1 research outputs found
Electromagnetic Wave Transmission Through a Subwavelength Nano-hole in a Two-dimensional Plasmonic Layer
An integral equation is formulated to describe electromagnetic wave
transmission through a sub-wavelength nano-hole in a thin plasmonic sheet in
terms of the dyadic Green's function for the associated Helmholtz problem.
Taking the subwavelength radius of the nano-hole to be the smallest length of
the system, we have obtained an exact solution of the integral equation for the
dyadic Green's function analytically and in closed form. This dyadic Green's
function is then employed in the numerical analysis of electromagnetic wave
transmission through the nano-hole for normal incidence of the incoming wave
train. The electromagnetic transmission involves two distinct contributions,
one emanating from the nano-hole and the other is directly transmitted through
the thin plasmonic layer itself (which would not occur in the case of a perfect
metal screen). The transmitted radiation exhibits interference fringes in the
vicinity of the nano-hole, and they tend to flatten as a function of increasing
lateral separation from the hole, reaching the uniform value of transmission
through the sheet alone at large separations.Comment: 14 pages, 24 individual figures organized in 9 captioned group