138 research outputs found

    PediDraw: A web-based tool for drawing a pedigree in genetic counseling-0

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "PediDraw: A web-based tool for drawing a pedigree in genetic counseling"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2350/8/31</p><p>BMC Medical Genetics 2007;8():31-31.</p><p>Published online 8 Jun 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC1904184.</p><p></p> graph connected by the relationship lines. The symbols used in this graph are accepted in a standardized pedigree as described by Bennett, et al. [1

    Energy Transfer-Dominated Quasi-2D Blue Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes

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    The bromide–chloride mixed quasi-two-dimensional (2D) perovskite, with a natural quantum well structure and tunable exciton binding energy, has gained significant attention for high-performance blue perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs). However, the relative importance of having a low trap state density or efficient exciton transfer for high-efficiency electroluminescence (EL) performance remains elusive. Here, two molecules with the benzoic acid group, sodium 4-fluorobenzoate (SFB) and 3,5-dibromobenzoic acid (DBA), are used to modulate the phase distribution and trap state to explore the effect between energy transfer and defect passivation. As a result, when the n = 1 phase is inhibited in both films, the DBA@SFB-modified perovskite films achieve a higher photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) than the SFB-modified perovskite films due to effective defect passivation. However, DBA@SFB-modified PeLEDs exhibit lower external quantum efficiency (EQE) compared to SFB-modified PeLEDs due to the poor exciton transfer between the low-dimensional phase. This demonstrates that passivation strategies may enhance photoluminescence through reducing nonradiative recombination, but the effect of phase distribution is pivotal for EL performance by efficient energy transfer in quasi-2D perovskites. Femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption measurements confirm the fastest carrier dynamics in SFB-modified perovskite films, further corroborating the above result. This work provides useful information about phase modulation and defect passivation for high-efficiency blue quasi-2D PeLEDs

    Flowchart of PPI Finder system.

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    <p>PPI Finder system includes two modules: Information Retrieval (IR module) and Information Extraction (IE module). The relationships of the tables and the data structures are described in the text.</p

    Demonstration of the output results of PPI Finder.

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    <p>Step 1: Our favourite protein name “dysbindin” is searched by selecting “Gene Name”. Step 2: Three results of “dysbindin” are returned. The first row showing “DTNBP1” is the one that unifies the protein name to a unique gene ID. Step 3: By clicking the “DTNBP1” gene, the gene-centred page is shown. The summary of the information of the “DTNBP1” gene is shown on the top. Step 4: The 35 co-occurred genes and their co-occurrence times, PPI database evidences, and gene ontologies are shown at the bottom of the gene-centred page with the co-occurred GO terms highlighted. Step 5: By clicking the hyperlink to “5” in the column of “co-occurrence times” of the fourth co-occurred “SNAPIN” gene, it prompts the co-occurred abstracts and the highlighted words of interaction extraction in the abstracts.</p

    Architecture of the backend and frontpage of PPI Finder.

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    <p>The backend depicts the structure of IR module as shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0004554#pone-0004554-g001" target="_blank">figure 1</a>. The frontpage of PPI Finder includes two web applications: PPI Finder (searching one gene at a time) and Paired-PPI Finder (searching two genes at a time). The output format of PPI Finder is summarized.</p

    Specificity Evaluation.

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    <p>Specificity Evaluation.</p

    PPI Database Evidence Evaluation.

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    <p>PPI Database Evidence Evaluation.</p

    Co-occurrence Evaluation.

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    <p>Co-occurrence Evaluation.</p

    Sensitivity Evaluation.

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    <p>Sensitivity Evaluation.</p

    Spontaneous Uphill Movement and Self-Removal of Condensates on Hierarchical Tower-like Arrays

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    Fast removal of condensates from surfaces is of great significance due to the enhanced thermal transfer coefficient and continuous condensation. However, the lost superhydrophobicity of lotus leaves intrigues us to determine what kind of surface morphologies meets the self-removal of condensates? The uphill movement of condensates in textured surfaces is vital to avoid flooding and facilitating self-removal. Here, superhydrophobic microtower arrays were designed to explore the spontaneous uphill movement and Wenzel to Cassie transition as well as the self-removal of condensates. The tower-like arrays enable spontaneous uphill movement of tiny condensates entrapped in microstructures due to the large upward Laplace pressure, which is ∼30 times larger than that on cone-like arrays. The sharp tips decrease the adhesion to suspending droplets and promote their fast self-removal. These results are important for designing desirable textured surfaces by enlarging upward Laplace pressure to facilitate condensate self-removal, which is widely applied in self-cleaning, antifogging, anti-icing, water harvesting, and thermal management systems