694 research outputs found
Geometric properties of cones with applications on the Hellinger-Kantorovich space, and a new distance on the space of probability measures
We study general geometric properties of cone spaces, and we apply them on
the Hellinger--Kantorovich space We exploit a two-parameter scaling property of the
Hellinger-Kantorovich metric
and we prove the existence of a distance on the space of Probability measures that
turns the Hellinger--Kantorovich space
into a cone
space over the space of probabilities measures
We provide a two parameter rescaling of geodesics in
and for
we obtain a full characterization of the geodesics. We
finally prove finer geometric properties, including local-angle condition and
partial -semiconcavity of the squared distances, that will be used in a
future paper to prove existence of gradient flows on both spaces
Diffusive Mixing of Stable States in the Ginzburg-Landau Equation
For the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation on the real line, we
construct solutions which converge, as , to periodic
stationary states with different wave-numbers . These solutions are
stable with respect to small perturbations, and approach as a
universal diffusive profile depending only on the values of . This
extends a previous result of Bricmont and Kupiainen by removing the assumption
that should be close to zero. The existence of the diffusive profile
is obtained as an application of the theory of monotone operators, and the
long-time behavior of our solutions is controlled by rewriting the system in
scaling variables and using energy estimates involving an exponentially growing
damping term.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe
A gradient system with a wiggly energy and relaxed EDP-convergence
If gradient systems depend on a microstructure, we want to derive a
macroscopic gradient structure describing the effective behavior of the
microscopic effects. We introduce a notion of evolutionary Gamma-convergence
that relates the microscopic energy and the microscopic dissipation potential
with their macroscopic limits via Gamma-convergence. This new notion
generalizes the concept of EDP-convergence, which was introduced in
arXiv:1507.06322, and is called "relaxed EDP-convergence". Both notions are
based on De Giorgi's energy-dissipation principle, however the special
structure of the dissipation functional in terms of the primal and dual
dissipation potential is, in general, not preserved under Gamma-convergence. By
investigating the kinetic relation directly and using general forcings we still
derive a unique macroscopic dissipation potential.
The wiggly-energy model of James et al serves as a prototypical example where
this nontrivial limit passage can be fully analyzed.Comment: 43 pages, 8 figure
Interaction of modulated pulses in the nonlinear Schroedinger equation with periodic potential
We consider a cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation with periodic potential.
In a semiclassical scaling the nonlinear interaction of modulated pulses
concentrated in one or several Bloch bands is studied. The notion of closed
mode systems is introduced which allows for the rigorous derivation of a finite
system of amplitude equations describing the macroscopic dynamics of these
BV solutions and viscosity approximations of rate-independent systems
In the nonconvex case solutions of rate-independent systems may develop jumps
as a function of time. To model such jumps, we adopt the philosophy that rate
independence should be considered as limit of systems with smaller and smaller
viscosity. For the finite-dimensional case we study the vanishing-viscosity
limit of doubly nonlinear equations given in terms of a differentiable energy
functional and a dissipation potential which is a viscous regularization of a
given rate-independent dissipation potential. The resulting definition of 'BV
solutions' involves, in a nontrivial way, both the rate-independent and the
viscous dissipation potential, which play a crucial role in the description of
the associated jump trajectories. We shall prove a general convergence result
for the time-continuous and for the time-discretized viscous approximations and
establish various properties of the limiting BV solutions. In particular, we
shall provide a careful description of the jumps and compare the new notion of
solutions with the related concepts of energetic and local solutions to
rate-independent systems
Balanced-Viscosity solutions for multi-rate systems
Several mechanical systems are modeled by the static momentum balance for the
displacement coupled with a rate-independent flow rule for some internal
variable . We consider a class of abstract systems of ODEs which have the
same structure, albeit in a finite-dimensional setting, and regularize both the
static equation and the rate-independent flow rule by adding viscous
dissipation terms with coefficients and ,
where is a fixed parameter. Therefore for
and have different relaxation rates.
We address the vanishing-viscosity analysis as of
the viscous system. We prove that, up to a subsequence, (reparameterized)
viscous solutions converge to a parameterized curve yielding a Balanced
Viscosity solution to the original rate-independent system, and providing an
accurate description of the system behavior at jumps. We also give a
reformulation of the notion of Balanced Viscosity solution in terms of a system
of subdifferential inclusions, showing that the viscosity in and the one in
are involved in the jump dynamics in different ways, according to whether
, , and
Optimal transport in competition with reaction: the Hellinger-Kantorovich distance and geodesic curves
We discuss a new notion of distance on the space of finite and nonnegative
measures which can be seen as a generalization of the well-known
Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance. The new distance is based on a dynamical
formulation given by an Onsager operator that is the sum of a Wasserstein
diffusion part and an additional reaction part describing the generation and
absorption of mass.
We present a full characterization of the distance and its properties. In
fact the distance can be equivalently described by an optimal transport problem
on the cone space over the underlying metric space. We give a construction of
geodesic curves and discuss their properties
A rate-independent model for the isothermal quasi-static evolution of shape-memory materials
This note addresses a three-dimensional model for isothermal stress-induced
transformation in shape-memory polycrystalline materials. We treat the problem
within the framework of the energetic formulation of rate-independent processes
and investigate existence and continuous dependence issues at both the
constitutive relation and quasi-static evolution level. Moreover, we focus on
time and space approximation as well as on regularization and parameter
asymptotics.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figure
High-frequency averaging in semi-classical Hartree-type equations
We investigate the asymptotic behavior of solutions to semi-classical
Schroedinger equations with nonlinearities of Hartree type. For a weakly
nonlinear scaling, we show the validity of an asymptotic superposition
principle for slowly modulated highly oscillatory pulses. The result is based
on a high-frequency averaging effect due to the nonlocal nature of the Hartree
potential, which inhibits the creation of new resonant waves. In the proof we
make use of the framework of Wiener algebras.Comment: 13 pages; Version 2: Added Remark 2.
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