265 research outputs found
Ceramic petrography, mineralogy and typology of Eneolithic pottery from Krašnja, Slovenia
In this article, we present newly excavated Eneolithic pottery from the site at Krašnja near Lukovica in central Slovenia. The material was AMS 14C dated and is contemporaneous with archaeological sites from the Ljubljansko barje region in Slovenia. The vessels were reconstructed and then various types of pots, dishes, cups, and beakers were analysed using petrography and the X-ray diffraction method. Additionally, the clay remains of walls and the floor of an Eneolithic kiln excavated at the site were also analysed. The results show that Eneolithic potters used different fab- rics to make vessels, and mostly one recipe with added calcite. The raw source material probably came from a nearby valley to the south of the site at Krašnja.V članku predstavljamo eneolitsko lončenino z novoodkritega najdišča Krašnja pri Lukovici v osrednji Sloveniji. Najdišče je bilo AMS 14C datirano in je sočasno z najdišči iz območja Ljubljanskega barja. Lončenino smo lahko rekonstruirali v različne tipe posod, med drugim lonce, sklede, skodelice in čaše, ki smo jih nato preiskali še s petrografsko metodo in metodo rentgenske difrakcije. Dodatno smo preiskali tudi sledove glinenih oblog stene in tal ene od dveh eneolitskih peči, ki smo jih odkrili na najdišču. Rezultati kažejo, da so lončarji v obdobju eneolitika uporabljali različne glinene mase za pripravo posod, vendar predvsem en lončarski recept z dodanim zdrobljenim kalcitom. Naravno surovino, glino, so morda nabirali v sosednji dolini, ki se nahaja južno od najdišča Krašnja
Modelling of hydrodynamics and mecury transport in lake Velenje. Part 2, Modelling and model verification
PCFLOW3D - a three-dimensional mathematical model that was developed at the Chair of Fluid\ud
Mechanics of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, was used for\ud
hydrodynamic and Hg transport simulations in Lake Velenje. The model is fully non-linear and\ud
computes three velocity components, water elevation and pressure. Transport-dispersion equations\ud
for salinity and heat (and/or any pollutant) are further used to compute the distributions of these\ud
parameters. The results show that the major sources of mercury in Lake Velenje are lake inflows.\ud
The hydrodynamic simulations revealed that ground and/or surface water inflow and outflow do not\ud
have much influence on water cycling in the lake basin. Wind and ambient temperature seem to\ud
have the greatest influence on water movement in the lake. Mercury transport simulations\ud
performed by PCFLOW3D show good agreement with the measured distribution of different Hg\ud
and MeHg forms in Lake Velenje. Verification of water flow was done by isotope tracers δ18O and\ud
δ2H and measurements of different Hg and MeHg forms. Distribution of different Hg species and\ud
forms and isotopic composition in water of Lake Velenje is described in Part 1
Houses, pots and food: the pottery from Maharski prekop in context
In this paper, we attempt a multiscalar analysis of the Maharski prekop archaeological site, connecting the landscape context, temporal dynamics, and spatial organisation with the composition of the artefact assemblage, the shapes, sizes and technological composition of the pottery, and traces of activities in the form of food residues on pottery. The pottery assemblage from Maharski prekop is characterised by a wide variation in vessels. This can be explained by the non-specialised use of vessels, where they were deliberately designed to be able to perform a series of different functions, which is supported by the technological analysis of fabrics and the wide range of identified foodstuffs.V članku predstavljamo rezultate večnivojske analize najdišča Maharski prekop na Ljubljanskem barju. Pokrajinske kontekste, časovno dinamiko najdišča in njegovo prostorsko organizacijo smo povezali s podatki o sestavi artefaktnega zbira, oblikami, velikostjo in tehnološkimi značilnostmi keramike ter s podatki o sledovih aktivnosti, dokazane z ohranjenimi sledovi hrane v/na lončenini. Za keramični zbir z Maharskega prekopa je značilna velika variabilnost posod. To si lahko razlagamo kot nespecializirano uporabo lončenine, kjer so bile posode namenoma oblikovane za celo serijo različnih funkcij, kar so podprle tako tehnološke analize lončarskih mas kot širok razpon prepoznanih vrst živil
Zastupljenost i specijacija žive u jadranskom planktonu, školjkašima i ribi – pregled
This article presents an overview of available research on mercury speciation in the most studied biota of the Adriatic Sea as a specific biogeochemical subunit of the Mediterranean. We present current knowledge about mercury concentration, speciation, spatial distribution and temporal changes in plankton, bivalves and fish from the Adriatic Sea. Results from mercury speciation studies in marine organisms are used to describe the extent of mercury bioaccumulation in the Adriatic Sea. Mercury biogeochemical cycle in the Adriatic is characterised by increased mercury concentrations from the water column, through plankton, bivalves and smaller fish to predator fish species. Although the Adriatic Sea has the highest mercury concentration in the whole Mediterranean Sea, fish species at the higher trophic levels have similar mercury concentrations everywhere in the Mediterranean, indicating incomplete understanding of the transfer mechanisms of mercury from seawater to upper trophic levels. As consumption of (contaminated) food is the main route of human exposure to mercury, it is of great importance to understand the influence of mercury contamination in the Adriatic Sea.Ovaj članak predstavlja pregled dostupnih istraživanja o specijaciji žive u najproučavanijoj bioti Jadranskog mora kao posebne biogeokemijske podjedinice Mediterana. Predstavljamo postojeće znanje o koncentraciji žive, specijaciji, prostornoj raspodjeli i vremenskim promjenama u planktonu, školjkašima i ribi Jadranskog mora. Rezultati studija o specijaciji žive u morskim organizmima su korišteni za opis razdiobe bioakumulacije žive u Jadranskom moru. Biogeokemijski ciklus žive u Jadranu karakterizira povećanje koncentracije žive od vodenog stupca, preko planktona, školjkaša i manjih riba do predatorskih ribljih vrsta. Iako Jadransko more sadrži najviše koncentracije žive u cijelom Mediteranu, riblje vrste na višim trofičkim razinama imaju slične koncentracije žive posvuda u Mediteranu, ukazujući na nepotpuno razumijevanje prijenosnih mehanizama žive iz morske vode na više trofičke razine. Budući da je konzumiranje (kontaminirane) hrane glavni put ljudske izloženosti živi, od iznimne je važnosti razumijevanje utjecaja kontaminacije živom u Jadranskom moru
Procjena metalotioneina u dagnjama (Mytilus galloprovincialis) kao biomarkera žive i kadmija u slovenskim vodama tršćanskog zaljeva: studija dugoročnog istraživanja
In order to assess the spatial distribution and temporal trends of pollution with metals in the coastal sea of Slovenia, the level of metallothioneins (MT) was determined in blue mussels from three sampling locations, twice per year for a period of 10 years. MT concentrations ranged from 45 to 163 μg g-1 w.w. in March, and from 46 to 144 μg g-1 w.w. in the September sampling. The metals content was determined in whole mussel tissue once per year at two stations. The cadmium (Cd) concentration was in the range from 0.50 to 1.11 mg kg-1, while the concentration of mercury (Hg) was in the range from 0.70 to 0.237 mg kg-1. Results revealed no significant seasonal differences or differences between sampling sites in MT content, as well as variations in the content of Cd and Hg in mussels’ tissue during the examined period. The MT and metal content in mussels are not well correlated and other factors may have caused the fluctuations observed in MT content between years. This supports the notion that biomonitoring data have to be interpreted cautiously, taking into account various other factors that may influence MT induction.Kako bi se mogao ocijeniti prostorni raspored i vremenski trendovi onečišćenja metalima u priobalnom moru Slovenije, razina metalotioneina (MT) utvrđena je u dagnjama na tri mjesta uzorkovanja, dva puta godišnje za razdoblje od 10 godina. Koncentracije MT kretale su se od 45 do 163 μg g-1 mokre težine u ožujku, te od 47 do 144 μg g-1 mokre težine u rujanskom uzorkovanju. Sadržaj metala utvrđen je u cijelom tkivu dagnji na dvjema postajama, jednom godišnje. Koncentracija kadmija (Cd) kretala se u rasponu od 0,50 do 1,11 mg kg-1, dok je koncentracija žive (Hg) kolebala u rasponu od 0,70 do 0,237 mg kg-1. Rezultati nisu pokazali značajne sezonske razlike ili razliku između postaja glede sadržaja metalotioneina tijekom uzorkovanja, dok se sadržaj kadmija i žive u tkivu školjki mijenjao tijekom promatranog razdoblja. Prisutnost metalotioneina i metala u dagnjama nije usko povezana što ukazuje na druge moguće čimbenike kao uzroke fluktuacija promatranih tijekom godina. To podržava ideju da se podaci iz biomonitoringa moraju tumačiti oprezno, uzimajući u obzir razne druge čimbenike koji mogu utjecati na indukciju metalotioneina (MT)
The 2008 evaluation of SYKE
Riippumaton kuusijäseninen kansainvälinen asiantuntijapaneeli arvioi SYKEn tutkimustoimintaa ja asiantuntija-palveluita marraskuussa 2008. Työssään se hyödynsi saamiansa taustamateriaaleja ja tekemiänsä kysely- ja haastatteluaineistoja.
Arviointipaneelin mukaan SYKE on aktiivinen ja elinvoimainen laitos. SYKEn menetelmälliset vahvuudet ovat laitoksen kehittämissä tieteellisissä lähestymistavoissa ja työkaluissa, jotka pohjautuvat sen laajoihin ympäristötietovarantoihin.
Panelistien keskeisimmät suositukset liittyvät tutkimuksen ja asiantuntijapalveluiden organisatoriseen jakoon, operatiivisiin 24/7-palveluihin, neuvottelukunnan rooliin sekä SYKEn rooliin ja asemaan ympäristönsuojelun kentässä, erityisesti ympäristöpolitiikan tukemisessa.
Panelistien näkemysten mukaan SYKEllä on hyvät mahdollisuudet vahvistaa ennakoivaa roolia monessa: arvioida ympäristöpolitiikan toteutumista, kehittää kestävän kehityksen strategioita ja skenaarioita sekä tuottaa tietoa eri politiikkavaihtoehtojen ympäristövaikutuksista.
Panelistit suosittelevat tutkimuksen ja politiikan välisen yhteyden vahvistamista luomalla osallistumiseen ja kokonaisvaltaiseen arviointiin perustuva lähestymistapa, jossa hyödynnetään SYKEn ympäristöosaamista ja sidosryhmien tarpeita. SYKEn ympäristöön liittyvät paikkatiedot ja sosio-ekonomiset tiedot mahdollistavat yhdessä innovatiivisten yhdennettyjen arviointien tekemisen.
Panelistien näkemyksen mukaan tavoite lisätä SYKEn yhteistyötä kansallisten ja kansainvälisten yliopistojen kanssa, ympäristö ja luonnonvarat -konsortion perustaminen sekä osallistuminen strategisen huippuosaamisen keskittymien ohjelmiin ovat kaikki tärkeitä SYKEn kehittymisen kannalta
Zastupljenost, raspodjela i specijacija žive u vodama i sedimentima Jadranskog mora – pregled
This review focuses on mercury speciation in the Adriatic Sea, a marginal sea of the Mediterranean, which represents its distinct biogeochemical subunit due to anthropogenic mercury loadings. The current knowledge about mercury cycling in the Adriatic is presented through an overview of the state of the art of research in this area: temporal and spatial distributions and occurrence of mercury species in seawater and sediment, and chemical transformations. We summarised research results of mercury speciation in order to describe its presence and fate in the Adriatic Sea. The Adriatic Sea represents a net source of mercury to the Mediterranean Sea due to the highest total mercury
concentrations observed in the North Adriatic Sea and the highest methylmercury concentrations in the South Adriatic Pit. However, the biogeochemical cycle of mercury is not completely known and our understanding of mercury transport between compartments and its (bio)transformations is limited. Future research needs to focus on microbial and chemical processes of mercury transformations to improve our understanding of the impacts of mercury contamination on the environment and human health in the Adriatic Sea.Ovaj pregledni članak usredotočuje se na specijaciju žive u Jadranskom moru, rubnom moru Mediterana, koje predstavlja njegovu posebnu biogeokemijsku podjedinicu zbog antropoloških
izvora žive. Trenutno znanje o kruženju žive u Jadranu je predstavljeno kroz pregled vrhunskih istraživanja na ovom području o vremenskim i prostornim raspodjelama i pojavnostima živinih specija u vodi i sedimentu te kemijskim transformacijama. Sumirani su rezultati istraživanja o specijaciji žive kako bi se opisala njena prisutnost i sudbina u Jadranskom moru. Jadransko more predstavlja
neto izvor žive u Sredozemlju zbog najviših koncentracija ukupne žive uočenih u sjevernom Jadranu te najviših koncentracija metilžive u južnojadranskom ponoru. Međutim, biogeokemijski ciklus žive
nije u potpunosti poznat te je ograničeno naše razumijevanje živinog transporta između odjeljaka i njenih (bio)transformacija. Buduće istraživanje se treba usredotočiti na mikrobne i kemijske procese
živinih transformacija kako bi se bolje razumio utjecaj kontaminacije živom na okoliš i zdravlje ljudi u Jadranskom moru
EuReCa Serbia One 2014 - Research center Subotica: Witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrest analysis
INTRODUCTION: Cardiac arrest is one of the main death causes all over the world. Many studies have led to the identification of the main predictors that can positively affect the survival rate of these patients, who were eventually incorporated into a single chain of survival. By involving the Republic of Serbia in an international, multicenter project EuReCa One 2014, of European Resuscitation Council (ERC) organized by Resuscitation Council of Serbia and Section of emergency medicine, the first time we get relevant information in this area and for our country which allows us to further work on improving measures implemented in the treatment of these patients. AIM: analysis of providing of basic life support measures (BLS) by bystander to the patients with out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) according to prospective research EuReCa One 2014 for Subotica, in relation to the total number of affirmed OHCA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective collection of data via unique questionnaire for OHCA in the municipality of Subotica in the period from 01.10.2014. to 31.03.2015. Data are presented in absolute values as well as the incidence per 100,000 inhabitants. RESULTS: In the period from 01.10.2014 to 31.03.2015. in the municipality of Subotica there were 47 (33.2 / 100,000 inhabitants) OHCA's. In 44 (31.09 / 100.000, 93.62%) of these patients Emergency medicine service (EMS) reacted by providing measures of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Of these 47 patients with OHCA as 35 (24.73 / 100000) were witnessed, of which 24 (16.95 / 100.000) by bystander, and 11 (7.77 / 100.000) by members of the EMS. The results show that the highest percentage of initial rhythm as ventricular fibrillation (VF), as well as the largest number of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) were in the group of patients whose OHCA was witnessed by the EMS (VF, 63.5%, ROSC 54.5%) even though the group was the oldest (average 69 years), while the lowest percentage of VF and ROSC was in a group of unwitnessed OHCA's which was the youngest group of patients with an average age of 58 years. Telephone assisted CPR was conducted in only 4 cases, while the measures of basic life support (BLS) were provided by the bystander in only 5 cases (20.5% of witnessed OHCA's) CONCLUSION: This study showed that systematic work on increasing the number of provided BLS measures by bystander to the patients with OHCA must be conducted, because it can positively affect survival rate of these patients
Health center Temerin: Our participation in EURECA One 2014 - Serbia program
Introduction: Sudden cardiac arrest is a natural and unexpected loss of heart function and breathing, which happens within one hour after first symptoms at presumably healthy person or with previously stable condition. In average, 10% of all patients resuscitated by the EMS survives. However, when CPR is initiated by witnesses and AED is used, survival rate increases to 38%. Number of OHCAs, as well as the number of conducted resuscitations are documented through regular monitoring of quality indicators in emergency medical service. Aim: Tracking the incidence, treatment and outcome of cardiac arrest from October 1 to October 31 2014, in Temerin municipality, with the purpose of acquiring precise information about this disease and improving quality of cardiac arrest management. Method: Health Center of Temerin joined the prospective observational trail of the European Resuscitation Council. During the month October 2014, data were collected by the physicians working in this medical facility. Results: EMS of Temerin provides urgent medical assistance for 28296 people, according to population census from the year 2011. Average age of the population is 38,3 years. Out of hospital Cardiac arrest was documented 3 times, and that's 1,15% of all the EMS interventions during the observed period (3/260), the incidence being 11/100 000. Conclusion: We find that further investigation of out of hospital cardiac arrest is necessary, and since all the participants in this study expressed genuine will to continue, more detailed conclusions will be available soon
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