307 research outputs found
The Experimental Investigation of Supersymmetry Breaking
If Nature is supersymmetric at the weak interaction scale, what can we hope
to learn from experiments on supersymmetric particles? The most mysterious
aspect of phenomenological supersymmetry is the mechanism of spontaneous
supersymmetry breaking. This mechanism ties the observable pattern of
supersymmetric particle masses to aspects of the underlying unified theory at
very small distance scales. In this article, I will discuss a systematic
experimental program to determine the mechanism of supersymmetry breaking. Both
and colliders of the next generation play an essential role.
[Lecture presented at the 1995 Yukawa International Symposium (YKIS`95), to
appear in the proceedings.]Comment: 33 pages, latex + 16 figure
Theoretical Summary Lecture for Higgs Hunting 2012
In this lecture, I review some of the perspectives on the Higgs boson
discussed at the Higgs Hunting 2012 Worshop and discuss the short- and
long-term aspects of Higgs physics.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, presented at Higgs Hunting 2012, LAL Orsay; figs
3 and 4 updated following version 2 of arXiv:1207.251
Estimation of LHC and ILC Capabilities for Precision Higgs Boson Coupling Measurements
This paper discusses some aspects of the estimates of Higgs boson coupling
sensitivities for LHC and ILC presented at the Snowmass 2013 meeting. I
estimate the measurement accuracies underlying the CMS presentation to
Snowmass. I present new fits for the ILC capabilities. I present some joints
fits to prospective LHC and ILC data that demonstrates the synergy of the
High-Luminosity LHC and ILC programs. Contributed to the proceedings of the
Snowmass 2013 Community Summer Study.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures; v3 - minor clarifications adde
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