2 research outputs found
MOESM1 of Adequate vitamin D status is associated with the reduced odds of prevalent diabetic retinopathy in African Americans and Caucasians
Additional file 1: Table S1.  Adjusted* ORs and 95 % CI for diabetic retinopathy by reported quartile (Q) of dietary vitamin D intake from foods (IU/day) and by frequency of consumption of vitamin D rich foods at visit 1 (1987–1989) among Caucasian and African American ARIC study participants classified as having diabetes and having gradable eye photos at visit 3 (1993–95) and dietary data at visit 1 (N = 1305†)
Additional file 1: of The Objective Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Disease Health in Older Women (OPACH) Study
OPACH PA Questionnaire. (DOCX 351 kb