319 research outputs found
Massive MIMO with Non-Ideal Arbitrary Arrays: Hardware Scaling Laws and Circuit-Aware Design
Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are cellular networks
where the base stations (BSs) are equipped with unconventionally many antennas,
deployed on co-located or distributed arrays. Huge spatial degrees-of-freedom
are achieved by coherent processing over these massive arrays, which provide
strong signal gains, resilience to imperfect channel knowledge, and low
interference. This comes at the price of more infrastructure; the hardware cost
and circuit power consumption scale linearly/affinely with the number of BS
antennas . Hence, the key to cost-efficient deployment of large arrays is
low-cost antenna branches with low circuit power, in contrast to today's
conventional expensive and power-hungry BS antenna branches. Such low-cost
transceivers are prone to hardware imperfections, but it has been conjectured
that the huge degrees-of-freedom would bring robustness to such imperfections.
We prove this claim for a generalized uplink system with multiplicative
phase-drifts, additive distortion noise, and noise amplification. Specifically,
we derive closed-form expressions for the user rates and a scaling law that
shows how fast the hardware imperfections can increase with while
maintaining high rates. The connection between this scaling law and the power
consumption of different transceiver circuits is rigorously exemplified. This
reveals that one can make the circuit power increase as , instead of
linearly, by careful circuit-aware system design.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications, 16 pages, 8 figures. The results can be reproduced using the
following Matlab code: https://github.com/emilbjornson/hardware-scaling-law
Circuit-Aware Design of Energy-Efficient Massive MIMO Systems
Densification is a key to greater throughput in cellular networks. The full
potential of coordinated multipoint (CoMP) can be realized by massive
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, where each base station (BS) has
very many antennas. However, the improved throughput comes at the price of more
infrastructure; hardware cost and circuit power consumption scale
linearly/affinely with the number of antennas. In this paper, we show that one
can make the circuit power increase with only the square root of the number of
antennas by circuit-aware system design. To this end, we derive achievable user
rates for a system model with hardware imperfections and show how the level of
imperfections can be gradually increased while maintaining high throughput. The
connection between this scaling law and the circuit power consumption is
established for different circuits at the BS.Comment: Published at International Symposium on Communications, Control, and
Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2014), 4 pages, 3 figures. This version corrects an
error related to Lemma
Space-Constrained Massive MIMO: Hitting the Wall of Favorable Propagation
The recent development of the massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) paradigm, has been extensively based on the pursuit of favorable propagation: in the asymptotic limit, the channel vectors become nearly orthogonal and inter-user interference tends to zero [1]. In this context, previous studies have considered fixed inter-antenna distance, which implies an increasing array aperture as the number of elements increases. Here, we focus on a practical, space-constrained topology, where an increase in the number of antenna elements in a fixed total space imposes an inversely proportional decrease in the inter-antenna distance. Our analysis shows that, contrary to existing studies, inter-user interference does not vanish in the massive MIMO regime, thereby creating a saturation effect on the achievable rate
Impact of Residual Transmit RF Impairments on Training-Based MIMO Systems
Radio-frequency (RF) impairments, that exist intimately in wireless
communications systems, can severely degrade the performance of traditional
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Although compensation schemes
can cancel out part of these RF impairments, there still remains a certain
amount of impairments. These residual impairments have fundamental impact on
the MIMO system performance. However, most of the previous works have neglected
this factor. In this paper, a training-based MIMO system with residual transmit
RF impairments (RTRI) is considered. In particular, we derive a new channel
estimator for the proposed model, and find that RTRI can create an irreducible
estimation error floor. Moreover, we show that, in the presence of RTRI, the
optimal training sequence length can be larger than the number of transmit
antennas, especially in the low and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regimes.
An increase in the proposed approximated achievable rate is also observed by
adopting the optimal training sequence length. When the training and data
symbol powers are required to be equal, we demonstrate that, at high SNRs,
systems with RTRI demand more training, whereas at low SNRs, such demands are
nearly the same for all practical levels of RTRI.Comment: Accepted for publication at the IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC 2014), 6 pages, 5 figure
ENORM: A Framework For Edge NOde Resource Management
Current computing techniques using the cloud as a centralised server will
become untenable as billions of devices get connected to the Internet. This
raises the need for fog computing, which leverages computing at the edge of the
network on nodes, such as routers, base stations and switches, along with the
cloud. However, to realise fog computing the challenge of managing edge nodes
will need to be addressed. This paper is motivated to address the resource
management challenge. We develop the first framework to manage edge nodes,
namely the Edge NOde Resource Management (ENORM) framework. Mechanisms for
provisioning and auto-scaling edge node resources are proposed. The feasibility
of the framework is demonstrated on a PokeMon Go-like online game use-case. The
benefits of using ENORM are observed by reduced application latency between 20%
- 80% and reduced data transfer and communication frequency between the edge
node and the cloud by up to 95\%. These results highlight the potential of fog
computing for improving the quality of service and experience.Comment: 14 pages; accepted to IEEE Transactions on Services Computing on 12
September 201
DYVERSE: DYnamic VERtical Scaling in Multi-tenant Edge Environments
Multi-tenancy in resource-constrained environments is a key challenge in Edge
computing. In this paper, we develop 'DYVERSE: DYnamic VERtical Scaling in
Edge' environments, which is the first light-weight and dynamic vertical
scaling mechanism for managing resources allocated to applications for
facilitating multi-tenancy in Edge environments. To enable dynamic vertical
scaling, one static and three dynamic priority management approaches that are
workload-aware, community-aware and system-aware, respectively are proposed.
This research advocates that dynamic vertical scaling and priority management
approaches reduce Service Level Objective (SLO) violation rates. An online-game
and a face detection workload in a Cloud-Edge test-bed are used to validate the
research. The merits of DYVERSE is that there is only a sub-second overhead per
Edge server when 32 Edge servers are deployed on a single Edge node. When
compared to executing applications on the Edge servers without dynamic vertical
scaling, static priorities and dynamic priorities reduce SLO violation rates of
requests by up to 4% and 12% for the online game, respectively, and in both
cases 6% for the face detection workload. Moreover, for both workloads, the
system-aware dynamic vertical scaling method effectively reduces the latency of
non-violated requests, when compared to other methods
Characterisation and Modelling of Indoor and Short-Range MIMO Communications
Over the last decade, we have witnessed the rapid evolution of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
(MIMO) systems which promise to break the frontiers of conventional architectures and deliver
high throughput by employing more than one element at the transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx)
in order to exploit the spatial domain. This is achieved by transmitting simultaneous data
streams from different elements which impinge on the Rx with ideally unique spatial signatures
as a result of the propagation paths’ interactions with the surrounding environment. This thesis
is oriented to the statistical characterisation and modelling of MIMO systems and particularly
of indoor and short-range channels which lend themselves a plethora of modern applications,
such as wireless local networks (WLANs), peer-to-peer and vehicular communications.
The contributions of the thesis are detailed below. Firstly, an indoor channel model is proposed
which decorrelates the full spatial correlation matrix of a 5.2 GHzmeasuredMIMO channel and
thereafter assigns the Nakagami-m distribution on the resulting uncorrelated eigenmodes. The
choice of the flexible Nakagami-m density was found to better fit the measured data compared
to the commonly used Rayleigh and Ricean distributions. In fact, the proposed scheme captures
the spatial variations of the measured channel reasonably well and systematically outperforms
two known analytical models in terms of information theory and link-level performance.
The second contribution introduces an array processing scheme, namely the three-dimensional
(3D) frequency domain Space Alternating Generalised Expectation Maximisation (FD-SAGE)
algorithm for jointly extracting the dominant paths’ parameters. The scheme exhibits a satisfactory
robustness in a synthetic environment even for closely separated sources and is applicable
to any array geometry as long as its manifold is known. The algorithm is further applied to the
same set of raw data so that different global spatial parameters of interest are determined; these
are the multipath clustering, azimuth spreads and inter-dependency of the spatial domains.
The third contribution covers the case of short-range communications which have nowadays
emerged as a hot topic in the area of wireless networks. The main focus is on dual-branch
MIMO Ricean systems for which a design methodology to achieve maximum capacities in the
presence of Line-of-Sight (LoS) components is proposed. Moreover, a statistical eigenanalysis
of these configurations is performed and novel closed-formulae for the marginal eigenvalue
and condition number statistics are derived. These formulae are further used to develop an
adaptive detector (AD) whose aim is to reduce the feasibility cost and complexity of Maximum
Likelihood (ML)-based MIMO receivers.
Finally, a tractable novel upper bound on the ergodic capacity of the above mentioned MIMO
systems is presented which relies on a fundamental power constraint. The bound is sufficiently
tight and applicable for arbitrary rank of the mean channel matrix, Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR)
and takes the effects of spatial correlation at both ends into account. More importantly, it
includes previously reported capacity bounds as special cases
Distributed Massive MIMO in Cellular Networks: Impact of Imperfect Hardware and Number of Oscillators
Distributed massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) combines the array
gain of coherent MIMO processing with the proximity gains of distributed
antenna setups. In this paper, we analyze how transceiver hardware impairments
affect the downlink with maximum ratio transmission. We derive closed-form
spectral efficiencies expressions and study their asymptotic behavior as the
number of the antennas increases. We prove a scaling law on the hardware
quality, which reveals that massive MIMO is resilient to additive distortions,
while multiplicative phase noise is a limiting factor. It is also better to
have separate oscillators at each antenna than one per BS.Comment: First published in the Proceedings of the 23rd European Signal
Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2015) in 2015, published by EURASIP. 5 pages,
3, figure
On the Multivariate Gamma-Gamma () Distribution with Arbitrary Correlation and Applications in Wireless Communications
The statistical properties of the multivariate Gamma-Gamma ()
distribution with arbitrary correlation have remained unknown. In this paper,
we provide analytical expressions for the joint probability density function
(PDF), cumulative distribution function (CDF) and moment generation function of
the multivariate distribution with arbitrary correlation.
Furthermore, we present novel approximating expressions for the PDF and CDF of
the sum of random variables with arbitrary correlation. Based
on this statistical analysis, we investigate the performance of radio frequency
and optical wireless communication systems. It is noteworthy that the presented
expressions include several previous results in the literature as special
cases.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Does Massive MIMO Fail in Ricean Channels?
Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is now making its way to the
standardization exercise of future 5G networks. Yet, there are still
fundamental questions pertaining to the robustness of massive MIMO against
physically detrimental propagation conditions. On these grounds, we identify
scenarios under which massive MIMO can potentially fail in Ricean channels, and
characterize them physically, as well as, mathematically. Our analysis extends
and generalizes a stream of recent papers on this topic and articulates
emphatically that such harmful scenarios in Ricean fading conditions are
unlikely and can be compensated using any standard scheduling scheme. This
implies that massive MIMO is intrinsically effective at combating interuser
interference and, if needed, can avail of the base-station scheduler for
further robustness.Comment: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, accepte
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