143 research outputs found
The e-commerce industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly amidst the slowdown in the country\u27s economy. Moreover, most of the e-commerce business players in Indonesia are small, micro, and medium scale (SME). Consumers in e-commerce transactions have a greater risk of loss than business actors or merchants. In other words, consumer rights in e-commerce transactions are very vulnerable, so that consumers in e-commerce transactions are in a very weak bargaining position. The importance of a country regulating legal protection for consumers is generally based on considerations of its actuality and urgency. Legal regulations for e-commerce transactions are designed to create the level of certainty needed in business transactions and to protect consumers in e-commerce transactions in order to support the growth of the digital economy in Indonesia. Current legal protection regulations for consumers in Indonesia have not been able to protect consumers in cross-border e-commerce transactions. In e-commerce transactions, there are no national borders. The consumer protection laws of each country, such as those of Indonesia, are not sufficiently helpful because e-commerce operates across borders. This type of research is normative legal research that uses statutory regulations
They Are Re – Governmental Forms Democracy in Indonesia
In a country, the form of government is an important part because it is one of the conditions to be called a country. The form of Indonesian government refers to Article 1 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (1945 Constitution) is a republic. But when reading Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia embraces economic democracy. On that basis, the formulation of the problem that the author raised what form of democracy is desired in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia? The conclusion obtained is that it cannot be defined that the desired democracy is early democracy because of the mixing of many parties. The desired democracy is a democracy mixed with a form of tyrannical government
Characteristic of the leader can apply with Thought of Mao Tse-Tung which “Put on the ideas of the citizenry and focus in that ideas, then you give it back to the citizenry in order that ideas, and if that happen with the ideas you must correct it. It is the basic method of leadership. ”The conclusion of Thought of Mao Tse-Tung” is appropriate to apply in fighting against of corruption because of The Letter of the Act of Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2001 concerning changes ofThe Letter of the Act Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication’s Act of Punishment in Corruption was created the justice for the society when the corruptors are accused the corruption. The point of view is takes the profit with the president as a executive leader then the president can become a subject of law with distinct character.
Keywords: Corruption, Mao Tse-Tung, leader.
Ciri khas pemimpin bisa diterapkan sesuai pemikiran Mao Tse-Tung yaitu “Bersandar pada gagasan masyarakat dan fokus pada gagasan itu, lalu berikanlah kembali gagasan tersebut kepada masyarakat dan itulah gagasan sebenarnya. Ini adalah metode dasar kepemimpinan.” Kesimpulannya bahwa pemikiran Mao Tse-Tung adalah tepat untuk diterapkan dalam memerangi korupsi karena Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi telah menciptakan keadilan bagi masyarakat saat koruptor dituduh melakukan korupsi. Hal lainnya presiden sebagai kepala eksekutif maka presiden dapat menjadi subjek hukum yang bersifat tegas. Adanya sikap yang tegas ini akan menimbulkan dampak kepada penegak hukum untuk menerapkan peraturan perundang-undangan secara adil.
Kata kunci: Korupsi, Pemberantasan, Mao Tse-Tun
A law is said to be good if the law goes according to its function. By all means is to implement the law in law science. The application of the law is a state characteristic of the law in which the application will be achieved legal objectives consisting of legal justice, legal certainty and legal benefit. Starting from this, the development of tourism in Indonesia, especially in the Dutch cemetry in Peneleh Surabaya does not comply with Act No. 10-2009. This development is also influenced by human resources in this case the government of Surabaya is less concerned about the existence of the Dutch cemetry in Peneleh Surabaya. By doing empirism Research, the results are still low desire of Surabaya city government because the location is not located in the city cente
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to offer novelty regarding the emergency status issued by the Indonesian government appropriately. Using normative research with an orientation that is not based on conceptual. The initial beginnings that occurred in Indonesia resulted in changes in the application of the law, especially state administration law where an emergency had two components, namely the legal framework consisting of the constitution and the legislative basis for emergencies and the operational framework involving organizational structures and strategic plans for dealing with emergencies. In this case the government must immediately lockdown because in the principle of emergency state administration law is an absolute thing that must be done. To carry out lockdown, it requires firmness and a combined security of all parties. Lockdown must also be limited by legal norms such as a presidential decree to avoid arbitrariness by the government. Such understanding is important so that the country can run well.Keywords: corona; emergency statutory law; lossAbstrakTujuan penelitian menawarkan kebaruan terkait status kedaruratan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia secara tepat. Menggunakan penelitian normatif dengan orientasi yang tidak bersumber pada konseptual. Permulaaan awal yang terjadi di Indonesia mengakibatkan perubahan dalam penerapan hukum khususnya hukum tata negara dimana adanya keadaan darurat memiliki dua komponen yaitu kerangka hukum yang terdiri dari undang-undang dasar dan basis legislatif untuk keadaan darurat serta kerangka kerja operasional yang melibatkan organisasi struktur dan rencana strategis untuk berurusan dengan keadaan darurat. Di dalam hal ini pemerintah harus segera melakukan lockdown karena dalam prinsip hukum tata negara darurat adalah hal mutlak yang harus dilakukan. Untuk melakasanakan lockdown maka dibutuhkan ketegasan dan gabungan keamanan dari segala piha. Lockdown juga wajib dibatasi dengan norma hukum seperti keputusan presiden agar tidak timbul kesewenang-wenangan dari pemerintah. Pemahaman demikian penting agar negara dapat berjalan dengan baik.Kata kunci: corona; hukum tata negara darurat; kerugia
Peraturan Desa Dalam Perspektif Keaktifan Masyarakat (Pengabdian Masyarakat di Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia Jawa Timur)
Perkembangan penduduk di Indonesia yang semakin pesat membuat eksistensi desa harus tetap dijaga. Desa diartikan sebagai masyarakat hukum dalam suatu kesatuan yang mempunyai zonasi wilayah dan kepadanya diberi kewenangan mengatur dan mengurus urusan pemerintahan, kepentingan masyarakat setempat berdasarkan prakarsa masyarakat, hak asal usul, dan/atau hak tradisional yang diakui dan dihormati dalam sistem pemerintahan di Indonesia. Dari definisi tersebut, desa pada akhirnya memiliki penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan (disebut pemerintahan desa) dan kepala desa dibantu perangkat desa sebagai unsur penyelenggara pemerintahan desa (pemerintah desa). Menggunakan pola tatap muka dimana, peneliti memberikan penjelasan, tanya jawab dan praktik membuat rancangan peraturan desa. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan kepada peserta yang terdiri dari Perempuan Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia Jawa Timur. Pengabdian masyarakat ini menghasilkan kesimpulan melalui data yang diolah sebelumnya sehingga menghasilkan tulisan jurnal ini dimana perempuan KPI cenderung memiiki sifat aktif akan terciptanya perlindungan hukum atas hak-hak kaum perempuan di desa. Mereka menginginkan sanksi yang ketat bagi siapapun yang melanggar peraturan desa atau pemilik kewenangan namun sanksi yang ketat seharusnya diberikan melalui peradilan adat
The Scriptures, Religion and Compliance With Laws
When referring to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1/PNPS of 1965 concerning Prevention of Abuse and/or Blasphemy of Religion , religion is calculated based on quantity. Explanation of article 1 that religious adopted by the population in Indonesia are Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism. This can be proven in the history of the development of Religious in Indonesia. Because these 6 kinds of religions are religions which are practiced by almost the entire population of Indonesia. Based on the discussion, the results obtained, namely the inclusion of religious teachings in the formation of laws and regulations, are matters that must be separated. Separation of religion in the formation of laws and regulations must be done so that the legal justice achieved can go well.
General Election and the Study of the Future
Indonesia's position in electoral development is getting better because of the legislation. It is different when a strong bargaining position is artificial. In this case, the state becomes strong because of its own efforts such as having sophisticated technology programs, producing sophisticated weapons, or having world-class athletes. The problem is when the candidate listed in the empty ballot has been elected by the community but the chosen one does not win, then such election is actually not of the will of the community. This study uses normative legal study design which means that it is normative juridical legal research. The approaches used in legal research are statute approach, case approach, and conceptual approach. Future elections will no longer change when there is no legal clarity in Indonesia if the robot is included in it. The election aimed at robots for is not being a contradiction but is a way out to produce elections that are truly fair. When we choose robots in the elections, artificial intelligence holds norms in society. Artificial intelligence will become a habit in Indonesia, turning to jus cogens because its main nature is indirect force
Right is the basic essentials that can make legislation run well. But every practice of right always causes some legal issues. It means that the practice of every human in Indonesia can have right to have rights is not used yet, because of the exist of Pancasila. Indonesia needs to care more about this, that every citizen must have their right to have rights, as long as the right is not divide the unity and integrity of the nation of Indonesia. What’s mean with the right that Indonesian people must get is about right to live or death, right to choose their own religion, or right to choose their se
Meaning the Phrase “Own Demand” in Leadership In East Java
This study uses normative legal research that uses legislation and current conditions to carry out legal interpretation. In this case, the phrase "self-request" is defined as a request that originates from his own awareness that his actions have harmed the community. This means that there is no conflict preceded by the act of resigning oneself. Self-awareness of actions is important to understand the meaning of “self-demand”. The Governor of East Java is better off resigning at his own request because this action will make the state focus on legal certainty
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