3 research outputs found
Manhattan plot showing the association of SNPs with systolic blood pressure (SBP).
<p>The genome-wide distribution of -log<sub>10</sub> P-values are plotted against the physical position of each SNP on each chromosome. The threshold for genome-wide significance (P-value < 5.0x10<sup>-8</sup>) is indicated by the horizontal dashed line.</p
Additional file 1: of Adapting medical guidelines to be patient-centered using a patient-driven process for individuals with sickle cell disease and their caregivers
Raw data. (XLSX 8 kb
Additional file 2: of Adapting medical guidelines to be patient-centered using a patient-driven process for individuals with sickle cell disease and their caregivers
List of questions asked at the community forums. These are the questions that were asked of participants at the community forums. (XLSX 12 kb