5 research outputs found

    Simulation of return on investment (ROI %) with varying prices of <i>in vitro</i>- produced AMF inoculum and increasing P fertilizer prices.

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    <p>(a) Simulation based on sale of dry cassava root produced in Yopal. (b) Simulation based on sale of fresh cassava root produced in Yopal. (c) Simulation based on sale of fresh cassava root produced in Santana. The diagonal red line represents the ROI for the most profitable treatment with AMF inoculation, at that site, when simulating varying inoculum price. The top horizontal blue line represents the ROI for the most profitable non-inoculated treatment at current P fertilizer prices, even though this may not necessarily be what farmers normally practice. Blue horizontal lines below represent a simulation of ROI for this treatment with a scenario of increasing P fertilizer prices (+20%, +40%, +60%, +80% and +100% price increase). Vertical dashed lines represent the price for the amount of inoculum used in these experiments (right) and the price for half of the amount of inoculum which represents the recommended dose (left).</p

    Effects of inoculation with AMF and P fertilization on cassava root fresh weight or yield (t.ha<sup>−1</sup>) in Santana.

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    <p>Black shaded bars represent the weight of AMF-inoculated cassava and white bars represent the weight of non-inoculated cassava. Error bars represent +1 S.E. Different letters above bars represent significant differences at <i>P</i>≤0.05.</p