8 research outputs found
Enhancing prediction accuracy of foliar essential oil content, growth, and stem quality in Eucalyptus globulus using multi-trait deep learning models
Eucalyptus globulus Labill., is a recognized multipurpose tree, which stands out not only for the valuable qualities of its wood but also for the medicinal applications of the essential oil extracted from its leaves. In this study, we implemented an integrated strategy comprising genomic and phenomic approaches to predict foliar essential oil content, stem quality, and growth-related traits within a 9-year-old breeding population of E. globulus. The strategy involved evaluating Uni/Multi-trait deep learning (DL) models by incorporating genomic data related to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and haplotypes, as well as the phenomic data from leaf near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Our results showed that essential oil content (oil yield) ranged from 0.01 to 1.69% v/fw and had no significant correlation with any growth-related traits. This suggests that selection solely based on growth-related traits did n The emphases (colored text) from revisions were removed throughout the article. Confirm that this change is fine. ot influence the essential oil content. Genomic heritability estimates ranged from 0.25 (diameter at breast height (DBH) and oil yield) to 0.71 (DBH and stem straightness (ST)), while pedigree-based heritability exhibited a broader range, from 0.05 to 0.88. Notably, oil yield was found to be moderate to highly heritable, with genomic values ranging from 0.25 to 0.60, alongside a pedigree-based estimate of 0.48. The DL prediction models consistently achieved higher prediction accuracy (PA) values with a Multi-trait approach for most traits analyzed, including oil yield (0.699), tree height (0.772), DBH (0.745), slenderness coefficient (0.616), stem volume (0.757), and ST (0.764). The Uni-trait approach achieved superior PA values solely for branching quality (0.861). NIR spectral absorbance was the best omics data for CNN or MLP models with a Multi-trait approach. These results highlight considerable genetic variation within the Eucalyptus progeny trial, particularly regarding oil production. Our results contribute significantly to understanding omics-assisted deep learning models as a breeding strategy to improve growth-related traits and optimize essential oil production in this species
Saponins: Research Progress and Their Potential Role in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Era
In the post-COVID-19 pandemic era, the new global situation and the limited therapeutic management of the disease make it necessary to take urgent measures in more effective therapies and drug development in order to counteract the negative global impacts caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and its new infectious variants. In this context, plant-derived saponins—glycoside-type compounds constituted from a triterpene or steroidal aglycone and one or more sugar residues—may offer fewer side effects and promising beneficial pharmacological activities. This can then be used for the development of potential therapeutic agents against COVID-19, either as a therapy or as a complement to conventional pharmacological strategies for the treatment of the disease and its prevention. The main objective of this review was to examine the primary and current evidence in regard to the therapeutic potential of plant-derived saponins against the COVID-19 disease. Further, the aim was to also focus on those studies that highlight the potential use of saponins as a treatment against SARS-CoV-2. Saponins are antiviral agents that inhibit different pharmacological targets of the virus, as well as exhibit anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic activity in relieving symptoms and clinical complications related to the disease. In addition, saponins also possess immunostimulatory effects, which improve the efficacy and safety of vaccines for prolonging immunogenicity against SARS-CoV-2 and its infectious variants
Antiviral Activities of Eucalyptus Essential Oils: Their Effectiveness as Therapeutic Targets against Human Viruses
Given the limited therapeutic management of infectious diseases caused by viruses, such as influenza and SARS-CoV-2, the medicinal use of essential oils obtained from Eucalyptus trees has emerged as an antiviral alternative, either as a complement to the treatment of symptoms caused by infection or to exert effects on possible pharmacological targets of viruses. This review gathers and discusses the main findings on the emerging role and effectiveness of Eucalyptus essential oil as an antiviral agent. Studies have shown that Eucalyptus essential oil and its major monoterpenes have enormous potential for preventing and treating infectious diseases caused by viruses. The main molecular mechanisms involved in the antiviral activity are direct inactivation, that is, by the direct binding of monoterpenes with free viruses, particularly with viral proteins involved in the entry and penetration of the host cell, thus avoiding viral infection. Furthermore, this review addresses the coadministration of essential oil and available vaccines to increase protection against different viruses, in addition to the use of essential oil as a complementary treatment of symptoms caused by viruses, where Eucalyptus essential oil exerts anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, and spasmolytic effects in the attenuation of inflammatory responses caused by viruses, in particular respiratory diseases
Phenolic Profile and Cholinesterase Inhibitory Properties of Three Chilean Altiplano Plants: <i>Clinopodium gilliesii</i> (Benth.) Kuntze [Lamiaceae], <i>Mutisia acuminata</i> Ruiz & Pav. var. hirsuta (Meyen) Cabrera, and <i>Tagetes multiflora</i> (Kunth) [Asteraceae]
This research aimed to identify the phenolic profile and composition of the aerial parts of three native species used in traditional medicine in the Andean Altiplano of northern Chile: Clinopodium gilliesii (Benth.) Kuntze [Lamiaceae] (commonly known as Muña-Muña), Mutisia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. var. hirsuta (Meyen) Cabrera [Asteraceae] (commonly known as Chinchircoma), and Tagetes multiflora (Kunth), [Asteraceae] (commonly known as Gracilis), as well as to evaluate their potential inhibitory effects against acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE). Polyphenolic enriched-extracts (PEEs) of the species were prepared and analyzed and the main components were quantified using HPLC-DAD. In total, 30 phenolic compounds were identified and quantified in all species, including simple phenolics, hydroxycinnamic acids, flavan-3-ols (monomers and polymers), flavanones, and flavonols. In addition, other main phenolics from the extracts were tentatively identified by ESI-MS-MS high-resolution analysis. T. multiflora extract showed the greatest anti-AChE and BChE activity in comparison with C. gilliesii and M. acuminata extracts, being the anti-AChE and BChE activity weak in all extracts in comparison to galantamine control. To comprise to better understand the interactions between cholinesterase enzymes and the main phenolics identified in T. multiflora, molecular docking analysis was conducted
Iridoids and Amino Acid Derivatives from the Paraguayan Crude Drug Adenocalymma marginatum (ysypó hû)
The crude drug ysypó hû (Adenocalymma marginatum DC., Bignoniaceae) is used traditionally by the Guarani of Eastern Paraguayan as a male sexual enhancer. The aim of the present study was to identify the main constituents of the crude drug and to evaluate the in vitro inhibitory activity towards the enzyme phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5). The main compounds were isolated by counter-current chromatography (CCC). The metabolites were identified by spectroscopic and spectrometric means. The chemical profiling of the extracts was assessed by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). The crude extract and main isolated compounds were tested for their PDE-5 inhibitory activity using commercial kits. The iridoid theviridoside and 4-hydroxy-1-methylproline were isolated as the main constituent of the crude drug. Four chlortheviridoside hexoside derivatives were detected for the first time as natural products. Chemical profiling by HPLC-MS/MS led to the tentative identification of nine iridoids, six phenolics, and five amino acids. The crude extracts and main compounds were inactive towards PDE-5 at concentrations up to 500 µg/mL. Iridoids and amino acid derivatives were the main compounds occurring in the Paraguayan crude drug. The potential of ysypó hû as a male sexual enhancer cannot be discarded, since other mechanisms may be involved
Arsenic trioxide-increased MDCK cells proliferation requires activator protein 1-mediated increase of the sodium/proton exchanger 1 activity
The release of protons (H) occurs via the Na/H exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) leading to a stable intracellular pH (pHi) in MDCK cells. Chronic intake of arsenic trioxide (ATO), in the drinking water, associated with higher morbidity and mortality in neoplastic tissues. ATO increased NHE1 expression and activity, resulting in intracellular alkalization and higher MDCK cells proliferation. Since the pro-proliferative transcription factor activator protein 1 (AP-1) gets activated by al alkaline intracellular pH, a phenomenon paralleled by higher NHEs activity, we asked whether ATO-increased MDCK cells proliferation involves AP-1–dependent NHE1 activation. Cells were exposed (48 h) to ATO (0.05 μmol/L), SR11302 (1 μmol/L, AP-1 inhibitor), HOE-694 (100 nmol/L, NHE1 inhibitor) and EIPA (50 μmol/L, NHE1/NHE3 inhibitor) in the presence of S3226 (10 μmol/L, NHE3 inhibitor), concanamycin A (0.1 μmol/L, V-ATPases inhibitor), and Schering (10 μmol/L, H/K-ATPase inhibitor). [H]Thymidine incorporation, cell counting, wound healing assay, and AP-1 activity were determined. The pHi was measured in cells pre-loaded (10 min) with 2,7-bicarboxyethyl-5,6-carboxyfluorescein acetoxymethyl ester (12 mmol/L) and exposed to NHCl (20 mmol/L). Basal pHi and recovery rate (dpHi/dt), intracellular buffer capacity (βi) and H flux (J) were determined. NHE1 protein abundance was measured by Western blotting and immunofluorescence. ATO increased the cell growth (1.5 fold), basal pHi (0.4 pHi units), dpHi/dt (1.8 fold), J (1.4 fold), AP-1 activity and NHE1 protein abundance (1.3 fold). ATO also increased (1.5 fold) the nuclear/perinuclear NHE1 immunosignal. SR11302 and HOE-694 blocked ATO effects. Thus, ATO-increased proliferation resulted from AP-1–dependent NHE1 activation in MDCK cells
Instalación de la escuela monocultural en la Araucanía, 1883-1910: dispositivos de poder y Sociedad Mapuche
Resumen Este artículo surge de un estudio historiográfico sobre la instalación de la escuela monocultural en la región de la Araucanía, en el sur de Chile entre 1883 y 1910. El objeto es analizar a la escuela como principal dispositivo de poder que permitió legitimar la instalación e implementación del curriculum nacional chileno en territorio mapuche. En esta investigación se piensa que la comprensión de los actuales problemas interculturales que se manifiestan entre los conocimientos mapuche y saberes propios de la sociedad occidental, tienen una explicación en el modo como se instaló y proyectó la escuela en la Araucanía a fines del siglo XIX. Con el análisis teórico documental que se realiza se pretende comprender la dinámica que adquirió la escuela en un diagrama disciplinario de poder-saber que se articuló desde la capital de la República de Chile, para lograr integrar a los mapuches al proyecto Estado-Nación que había sido pensado y soñado por los grupos dirigentes oligárquicos de Chile. Así, en este texto se exponen muestras empíricas de material de archivo que han sido confrontadas con fuentes secundarias que develan la presencia de nuevos actores, tales como inspectores, visitadores de escuelas, profesores, quienes asumieron la misión de concretar el curriculum prescrito republicano en territorio indígena. Fue posible encontrar que durante la instalación de la escuela monocultural a fines del siglo XIX y comienzos de la conmemoración del primer centenario de la Independencia de Chile no hubo contextualización curricular