16 research outputs found
Peramalan Kebutuhan Daya Listrik Menggunakan Model ARIMA dan Fungsi Transfer (Studi Kasus: PT. PLN (Persero) Area Sumbawa)
Energy is one of the basic need of human being. One of the vital energy is electricity. The need of electricity in NTB is increase along with the citizen economic development in NTB especially in Sumbawa regency. Therefore, there is a need for the right way in adjusting the amount of electrical capacity to match customer demand. One way that can be done is to forecast/ predict the need for electricity. The forecast can be used by using the ARIMA and Transfer Function models. The results of the study show that using the ARIMA model is estimated to require electricity in 2018 experienced an increase of 18,21% from the previous year, while using the transfer function model is estimated to increase by 18,18% from the previous year
Pemodelan Partial Proportional Odds Pada Masa Studi Lulusan Program Magister Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Regresi logistik ordinal merupakan salah satu metode statistika untuk
menganalisis data dengan variabel respon yang mempunyai skala data ordinal dan
terdiri dari tiga kategori atau lebih, serta variabel prediktor yang digunakan dapat
berupa data kategori atau kuantitatif. Model yang umum digunakan dalam regresi
logistik ordinal adalah Proportional Odds Model (POM). POM mempunyai
asumsi kuat yang dapat menyebabkan kesalahan interpretasi jika asumsi
dilanggar, asumsi umum dari model tersebut adalah bahwa log-odds ratio tidak
bergantung pada kategori variabel respon, atau lebih dikenal dengan asumsi
proportional odds. Dalam model regresi logistik ordinal yang memenuhi asumsi
proportional odds bahwa koefisien dari masing-masing fungsi logit yang
terbentuk adalah sama dan yang berbeda adalah pada nilai intercept masingmasing
fungsi logit tersebut. Model alternatif yang perlu dipertimbangkan ketika
asumsi proportional odds tidak terpenuhi adalah PPOM (Partial Proportional
Odds Model), yakni model yang melemahkan asumsi proporsionalitas pada
beberapa variabel prediktor dalam model. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji
estimasi parameter PPOM dan mengaplikasikan PPOM pada masa studi lulusan
program magister Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). Estimasi
parameter PPOM dengan menggunakan metode Maximum Likelihood Estimation
(MLE) diperoleh hasil yang tidak close form sehingga diperlukan iterasi Newton-
Raphson. Hasil pengujian parameter PPOM menunjukkan bahwa variabel
prediktor yang berpengaruh terhadap masa studi lulusan program magister Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) adalah nilai Toefl, jenis kelamin, kesesuaian
bidang studi antara S1 dan S2, nilai IPK S1, sumber pendanaan, jenis pekerjaan,
dan asal fakultas.
Ordinal logistic regression is one of statistical method that use to data analysis
with ordinal response variable and consist of three or more category, and the
predictor variables can be category or quantitative. The general model that used in
ordinal logistic regression is Proportional Odds Model (POM) which has strong
assumptions may cause wrong interpretation if the assumptions was violated, the
common assumption is log-odds ratio not depend on response variable category,
called proportional odds assumption. In ordinal logistic regression model that
satisfy the proportional odds assumption has a same coefficient of each formed
logit function and a different intercept of logit function. The alternative model
considering when the proportional odds assumption is not satisfy, that is Partial
Proportional Odds Model (PPOM). This model relaxing the proportionality
assumption only for some predictor variables in the model. The aims of this
research are to review parameter estimation of PPOM and applied PPOM in study
period of master’s degree programme in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
The parameter estimation use Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and
because it is not close form, Newton-Raphson iteration necessary. Parameter
PPOM’s test show that the influence variables are TOEFL test, Sex, Suitability of
S1 and S2, S1 IPK, Funding Resource, Job and Native Faculty
Pengembangan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah selalu memberikan perhatian khusus dari semua kalangan. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya pengetauan dan teknologi yang dimilikinya, terutama UMKM yang bergelut di bidang makanan. Salah satu usaha yang dilakukan oleh UMKM Desa Sukadana adalah proses pembuatan saus tomat dan sambal. Akan tetapi produksi saus yang dilakukan mengalami kegagalan di bagian proses pembuatan. Sehingga pada kegiatan ini, Program Studi teknologi Industri Pertanian, Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa melakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat untuk memberikan pelatihan terhadap UMKM Desa Sukadana dalam hal proses pembuatan saus serta proses sterilisasi yang baik. Selain itu Prodi TIP juga memberikan pelatihan tentang pembuatan sterilizer berbasis sinar UV-C. Hasil kegiatan ini berupa dihasilkan pelatihan bermanfaat berupa pelatihan pembuatan saus tomat dan saus sambel yang baik dan berkualitas. Selain itu kegiatan ini juga berhasil memberikan pelatihan dan pengetahuan tentang proses sterilisasi yang baik sehingga produk yang dihasilkan tidak mengalami kegagalan seperti sebelumnya. Pada bagian akhir kegitan ini berupa pelatihan perancangan alat sterilisasi yang terbaru, yaitu menggunaka sinar UV-C sebagai alat sterilisasinya.
The development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises always gives special attention from all walks of life. This is due to a lack of knowledge and technology, especially MSMEs that are engaged in the food sector. One of the efforts made by SMEs in Sukadana Village is the process of making tomato sauce and chili sauce. However, the production of sauce that was carried out failed in the manufacturing process. So that in this activity, the Agricultural Industry Technology Study Program, Sumbawa University of Technology carried out community service activities to provide training for SMEs in Sukadana Village in terms of the process of making sauces and good sterilization processes. This activity was carried out for 1 day, namely on October 21, 2021. While the preparation process for the initial independent research was from July 6 to October 20, 2021. The training was attended by 9 people, with details of 3 people from the TIP Study Program and 6 people from MSMEs. The TIP Study Program also provides training on the manufacture of UV-C light-based sterilizers. This training in making tomato sauce and chili sauce can run well and with quality. In addition, this activity has also succeeded in providing training and knowledge about a good sterilization process so that the resulting product does not fail as before. At the end of this activity, there is training on the design of the latest sterilizer, namely using UV-C light asa sterilizer
PENGARUH SIRUP GULA CAIR HASIL HIDROLISIS ENZIMATIS DARI SAGU (Metroxylon sp.) SEBAGAI MEDIA FERMENTASI TERHADAP KADAR SEFALOSPORIN C: Effect of Glucose Syrup Results Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Sago (Metroxylon sp.) as Media Fermentation Against Cephalosporins C.
Liquid sugar syrup which made by sago's starch material can be use as fermentation media for sefalosporin. The hydrolisis is a one way to obtain a liquid sugar syrup itself. The enzymatically hydrolisis divided into two process, they are Liquification and sacharification. The research purpose to understanding the way of hydrolisis sago's starch by enzymatically. Next, glucose quality result. Then the influence of the syrup by enzymatically hydrolisis as fermentation media toward quality of sefalosporin. The sample of this research was taken from PT. Selat Panjang, Riau. In Liquification process, the result showed that the maximum glucose quality was obtained about 3874 ppm from concentration of starch and enzym (60g/L: 300µL) meanwhile, the minimum glucose quality was obtained about 3501ppm from concentration of starch and enzym (40g/L: 200µL). Next, sacharification process (lasting 24-48 hours) maximum glucose quality was obtained about 12070 ppm with duration 48hours of hydrolisa. The addition liquid syrup of hydrolisis with five levels concentration, there are 1.5; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0, and 3.5% affected sefalosporin quality. The maximum quality of sefalosporin about 3709 ppm by concentration lyquid syrup GS 3.0% and minimum quality about 2044 ppm by concentration lyquid syrup Gs 1.5%. Meanwhile, by the positive control (glucose monohidrat) with similar treatment, the sefalosporin's quality was about 2170 ppm.
Key words: Sago, Sago Starch, Enzymatic Hydrolysis, Fermentation, Cephalosporins C.
Sirup gula cair dari pati sagu dapat digunakan sebagai media fermentasi sefalosporin. Sirup gula cair dapat dengan cara dihidrolisis. Hidrolisis pati sagu secara enzimatis meliputi proses likuifikasi dan sakarifikasi. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui cara hidrolisis pati sagu secara enzimatis dan kadar glukosa yang dihasilkan, serta pengaruh sirup gula cair hasil hidrolisis enzimatis sebagai media fermentasi terhadap kadar Sefalosporin C. Sampel pati sagu diperoleh dari PT Selat Panjang, Riau. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada tahap likuifikasi (2 jam) diperoleh kadar glukosa maksimum sebesar 3874 ppm dari konsentrasi pati sagu dan enzim (60g/L:300µL). Sedangkan kadar glukosa minimum diperoleh sebesar 3501 ppm dari konsentrasi pati sagu dan enzim (40g/L:200µL). Pada tahap sakarifikasi (24-48 jam) kadar glukosa maksimum diperoleh sebesar 12070 ppm dengan waktu hidrolisa 48 jam. Dalam penambahan sirup gula cair hasil hidrolisis dengan lima level konsentrasi sirupgula cair 1,5; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0 dan 3,5% mempengaruhi kadar Sefalosporin C. Kadar maksimum Sefalosporin C dihasilkan sebesar 3709 ppmdari konsentrasi sirup gula cair GS 3,0% dan kadar minimum diperoleh sebesar 2044 ppm dari konsentrasi sirup gula cair GS 1,5%. Sedangkan pada kontrol positif (glukosa monohidrat) dengan perlakuan yang sama diperoleh kadar Sefalosporin C sebesar 2170 ppm.
Kata kunci: Sagu, Pati Sagu, Hidrolisis enzimatis, Fermentasi,Sefalosporin C
MSME XYZ is one of the active UMKM and has considerable market potential in West Sumbawa Regency. The problem commonly faced by UMKM, especially MSME XYZ is how to properly combine production factors or resources owned to obtain maximum profit. This study aimed to determine the production process's optimization and the maximum profit obtained by MSME XYZ by using the branch and bound method. Based on the study's results, it was obtained that for effective optimization of the production process, MSME XYZ should produce 16 packages of seaweed sticks, 11 packages of seaweed dodol, 8 packages of seaweed brownies, and 4 packages of seaweed ice cream in one production. So that the total profit from each type of product in each package is Rp. 243.700 for one-time production. The maximum profit obtained by MSME XYZ in one production is Rp. 110.712 and an increase in profits of 5,7% from factual conditionsUMKM XYZ merupakan salah satu UMKM yang aktif dan memiliki potensi pasar yang cukup besar di Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat. Permasalahan yang biasa dihadapai oleh UMKM khususnya UMKM XYZ adalah bagaimana mengkombinasikan faktor produksi atau sumber daya yang dimiliki secara bersama dengan tepat agar memperoleh keuntungan yang maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui optimasi proses produksi dan keuntungan maksimal yang diperoleh UMKM XYZ dengan menggunakan metode branch and bound. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperolah bahwa untuk optimasi proses produksi yang efektif sebaiknya UMKM XYZ memproduksi produk stik rumput laut sebanyak 16 kemasan, dodol rumput laut sebanyak 11 kemasan, brownies rumput laut sebanyak 8 kemasan dan ice cream rumput laut sebanyak 4 kemasan dalam satu kali produksi. Sehingga total keuntungan dari setiap jenis produk dalam tiap kemasan sebesar Rp. 243.700 untuk satu kali produksi. Keuntungan maksimum yang diperoleh UMKM XYZ dalam satu kali produksi sebesar Rp. 110.712 dan terjadi peningkatan keuntungan sebesar 5,7% dari kondisi faktual
\Generasi Muslim atau disingkat Gen M merupakan generasi muda Muslim yang percayaakan iman dan modernitas. Perilaku pembelian Gen M sangat jarang diteliti sehinggapenulis tertarik untuk meneliti hal-hal yang dijadikan pertimbangan Gen M dalammelakukan keputusan pembelian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku GenM menggunakan pendekatan Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Variabel yangdigunakan antara lain adalah religiusitas, label halal, bahan produk, minat beli dankeputusan Pembelian. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian inimenggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan alternatif Partial LeastSquare (PLS). Jumlah responden sebanyak 200 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukanbahwa minat beli menjadi mediasi hubungan antara religiusitas, label halal, dan bahanproduk terhadap keputusan pembelian.\ The Muslim generation or abbreviated as Gen M is the young generation of believing Muslimsof faith and modernity. Gen M's buying behavior is so rarely studied, thereforethe author is interested in researching the things that are considered by Gen M inmake a purchase decision. This study aims to determine the behavior of genesM uses the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) approach. Variable which isused, among others, are religiosity, halal label, product ingredients, purchase interest andbuying decision. The data analysis technique used in this studyusing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least alternativesSquare (PLS). The number of respondents was 200 respondents. The results showedthat purchase interest mediates the relationship between religiosity, halal labels, and ingredientsproducts against purchasing decisions
Determination of the added value of kades coffee agroindustry product using the hayami method (case study of MSME’s Agal Deta, Sumbawa Besar District)
Coffee is an agro-industrial product commodity that has the potential to be developed, because it can be processed into ground coffee products with various flavors and can last a long time. This study aims to analyze the added value of Kades Coffee Agro-industry products in the MSME’s of Agal Deta which located in Marente Village, Alas District, Sumbawa Besar Regency using the Hayami method. The variables used in this method include input output and prices, revenues and profits, and margins. The results of the analysis of the added value of Kades coffee on the output, input and price variables obtained a conversion factor value of 5 kg/production cycle and a labor efficiency of 0.32 HOK/kg. The revenue and profit variables obtain of added value ratio of 76%, a profit level of 83% and an added value of 95,000 IDR. The margin variable gains a profit of 79% with a margin value of 100,000 IDR. The added value of Kades coffee is included in the profitable business category because it gets a added value ratio of above 40%
Analysis of macronutrient content macro nutrient content in organic fertiliser using fermented betel leaf extract
The use of organic fertilizers in Indonesia is increasing, this is due to the scarcity of synthetic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers have their own challenges in terms of the concentration they contain. In addition, some organic materials that exist today are very abundant, so it needs to be used as organic fertilizer, one of which is betel leaf. However, betel leaf itself is an additional ingredient that can increase the existing nutrient content. In this study, analysis of the macro elements in organic fertilizers was carried out by adding variations in the amount of betel leaf raw material. The research was conducted using variations of betel leaf extract 2%, 4%, and 6%. The test analysis in this study was in the form of N, P, and K levels. The results showed that the highest N content was in the 4% betel leaf variation, which was 0.1%, the highest P content was in the 2% variation, which was 0.04%, and the highest K content was at 2% variation, namely 0.066%. From these results, it can be said that there was no significant effect of the addition of betel leaf extract on the macro-nutrient content of liquid organic fertilizer.
Tape merupakan makanan yang terbuat dari beras ketan maupun singkong dengan jamur Endomycopsis fibulgeria, Rhizopus orizae maupun Saccharomyces sereviciae sebagai ragi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbandingan penggunaan ragi NKL dan ragi tape Sumbawa terhadap mutu organoleptik, pH dan kadar gula tape ketan putih. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dua faktor, yaitu jenis ragi dan dosis ragi. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA (Analysis of Varance) dengan software SPSS. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa Tidak ada pengaruh jenis ragi terhadap mutu organoleptik tekstur, rasa aroma (skala hedonik) dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap pH tape ketan, namun jenis ragi berpengaruh terhadap interaksi jenis ragi dan dosis ragi (skala skoring) pada rasa tape ketan dan berpengaruh terhadap kadar gula tape ketan. Dan tidak ada pengaruh dosis ragi terhadap mutu organoleptik tekstur, rasa dan aroma (skala hedonik) tape ketan, namun dosis ragi berpengaruh terhadap interaksi jenis ragi dan dosis ragi (skala skoring) pada rasa tape ketan, dan berpengaruh terhadap pH tape ketan. 
Bima Regency has great potential in producing shallots (Alliumascalonicum L.) because it can be planted throughout the year so that the production is abundantRed onion. Onion processing aims to maintain agesave and the quality of the onion. This study compared the characteristics of the pastashallots with two different emulsifying systems. Use of an emulsion systemthe right one affects the quality of the shallot paste. The research was conducted in a scalelaboratory using a completely randomized design (CRD) with two treatments andthree replications, the first treatment was addition of shortening with lecithin, andthe second treatment adding starch with oil palm. Characteristics of onion pastered that want to be investigated are water content (AOAC 2005), protein content (AOAC, 2005) andfat content (AOAC, 2005). The test results of shallot paste show thatThe addition of CMC 0.3% for 7 minutes had the lowest water content (44.11%).While the addition of 6% lecithin 4 minutes has a higher water contentcompared to other treatments (51.27%). The highest protein content is found intreatment with the addition of CMC 0.3% 7 minutes is 3.05%. while lowest onlecithin addition treatment 6% 4 minutes is 2.63%. Fat content of shallot pasteThe highest was the treatment with the addition of CMC by 0.3% with timestirring 7 minutes (0.89%), while the lowest was found in treatment withaddition of 6% lecithin with a stirring time of 4 minutes (0.82%).Kabupaten Bima mempunyai potensi besar dalam menghasilkan bawang merah (Alliumascalonicum L.) karena dapat ditanam sepanjang tahun sehingga berlimpah produksinyabawang merah. Pengolahan bawang merah bertujuan untuk mempertahankan umursimpan dan mutu bawang merah. Penelitian ini membandingkan karakteristik pastabawang merah dengan dua sistem pengemulsi yang berbeda. Penggunaan sistem emulsiyang tepat mempengaruhi mutu pasta bawang merah. Penelitian dilakukan dalam skalalaboratorium menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan dua perlakuan dantiga kali ulangan, perlakuan pertama penambahan shortening dengan lesitin, danperlakuan kedua penambahan pati dengan kelapa sawit. Karakteristik pasta bawangmerah yang ingin diteliti yaitu kadar air (AOAC 2005), kadar protein (AOAC, 2005) dankadar lemak (AOAC, 2005). Hasil pengujian pasta bawang merah menunjukkan bahwaPerlakuan penambahan CMC 0.3% 7 menit memiliki kadar air paling rendah (44,11%).Sedangkan penambahan lesitin 6% 4 menit memiliki kadar air yang lebih tinggidibandingkan perlakuan yang lain (51,27%). Kadar protein paling tinggi terdapat padaperlakuan penambahan CMC 0.3% 7 menit yaitu 3.05%. sedangkan terendah padaperlakuan penambahan lesitin 6% 4 menit yaitu 2.63%. Kadar lemak pasta bawang merahtertinggi terdapat perlakuan dengan penambahan CMC sebesar 0,3% dengan waktupenumisan 7 menit (0.89%), sedangkan terendah terdapat pada perlakuan denganpenambahan lesitin 6% dengan waktut penumisan 4 menit (0,82%)