910 research outputs found

    A five-wave HLL Riemann solver for relativistic MHD

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    We present a five-wave Riemann solver for the equations of ideal relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. Our solver can be regarded as a relativistic extension of the five-wave HLLD Riemann solver initially developed by Miyoshi and Kusano for the equations of ideal MHD. The solution to the Riemann problem is approximated by a five wave pattern, comprised of two outermost fast shocks, two rotational discontinuities and a contact surface in the middle. The proposed scheme is considerably more elaborate than in the classical case since the normal velocity is no longer constant across the rotational modes. Still, proper closure to the Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions can be attained by solving a nonlinear scalar equation in the total pressure variable which, for the chosen configuration, has to be constant over the whole Riemann fan. The accuracy of the new Riemann solver is validated against one dimensional tests and multidimensional applications. It is shown that our new solver considerably improves over the popular HLL solver or the recently proposed HLLC schemes.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures. Accepted for Publication in MNRA

    Linear and nonlinear evolution of current-carrying highly magnetized jets

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    We investigate the linear and nonlinear evolution of current-carrying jets in a periodic configuration by means of high resolution three-dimensional numerical simulations. The jets under consideration are strongly magnetized with a variable pitch profile and initially in equilibrium under the action of a force-free magnetic field. The growth of current-driven (CDI) and Kelvin-Helmholtz (KHI) instabilities is quantified using three selected cases corresponding to static, Alfvenic and super-Alfvenic jets. During the early stages, we observe large-scale helical deformations of the jet corresponding to the growth of the initially excited CDI mode. A direct comparison between our simulation results and the analytical growth rates obtained from linear theory reveals good agreement on condition that high-resolution and accurate discretization algorithms are employed. After the initial linear phase, the jet structure is significantly altered and, while slowly-moving jets show increasing helical deformations, larger velocity shear are violently disrupted on a few Alfven crossing time leaving a turbulent flow structure. Overall, kinetic and magnetic energies are quickly dissipated into heat and during the saturated regime the jet momentum is redistributed on a larger surface area with most of the jet mass travelling at smaller velocities. The effectiveness of this process is regulated by the onset of KHI instabilities taking place at the jet/ambient interface and can be held responsible for vigorous jet braking and entrainment.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Modelling the Kinked Jet of the Crab Nebula

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    We investigate the dynamical propagation of the South-East jet from the Crab pulsar interacting with supernova ejecta by means of three-dimensional relativistic MHD numerical simulations with the PLUTO code. The initial jet structure is set up from the inner regions of the Crab Nebula. We study the evolution of hot, relativistic hollow outflows initially carrying a purely azimuthal magnetic field. Our jet models are characterized by different choices of the outflow magnetization (σ\sigma parameter) and the bulk Lorentz factor (Îłj\gamma_{j}). We show that the jet is heavily affected by the growth of current-driven kink instabilities causing considerable deflection throughout its propagation length. This behavior is partially stabilized by the combined action of larger flow velocities and/or reduced magnetic field strengths. We find that our best jet models are characterized by relatively large values of σ\sigma (≳1\gtrsim 1) and small values of Îłj≃2\gamma_{j}\simeq 2. Our results are in good agreement with the recent X-ray (\textit{Chandra}) data of the Crab Nebula South-East jet indicating that the jet changes direction of propagation on a time scale of the order of few years. The 3D models presented here may have important implications in the investigation of particle acceleration in relativistic outflows.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figure

    Radiation hydrodynamics integrated in the code PLUTO

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    The transport of energy through radiation is very important in many astrophysical phenomena. In dynamical problems the time-dependent equations of radiation hydrodynamics have to be solved. We present a newly developed radiation-hydrodynamics module specifically designed for the versatile MHD code PLUTO. The solver is based on the flux-limited diffusion approximation in the two-temperature approach. All equations are solved in the co-moving frame in the frequency independent (grey) approximation. The hydrodynamics is solved by the different Godunov schemes implemented in PLUTO, and for the radiation transport we use a fully implicit scheme. The resulting system of linear equations is solved either using the successive over-relaxation (SOR) method (for testing purposes), or matrix solvers that are available in the PETSc library. We state in detail the methodology and describe several test cases in order to verify the correctness of our implementation. The solver works in standard coordinate systems, such as Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical, and also for non-equidistant grids. We have presented a new radiation-hydrodynamics solver coupled to the MHD-code \PLUTO that is a modern, versatile and efficient new module for treating complex radiation hydrodynamical problems in astrophysics. As test cases, either purely radiative situations, or full radiation-hydrodynamical setups (including radiative shocks and convection in accretion discs) have been studied successfully. The new module scales very well on parallel computers using MPI. For problems in star or planet formation, we have added the possibility of irradiation by a central source.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Relativistic MHD Simulations of Jets with Toroidal Magnetic Fields

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    This paper presents an application of the recent relativistic HLLC approximate Riemann solver by Mignone & Bodo to magnetized flows with vanishing normal component of the magnetic field. The numerical scheme is validated in two dimensions by investigating the propagation of axisymmetric jets with toroidal magnetic fields. The selected jet models show that the HLLC solver yields sharper resolution of contact and shear waves and better convergence properties over the traditional HLL approach.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    TPCI: The PLUTO-CLOUDY Interface

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    We present an interface between the (magneto-) hydrodynamics code PLUTO and the plasma simulation and spectral synthesis code CLOUDY. By combining these codes, we constructed a new photoionization hydrodynamics solver: The PLUTO-CLOUDY Interface (TPCI), which is well suited to simulate photoevaporative flows under strong irradiation. The code includes the electromagnetic spectrum from X-rays to the radio range and solves the photoionization and chemical network of the 30 lightest elements. TPCI follows an iterative numerical scheme: First, the equilibrium state of the medium is solved for a given radiation field by CLOUDY, resulting in a net radiative heating or cooling. In the second step, the latter influences the (magneto-) hydrodynamic evolution calculated by PLUTO. Here, we validated the one-dimensional version of the code on the basis of four test problems: Photoevaporation of a cool hydrogen cloud, cooling of coronal plasma, formation of a Stroemgren sphere, and the evaporating atmosphere of a hot Jupiter. This combination of an equilibrium photoionization solver with a general MHD code provides an advanced simulation tool applicable to a variety of astrophysical problems.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    TV-Centric technologies to provide remote areas with two-way satellite broadband access

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    October 1-2, 2007, Rome, Italy TV-Centric Technologies To Provide Remote Areas With Two-Way Satellite Broadband Acces
