2,379 research outputs found
Definition of damage caused through land clogging constitutes a significant share in the total amount of environmental offenses that are considered by courts in Ukraine and their investigations are the most difficult in this category. Majority of losses from land clogging are determined as significant amounts considered according to the Criminal Code of Ukraine as grave or especially grave consequences of environmental legislation violations. From the point of view of legal mechanism, the definition of damage caused through clogging of land resources is based on the branch Methodology for determining the amount of damage caused through pollution and clogging land resources by means of violation of environmental legislation, approved by order of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources No 171 from 27.10.1997 (as amended). Failure to comply with legislation on the protection and rational use of land resources resulting in land clogging is determined according to this Methodology. This Methodology is applied in case of violations revealed during the state supervision (control) of economic activities to comply with environmental (land) legislation by economic entities (according to the Law of Ukraine "On the Main Principles of State Supervision (Control) in the Area of Commercial Activity"). Employees of the State Ecological Inspectorate of Ukraine use the Methodology in particular to calculate the amount of compensation for damage caused to the state as a result of land clogging. Analysis of an expert practice of using the Methodology demonstrates its low arbitrage effect, since a significant part of the claims brought forward to debtors for compensation of damages or charges are not satisfied by the judicial authorities. Comprehensive methodology developed at KhRIFE makes possible to obtain correct from a legal point of view, complete, objective, scientifically, technically and economically justified answers to questions related to the calculation of the damage caused through land clogging. Разработанная в Харьковском НИИСЭ Комплексная методика дает возможность получить корректные с правовой точки зрения, полные, объективные, научно, технически и экономически обоснованные ответы на вопросы, которые касаются расчетов размера вреда, обусловленного засорением земельных ресурсов.Определение ущерба, обусловленного засорением земельных ресурсов, составляет значительную долю в общем объеме экологических правонарушений, которые рассматриваются судами в Украине, а их расследования являются наиболее сложными в этой категории. Большинство убытков от засорения земельных ресурсов определяются значительными суммами, которые по Уголовному кодексу Украины рассматриваются как тяжкие или особо тяжкие последствия нарушений природоохранного законодательства. С точки зрения правового механизма определения ущерба, обусловленного засорением земельных ресурсов, базируется на отраслевой Методике определения размеров ущерба, обусловленного загрязнением и засорением земельных ресурсов через нарушение природоохранного законодательства, утвержденная приказом Министерства охраны окружающей природной среды № 171 от 27.10.1997 (с изменениями). Невыполнение законодательства об охране и рациональном использовании земельных ресурсов, повлекшие засорения земель, определяется в соответствии с этой Методикой. Методика применяется в случае нарушений, выявленных при государственном надзоре (контроле) хозяйственной деятельности по соблюдению субъектами хозяйствования природоохранного (земельного) законодательства (по закону Украины «Об основных принципах государственного надзора (контроля) в сфере хозяйственной деятельности»). Работники Государственной экологической инспекции Украины используют Методику, в частности, для расчетов размеров возмещения вреда, причиненного государству в результате засорения земель. Анализ экспертной практики использования Методики свидетельствует о ее низком арбитражном эффекте, поскольку значительная часть выдвинутых должникам исков о возмещении убытков или обвинений не удовлетворяются судебными органами. Разработанная в Харьковском НИИСЭ Комплексная методика дает возможность получить корректные с правовой точки зрения, полные, объективные, научно, технически и экономически обоснованные ответы на вопросы, касающиеся расчетов ущерба, обусловленного засорением земельных ресурсов.Розглянуто методологічні підходи до експертного дослідження розрахунку шкоди, зумовленої засміченням земельних ресурсів
Thermodynamics of a mixed quantum-classical Heisenberg model in two dimensions
We study the planar antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on a decorated
hexagonal lattice, involving both classical spins (occupying the vertices) and
quantum spins (occupying the middle of the links). This study is motivated by
the description of a recently synthesized molecular magnetic compound. First,
we trace out the spin 1/2 degrees of freedom to obtain a fully classical model
with an effective ferromagnetic interaction. Then, using high temperature
expansions and Monte Carlo simulations, we analyse its thermal and magnetic
properties. We show that it provides a good quantitative description of the
magnetic susceptibility of the molecular magnet in its paramagnetic phase.Comment: Revtex, 6 pages, 4 included postscript figures, fig.1 upon request to
[email protected] . To appear in J. of Physic C (condensed matter
Tuning the spin Hamiltonian of NENP by external pressure: a neutron scattering study
We report an inelastic neutron scattering study of antiferromagnetic spin
dynamics in the Haldane chain compound Ni(C2H8N2)2NO2ClO4 (NENP) under external
hydrostatic pressure P = 2.5 GPa. At ambient pressure, the magnetic excitations
in NENP are dominated by a long-lived triplet mode with a gap which is split by
orthorhombic crystalline anisotropy into a lower doublet centered at
1.2meV and a singlet at 2.5meV.
With pressure we observe appreciable shifts in these levels, which move to
1.45 meV and
2.2meV. The dispersion of these modes in the crystalline c-direction
perpendicular to the chain was measured here for the first time, and can be
accounted for by an interchain exchange J'_c approximately 3e-4*J which changes
only slightly with pressure. Since the average gap value 1.64
meV remains almost unchanged with P, we conclude that in NENP the application
of external pressure does not affect the intrachain coupling J appreciably, but
does produce a significant decrease of the single-ion anisotropy constant from
D/J = 0.16(2) at ambient pressure to D/J = 0.09(7) at P = 2.5 GPa.Comment: LaTeX file nenp_p.tex, 10 pages, 1 table, 5 figures. Submitted to
Phys. Rev.
Economic aspects of the cardiology program expansion of additional drugs provision by effective lipidlowering drugs for hypercholesterolemia control
The federal program of preferential drug provision in cardiology shows its effectiveness. However, hypercholesterolemia (HCH) remains a significant problem in patients in whom high-dose statin therapy does not provide the target level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). The solution to the problem lies in the plane of prescribing lipid-lowering drugs of a different mechanism of action, for example, inhibitors of the PCSK9 enzyme. To recommend the inclusion of such kind drugs in the program, it is necessary not only to have evidence of their life-saving effect, but also the economic feasibility of their use. Aim: to evaluate the economic efficacy of alirocumab (INN) including in the federal program for patients who have suffered an acute coronary event, are receiving statins and have an LDL CH level of 5.0 mmol/l and higher.Materials and methods. Modeling was applied in a target group of 3029 patients of working age who had undergone ACS during the previous 12 months with severe, including familial, HCH, with LDL cholesterol 5.0 mmol/l and higher, receiving statins taking into account previously determined outcomes when using alirocumab + statins for 5 years. Direct medical and non-medical costs, as well as indirect costs, are identified. The cost-effectiveness analysis was applied from the point of view of the effectiveness of treatment (effects on mortality, temporary disability, disability) and direct health care costs (additional drug provision and outpatient follow-up, specialized, including high-tech, medical care in a 24‑hour hospital). Two healthcare technologies were compared: statin therapy and use of alirocumab + statins. The calculations used according to domestic methods used the cost of medical treatment, temporary disability, hospitalizations, loss of GDP and other parameters.Results. Modeling has shown a decrease in mortality, morbidity and disability when using alirocumab in even the first year of use. The economic effect of alirocumab from a decrease in temporary disability in the 1st year is 304.5 mln rub., in the 2nd — 301.5 mln rub., in the 3rd — 321.1 mln rub., in the 4th — 333.1 mln rub. The estimated amount of prevented GDP losses from mortality in the target group for 4 years in the case of alirocumab use amounted to 1,260.2 mln rub. The annual amount of avoidable GDP losses from mortality in the target group in the case of alirocumab is 27–30 %. The annual average savings per patient in the case of alirocumab use are from 7 to 17 %. The greatest impact on reducing losses from disability and mortality of the target group is noted in the group of people aged 40–59 years. Only for this group, if alirocumab is used, it is possible to reduce losses from disability and mortality by 159.2 million rubles per year (83 % of the total economic effect). Starting from the 4th year of alirocumab use, it is possible to obtain a positive economic effect in terms of hospitalization costs.Conclusion. When alirocumab is included in the program of additional drug provision in cardiology, the share of costs for the purchase of alirocumab for the target group may be only 0.01 %. At the same time, the economic effect of inclusion in the first year alone will amount to at least 393.4 million rubles of budget funds. The total amount of avoidable losses due to the alirocumab usage may amount to 1,638 million rubles over 4 years
Human Capital of Transnational Corporations in the Energy Sector
For the development of the energy sector, at the present stage, it is necessary to use certain resources. The paper analyzed the application of human capital in the energy sector. To achieve this goal, the authors used the method of offset. It is established that the world energy consumption increases, and the dynamics of the employed population in the energy sector remains within the same norm. It is determined that an important factor for the development of the economy is the gross regional product. As its increase helps to reduce energy intensity. The authors show that human potential is not only a personal characteristic received by the employee independently, but also by the acquired position, which is ensured by the implementation of corporate tools. The paper considers the economic, social and legal provision of such instruments.
Keywords: labor resources, electrification, energy efficiency, expert evaluation, energy system.
JEL Classifications: A10, P48
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.690
Haldane-gap excitations in the low-H_c 1-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet NDMAP
Inelastic neutron scattering on deuterated single-crystal samples is used to
study Haldane-gap excitations in the new S=1 one-dimensional quantum
antiferromagnet NDMAP, that was recently recognized as an ideal model system
for high-field studies. The Haldane gap energies meV,
meV and meV, for excitations polarized along
the a, b, and c crystallographic axes, respectively, are directly measured. The
dispersion perpendicular to the chain axis c is studied, and extremely weak
inter-chain coupling constants meV and meV, along the a and b axes, respectively, are determined. The results
are discussed in the context of future experiments in high magnetic fields.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
Equal Time Correlations in Haldane Gap Antiferromagnets
The antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain both with and without single ion
anisotropy is studied. Using the recently proposed density matrix
renormalization group technique we calculate the energy gaps as well as several
different correlation functions. The two gaps, ,
along with associated correlation lengths and velocities are determined. The
numerical results are shown to be in good agreement with theoretical
predictions derived from the nonlinear sigma model and a free boson model. We
also study the excitations that occur at the ends of open chains; in
particular we study the behavior associated with open boundary conditions,
using a model of spins coupled to the free bosons.Comment: 32 pages, uufiles encoded REVTEX 3.0, 19 postscript figures included,
PCSK9 Inhibitors in Clinical Practice: Experience of a Specialized Lipid Center
Aim. To characterize patients receiving PCSK9 inhibitors, and assess the efficiency of their treatment in a specialized lipid center.Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of the medical records of patients who visited the Lipid clinic of the National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine (Moscow, Russia), receiving PCSK9 inhibitor and having lipid profile in dynamics, was carried out (n=77). Cardiovascular risk (CVR) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) target levels were evaluated in accordance with the Russian guidelines for the diagnostics and correction of dyslipidemias 2020.Results. Of 77 patients taking PCSK9 inhibitors (44.2% males, the median of age 56 [47; 66] years), the majority (64.0%) had a probable or definite familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). The proportion of other lipid metabolism disorders, pure hypercholesterolemia and combined hyperlipidemia was 21% and 15%. More than half of the patients (68.8%) had a very high CVR, mainly due to the presence of coronary heart disease (84.9%). The proportion of patients receiving PCSK9 inhibitors as monotherapy was 7.8%, in combination with high-intensity statin therapy – 33.8%, as part of triple lipid-lowering therapy (high-intensity statin, ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors) – 50.6%. Addition of PCSK9 inhibitors to combined lipid-lowering therapy enabled to reduce the LDL-C level to 1.02 [0.62; 1.39] mmol/l with its total decrease from the baseline by 87.3%. While taking PCSK9 inhibitors, LDL-C <1.8 mmol/l and <1.4 mmol/l achieved at 78.3% and 57.7% FH patients with high and very high CVR, respectively. Among patients with other hyperlipidemias, 74.1% of patients with very high CVR was achieved the target LDL-C level <1.4 mmol/l.Conclusion: In a specialized lipid center, PCSK9 inhibitors are prescribed to patients with high or very high CVR, most of whom are FH patients. The effectiveness of the use of PCSK9 inhibitors in real-world practice is comparable to the results of clinical trials
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