedestrian flow per unit area for Shopping Centers in Nanshan District.</p

    The shopping centers with the biggest differences in the performance of different vitality indicators.

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    The shopping centers with the biggest differences in the performance of different vitality indicators.</p

    OCT Harbour’s connection to Shenzhen Bay Park.

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    Nowadays, shopping centers not only provides commercial function but also serve as a public space. In this article, we take Nanshan district of Shenzhen as an example, based on the characteristics information of people activities provided by Mobile-phone Signaling Data, using the standard deviation ellipse method to classify the direction of people in shopping centers, and then applying the entropy weighting method to analyze the vitality factors of shopping centers from three perspectives: visitors’ density, revisit rate, and the average length of stay. Finally, we analyzed the influence factors of the surrounding built environment based on correlation analysis to discuss the results with field survey data. The results show that (1) shopping centers in Nanshan District are classified into wide-area type and geo-regional type according to the gathering of visitors. The shopping centers with high comprehensive vitality are basically wide-area type. (2) The factors influencing the vitality of shopping centers are different between wide-area type and geo-regional type. The vitality of wide-area type is mainly influenced by the traffic accessibility and whether they are located in adjacent to large public spaces such as squares and green public; the vitality of geo-regional type shopping centers is mainly influenced by the number of people within a 15-minute walking circle, and the high-vitality of geo-regional shopping centers are generally located in densely populated areas.</div

    Spatial distribution of visits per unit area in shopping centers in Nanshan District.

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    Spatial distribution of visits per unit area in shopping centers in Nanshan District.</p

    Shenzhen Bay The Mixc’s connection to the Talent Park.

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    Shenzhen Bay The Mixc’s connection to the Talent Park.</p

    Spatial distribution of revisit rates in shopping centers in Nanshan District.

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    Spatial distribution of revisit rates in shopping centers in Nanshan District.</p

    Spatial distribution of integrated vitality of shopping centers in Nanshan District.

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    Spatial distribution of integrated vitality of shopping centers in Nanshan District.</p

    Visitor density of shopping centers in Nanshan District.

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    Visitor density of shopping centers in Nanshan District.</p