21 research outputs found
Analysis of factors behind change of arable land area in period between two agricultural censuses (2002-2010)
W opracowaniu poddano analizie przyczyny zmiany powierzchni użytków rolnych, które dokonały się między kolejnymi spisami rolnymi z lat 2002-2010. Z badań wynikał systematyczny i stały spadek tej powierzchni, który był spowodowany zjawiskami związanymi z industrializacją kraju. Corocznie ubywało z rolnictwa od 42 do 62 tys. ha gruntów rolnych. Badania statystyczne wykazały odłogowania gruntów, które w 2010 r osiągnęły poziom około 0,5 mln ha. W porównaniu ze skalą ubytku gruntów rolnych, proces jego odzyskiwania stał na niskim poziomie.The paper presents an analysis of factors behind the change of arable land area which took place between two agricultural censuses in 2002 and 2010. The results of the study show a steady decrease in this area, caused by phenomena associated with industrialisation. Every year there was a decline by 42,000 up to 62,000 of arable land. Statistical research showed that in 2010 the amount of land set aside reached the level of 0.5 m ha. In comparison with the shrinking of arable land, the process of its recovery was sluggish.Bartosz Mickiewicz - [email protected] Mickiewicz – [email protected]ław Sobala - [email protected] hab. Bartosz Mickiewicz, prof. nadzw. – Wydział Ekonomiczny, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinieprof. dr hab. Antoni Mickiewicz – Wydział Ekonomiczny, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczeciniedr Mirosław Sobala – Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Szczecini
The paper presents the general characteristics of the Rural Development Programme (2014-2020) in the
light of the European Union regulations. The RDP is programmed base on six measures and a number of
sub-measures, which are developed to reflect modern trends in the development of rural areas. For Poland
there was specified budget of more than 13.5 billion euros, including the EAFRD measures at 8.6 billion
(63.7%) and 4.9 billion (36.3%) of the national co-financing. The spending trends of RDP means presented
to the European Commission were slightly adjusted, through the launch of additional activities associated
with investments in farms located in Natura 2000 areas and in less favoured areas (LFA). Start of financial
instruments will be delayed by protracted legislative process
Przedstawiono politykę gruntową przez pryzmat funkcjonowania Agencji Nieruchomości Rolnych. W okresie lat 1992-2015 ANR realizowała podstawowe zadania wynikające z ustawy w sprawie restrukturyzacji sektora państwowego w rolnictwie. W tym okresie z ZWRSP z 4,7 mln ha gruntów do sprzedaży przekazano 2,7 mln ha (56,7%), a 0,6 mln ha (13,7%) rozdysponowano w sposób trwały. W dyspozycji ANR pozostaje 1,4 mln ha (29,7%), w tym 1,0 mln ha (21,6%) gruntów będących w dzierżawie. W 2003 roku na podstawie ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego na ANR nałożone prawo pierwokupu państwowego, która była nadrzędna wobec pierwokupu sąsiedzkiego. Spośród 643,8 tys. umów przenoszących własność nieruchomości rolnych, ANR złożyła deklaracje nabycia gruntów w 629 przypadkach, które dotyczyły powierzchni 16,7 tys. ha. W 2016 roku mija 12-letni okres ochronny na zakup polskiej ziemi rolnej przez cudzoziemców. W związku z tym wprowadzono w 2015 roku nowe regulacje prawne, zamykające dostęp do zakupu ziemi przez obcokrajowców
Problems of direct payments in polish agriculture in 2004-2010
The main aspect of the paper is evaluation of direct payments which were introduced in the European Union Member States in 1992. The aim of direct payments was to compensate of agricultural income fall and achieve competition in European agricultural market. In Polish conditions there was introduced single area payment system (SAPS) which was not connected to quantity of production. Ruling in EU-15 single payment scheme (SPS) based on historical model let for achieving higher area payments. In 2004 the level of support was 55% in order to be increased to 100% in 6 years to the level estimated in the Accession Treaty in Athens in 2003. It remains on lower level than in EU-15 member States. In 2004-2010 farmers used to submit about 1.4 mln declarations every year, what was 82.3% of all farms with area exceeding 1 ha. And the rate of financial support was increased from 1.5 bln to 2.5 bln euro. In perspective of rural policy vision after 2013 is alignment of direct payments NUE-10 with the ones which are accepted in EU-15 Member States
Ocena przebiegu i realizacji działań zawartych w osi poprawa środowiska naturalnego i obszarów wiejskich PROW 2007–2013
In the research there were undertaken four activities which were introduced in priority axis RADP 2007-2013. The aim of research was analysis of execution of tasks estimated in the program against number and level of the European funds use allocated for that purpose. The estimation shows that financial support means for farms located in Less Favoured Areas and recreation of forest potential will be used fully. On the other hand second activity with realization of agri-environmental payments will meet problems with willing beneficiaries of the program. Those programs needed support from extension services with license. / Synopsis. Badaniami objęto cztery działania, które zawarto w drugiej osi priorytetowej PROW 2007–2013. Celem badań było analiza zakresu wykonania zadań określonych w programie pod względem liczbowym i poziomu wykorzystania funduszy europejskich przeznaczonych na ten cel. Ocena wskazuje, że środki wsparcia finansowego na wspieranie gospodarstw ONW oraz odtwarzanie poten¬cja¬łu lasów będą w pełni wykonane. Natomiast drugie działanie związane z płatnościami rolno¬środo¬wiskowymi napotykają na trudności z pozyskaniem beneficjentów do realizacji programu. Programy te wymagają pomocy ze strony służb doradczych dysponujących licencją
Specyfika funkcjonowania grup producentów owoców i warzyw w Polsce
The study analyzed the formation and development of groups of fruit and vegetable producers, which
began functioning under the Act of 2003. Group passed through a phase of groups initially accepted and after
5 years to approach to full recognition phase. The implementation of the financial assistance mechanisms
under the common organization of markets od fruit and vegetable had a significant impact on the increase in
the number of groups, contributing to the stabilization of the horticultural sector. However, the organization
of this market was relatively low at around 12%, with the average for the EU-27 at 43%
Types of support for the afforestation of agricultural land action
W opracowaniu przedstawiono rodzaje instrumentow wsparcia, jakie zastosowano między PROW 2004–2006 a PROW 2007–2013 w sprawie zalesienia gruntow rolnych. Wsparcie opierało się na trzech formach płatności, jako wsparcie na zalesienia, premię pielęgnacyjną i premię zalesieniową. Premia zalesieniowa jest wypłacana corocznie, przy czym w pierwszy okresie programowania przez okres 20 lat, w drugim zaś przez okres 15 lat. W latach 2004–2006 rolnicy złożyli 127,7 tys. wnioskow, w ramach ktorych zrealizowano płatności w wysokości 167,9 mln zł
Pozarolnicza działalność gospodarcza na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce
The paper presents non-agricultural activity, in the context of selected activities in the new financial perspective of the RDP 2014-2020. Today, non-agricultural economic activities implies a gainful activity other than farming, but integrally connected with the farm. The RDP 2014-2020 actions related to non-agricultural activity were included in two cases as bonuses for start of non-agricultural activity and agricultural service development. Generally for that aim there were allocated EUR 478,9 million what meant 3,5% EFARD means. The number of farms realizing different kinds of activities than farming was on low level in relation to the total number of farms over 1 ha. In 2010 that hat number was 3.9% and fell to 2.6% in 2013
The paper concentrates attention to processes of integrating of plant protection which started to obey
in Poland in 2014. In the paper there were presented domestic and European legislation, which precisely
estimates duties of farmers and economic subjects functioning in sphere of trade, use and reaction of negative
effects of plant protection means use. Using legal regulation there were presented level of used plant protection
means and development of ecological farms which are treated as free from chemical production means
Kinds and meaning of preferential credits for development of agriculture and rural areas
The theme of the paper was of preferential credits granted in two periods, that means after Poland’s accession to the European Union (2004-2006) and in the period after introduction of new legal regulations (2007-2010). The institution responsible for realisation of preferential credits was Agency of Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture which delegated its rights to banks. The credit policy in first period of our functioning in the European Union relied on gradual ending old legal regulations, not compliant with EU standards and undertaking activities in adaptation of Polish agriculture to standards obeyed in EU-15 Member States. Directions of preferential credits granting were changed in 2007. There were introduced 7 credit lines which aim was improvement of production efficiency, better use of production base in agricultural farms and acceleration of agrarian changes. The biggest beneficiaries of structural pensions were young farmers and farmers who wanted to increase the size of their farms