6 research outputs found
Optimization Analysis of the Structural Design and Stability Parameters of a Rehabilitation Robot
In this paper, a lower limb rehabilitation robot, suitable for stroke patients, is designed to meet the needs of the lower limb training in a later stage of rehabilitation. The rehabilitation robot is composed of a gantry structure, a driving system, a weight support system, and a human-computer interaction system. Such a robot can assist the patients to stand and walk on the ground. Because of the weakness of the lower limbs on the affected side, stroke patients find it difficult to maintain their own body balance. The patients may fall due to a change in body posture caused by insufficient body function. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the stability of the rehabilitation robot after being impacted by the patient\u27s fall during use. This paper presents a method for the analysis of robot stability and develops an approximate mathematical model of the rehabilitation robot stability based on the response surface method. Optimal structural design parameters for the rehabilitation robot under impact are determined based on the response surface mathematical model. Finally, a stability experiment of the rehabilitation robot under the optimal structural parameters is performed. The experimental results demonstrate that the universal wheel maintains a close force contact with the ground, which proves the reliable stability of the robot
Autonomous motion and control of lower limb exoskeleton rehabilitation robot
Introduction: The lower limb exoskeleton rehabilitation robot should perform gait planning based on the patient’s motor intention and training status and provide multimodal and robust control schemes in the control strategy to enhance patient participation.Methods: This paper proposes an adaptive particle swarm optimization admittance control algorithm (APSOAC), which adaptively optimizes the weights and learning factors of the PSO algorithm to avoid the problem of particle swarm falling into local optimal points. The proposed improved adaptive particle swarm algorithm adjusts the stiffness and damping parameters of the admittance control online to reduce the interaction force between the patient and the robot and adaptively plans the patient’s desired gait profile. In addition, this study proposes a dual RBF neural network adaptive sliding mode controller (DRNNASMC) to track the gait profile, compensate for frictional forces and external perturbations generated in the human-robot interaction using the RBF network, calculate the required moments for each joint motor based on the lower limb exoskeleton dynamics model, and perform stability analysis based on the Lyapunov theory.Results and discussion: Finally, the efficiency of the APSOAC and DRNNASMC algorithms is demonstrated by active and passive walking experiments with three healthy subjects, respectively
A Construction Method of Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot with Remote Control System
In response to the rehabilitation needs of stroke patients who are unable to benefit from conventional rehabilitation due to the COVID-19 epidemic, this paper designs a robot that combines on-site and telerehabilitation. The objective is to assist the patient in walking. We design the electromechanical system with a gantry mechanism, body-weight support system, information feedback system, and man-machine interactive control system. The proposed rehabilitation robot remote system is based on the client/server (C/S) network framework to realize the remote control of the robot state logic and the transmission of patient training data. Based on the proposed system, doctors can set or adjust the training modes and control the parameters of the robot and guide remote patient rehabilitation training through video communication. The robotic system can further store and manage the rehabilitation data of the patient during training. Experiments show the human-computer interaction system of the lower limb rehabilitation robot has good performance, can accurately recognize the information of human motion posture, and achieve the goal of actively the following motion. Experiments confirm the feasibility of the proposed design, the information management of stroke patients, and the efficiency of rehabilitation training. The proposed system can reduce the workload of the doctors in practical training
Design and Control of a Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot Based on Human Motion Intention Recognition with Multi-Source Sensor Information
The research on rehabilitation robots is gradually moving toward combining human intention recognition with control strategies to stimulate user involvement. In order to enhance the interactive performance between the robot and the human body, we propose a machine-learning-based human motion intention recognition algorithm using sensor information such as force, displacement and wheel speed. The proposed system uses the bi-directional long short-term memory (BILSTM) algorithm to recognize actions such as falling, walking, and turning, of which the accuracy rate has reached 99.61%. In addition, a radial basis function neural network adaptive sliding mode controller (RBFNNASMC) is proposed to track and control the patient’s behavioral intention and the gait of the lower limb exoskeleton and to adjust the weights of the RBF network using the adaptive law. This can achieve a dynamic estimation of the human–robot interaction forces and external disturbances, and it gives the exoskeleton joint motor a suitable driving torque. The stability of the controller is demonstrated using the Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate that the BILSTM classifier has more accurate recognition than the conventional classifier, and the real-time performance can meet the demand of the control cycle. Meanwhile, the RBFNNASMC controller has a better gait tracking effect compared with the PID controller
W-VSLAM: A Visual Mapping Algorithm for Indoor Inspection Robots
In recent years, with the widespread application of indoor inspection robots, high-precision, robust environmental perception has become essential for robotic mapping. Addressing the issues of visual–inertial estimation inaccuracies due to redundant pose degrees of freedom and accelerometer drift during the planar motion of mobile robots in indoor environments, we propose a visual SLAM perception method that integrates wheel odometry information. First, the robot’s body pose is parameterized in SE(2) and the corresponding camera pose is parameterized in SE(3). On this basis, we derive the visual constraint residuals and their Jacobian matrices for reprojection observations using the camera projection model. We employ the concept of pre-integration to derive pose-constraint residuals and their Jacobian matrices and utilize marginalization theory to derive the relative pose residuals and their Jacobians for loop closure constraints. This approach solves the nonlinear optimization problem to obtain the optimal pose and landmark points of the ground-moving robot. A comparison with the ORBSLAM3 algorithm reveals that, in the recorded indoor environment datasets, the proposed algorithm demonstrates significantly higher perception accuracy, with root mean square error (RMSE) improvements of 89.2% in translation and 98.5% in rotation for absolute trajectory error (ATE). The overall trajectory localization accuracy ranges between 5 and 17 cm, validating the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. These findings can be applied to preliminary mapping for the autonomous navigation of indoor mobile robots and serve as a basis for path planning based on the mapping results