25 research outputs found
The level of society’s awareness on education is very high. The society’s enthusiasm to take a higher education is enormous. Every year the society’s interest in joining Hasyim Asy'ari University of Tebuireng Jombang is increasing. For this reason, Hasyim Asy'ari University of Tebuireng Jombang plans to add the classes by constructing new buildings that can accommodate more students each year. Every construction certainly has a risk. To anticipate this, a feasibility study is carried out at the early stages of construction planning so that later the construction runs well. There are three methods used to analyze investment feasibility, namely, Net Present Value (NPV) method, Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) method and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) method. Besides using those methods, the payback period for the building construction project of Hasyim Asy'ari University of Tebuireng Jombang is also calculated. Based on the results of the analysis conducted, it was found that the construction of Hasyim Asy'ari University of Tebuireng Jombang was feasible to be carried out referring to the NPV and B/C values which were higher than one and the IRR value was higher than MARR and the payback period was for 7 years and 5 months. Thus, the investment project is declared feasible to proceed
Abstrak Saat ini, kegiatan TIK (Informasi, Komunikasi dan Teknologi) menggantikan beberapa kegiatan fisik sehari-hari menjadi kegiatan non-fisik di era digital. Penggunaan TIK juga dapat menentukan perilaku perjalanan baik jumlah perjalanan dan rantai perjalanan para pelancong yang juga akan mempengaruhi volume lalu lintas, terutama di jalan-jalan kota. Pengguna transportasi mencoba untuk meningkatkan efisiensi perjalanannya melalui berbagai cara, tetapi sekarang orang cenderung memiliki aktivitas yang lebih bervariasi, sehingga perilaku perjalanan telah berubah, serta pola perjalanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis karakteristik sosial ekonomi rumah tangga pada perilaku perjalanan dengan pengaruh penggunaan TIK. Pengguna transportasi yang menggunakan TIK lebih sering mungkin memiliki pilihan berbeda pada moda transportasi dari seseorang yang tidak melakukan kegiatan online. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan aktivitas buku harian. Lokasi survei difokuskan di Kota Jombang Indonesia, dan batas kota terdekat, sampel yang digunakan adalah 200 sampel rumah tangga. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Regresi Logistik dengan metode Purposive Sampling dengan membangun sejumlah model berdasarkan catatan data perjalanan harian aktivitas fisik individu, data yang diperoleh diharapkan mampu menggambarkan pola perjalanan dan penggunaan pilihan moda pada skala rumah tangga. Kata kunci: aktivitas buku harian, pola perjalanan, sosial ekonomi, perilaku transportasi, kota Jombang.   Abstract Undertaking healthy activities and trips is manifested from a set of daily activities and travels. The consequences of undertaking healthy activities and trips also includes reducing the time of some unhealthy activities. At present, ICT (Information, Communication and Technologies) activities are replacing some daily physical activities into non-physical daily activities in the digital age. The penetration of ICT might also determine the trip arrangement either number of trips and trip chains of the travelers that will also influence the traffic volume, especially on urban streets. Travelers try to improve their travel efficiency through a variety of ways, but now people have more varied activities, so that their travel behavior has changed, as well as their travel patterns. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of household socio-economic on different trip arrangement with the influence of ICT penetration. The ones who use ICT more often might have different choice on transport modes from someone who undertakes no online activities. Data collection is done using an activity diary. The survey location was focused on Jombang City of Indonesia, and the nearest city boundary, the sample used was 200 household samples in this study. The analysis technique in this study uses Logistic Regression with the Purposive Sampling method by constructing a number of models based on individual daily physical activity travel data records, the data obtained are expected to be able to describe travel patterns and mode choice use on a household scale based. Keywords: activity diary, travel patterns, socio-economic, trip arrangement, Jombang cit
Utilization for corn cobs as a substitute for aggregate for making bricks, can be used as an environmentally friendly non-structural construction material. This study aims to obtain the optimal composition and quality of bricks. The data collection technique use 36 samples in the form of bricks measuring 30 x 15 x 10 cm, with details of 18 brick samples for compressive strengths testing and 18 samples for wear resistance testing, variations in the addition of corn cobs 5%, 10% and 20%. The data analysis technique used the Taguchi method, with three levels and four factors. The results of the research show that the factors that influence the quality characteristics of the compressive strength and wear resistance of the brick are cement (1.992 kg), corn cobs (0.027 kg) and sand (3.110 kg). With a formulation based on SNR Larger the better at the compressive strength of bricks, namely (A3) cement level 3 and (C1) corn cobs level 1. While the wear resistance results based on Smaller is better are (B3) sand at level 3
Currently, environmentally friendly building materials continue to be developed, one of which is by utilizing corn husks. This research was conducted to determine the quality produced based on the Indonesian National Standard with the experimental design method. Using corn husk as a substitute for brick-making was 5%, 10% and 20%. This research went through 2 stages of testing, namely compressive strength and wear strength. The number of specimens for each variation was 5 for compressive strength and 3 for wear, with 69 specimens. The best test for compressive strength of 7 days is produced by a test object with a percentage of 5% cube, which can produce an average compressive strength of 49.154 kg/cm² and meets the quality standard of SNI 03-0349-1989 class III. the percentage of 5% cube meets the class III quality standard with an average compressive strength value of 57,257 kg/cm². However, the best compressive strength of the brick-shaped test object is produced by the 10% test object that meets the class IV quality standard with an average compressive strength of 30,183 kg/cm². In the wear test, all variations of the bricks did not meet the quality standard of SNI 03-0691-1996.Currently, environmentally friendly building materials continue to be developed, one of which is by utilizing corn husks. This research was conducted to determine the quality produced based on the Indonesian National Standard with the experimental design method. Using corn husk as a substitute for brick-making was 5%, 10% and 20%. This research went through 2 stages of testing, namely compressive strength and wear strength. The number of specimens for each variation was 5 for compressive strength and 3 for wear, with 69 specimens. The best test for compressive strength of 7 days is produced by a test object with a percentage of 5% cube, which can produce an average compressive strength of 49.154 kg/cm² and meets the quality standard of SNI 03-0349-1989 class III. the percentage of 5% cube meets the class III quality standard with an average compressive strength value of 57,257 kg/cm². However, the best compressive strength of the brick-shaped test object is produced by the 10% test object that meets the class IV quality standard with an average compressive strength of 30,183 kg/cm². In the wear test, all variations of the bricks did not meet the quality standard of SNI 03-0691-1996
Student Entrepreneurship Cluster as The Implementation Response of University Entrepreneurship Program (A Case Study of Engineering Faculty Students of Unhasy Tebuireng)
This research was carried out to identify the characteristics of entrepreneurship carried out by students of the engineering faculty of Unhasy. The elements of cluster grouping are based on the entrepreneurial activities before becoming a student of the engineering faculty. This is to identify whether the activities have changed or not in terms of continued entrepreneurship after becoming a student at Unhasy. The processing of the data obtained shows that the program Entrepreneurship in the engineering faculty is identified based on: the alignment of the entrepreneurship program of Unhasy with implementation, the implementation of entrepreneurial practices, the entrepreneurship infrastructure that they have and want, the way to learn entrepreneurship, and the response to implementation of the Unhasy entrepreneurship program. From these variables, it shows in general that students of Unhasy's engineering faculty has been running entrepreneurship and survived until now at around 39%
Jombang Regency is a religious tourism area where many national scholars are buried here so that Jombang becomes a tourist spot for tourists in various regions in Indonesia, with these objects tourists need a map to make it easier when visiting Jombang Regency. The purpose of this study was to analyze the distribution of thematic maps and to observe the supporting facilities for religious tourism infrastructure including (Tomb of KH. Abdur Rahman Wahid, tomb of KH. Bisri Syansuri, tomb of KH. Wahab Hasbullah, tomb of KH.Mustain Romlly and Tomb of Syayid Sulaiman) . This study uses digitized coordinates that produce a map of the distribution of religious tourism objects, for the application of a Geographic Information System (GIS) and questionnaires distributed to six religious tourism objects, using the Center Of Gravity (COG) method to determine the intended route. The results of the study obtained six coordinates of religious tourism objects and resulted in a distributed questionnaire declared valid and reliable with Cronbach's alpha value of 0.809 for the Geographic Information System indicator and 0.933 for the Center of Gravity indicator
Pendekatan House Of Quality (HOQ) Terhadap Kinerja Jalan dengan Metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Kabupaten Malang salah satu daerah yang padat volume lalu lintasnya dengan mengalami kenaikan jumlah kepemilikan dan arus kendaraan bermotor. Pergerakan arus lalu lintas tersebut sangat dipengaruhi berbagai faktor diantaranya tata guna lahan, manusia, kendaraan, infrastruktur jalan yang dapat menyebabkan perubahan pada tingkat pelayanan ruas jalan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kinerja tingkat pelayanan jalan arteri di Kabupaten Malang. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan survei pengamatan langsung dengan 21 titik kecamatan di wilayah Kabupaten Malang dan survei wawancara dengan 50 sampel responden secara random sampling selama 1 bulan. Teknik analisis data metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD) dimana dari metode tersebut akan dihasilkan sebuah rekomendasi berdasarkan data volume lalu lintas, geometrik jalan dan hasil dari kuesioner, untuk perbaikan kinerja tingkat pelayanan jalan dengan 11 karakteristik teknis diantaranya bekerjasama dengan aparat kebersihan jalan, perbaikan jalan rusak, penjadwalan waktu yang lebih efektif dan efisien, ketersediaan ketepatan waktu, aksesibilitas halte, kerjasama dengan aparat keamanan terkait, disesuaikan dengan standar kecepatan berkendara di jalan, desain jalan yang ergonomis, kesembilan penambahan jam pelatihan mengemudi, biaya disesuaikan dengan biaya peraturan yang berlaku, disesuaikan dengan standar headway berkendara di jalan
The development of construction project currently becomes a more complicated case. The implementation of construction project is a series of interdependent activity through project management system from plan stage up to the implementation itself. The project management system involves the workforce, cost, time, equipment and others , and also schedule delay which effects cost consumming that must be ignored. This study analysis how to determine optimal project time & cost. This case study is performed on the renovation of MTsN Paron Ngawi Regency building. The secondary data involves project cost estimate, time schedule, price analysis list of materials and wages which are analysed further by acceleration crashing methode and overtime extention. From the acceleration process , proved that optimal project time of MTsN Paron Ngawi Regency renovation project is done by expediting the time into 56 days, while the total amount of optimal project cost is Rp. 194,041,862.00. The most optimal option of the acceleration is the augment of overtime, 1 hour, which generates project efficiency 0.35 %.Key words : time-cost trade off, optimal project cost, project management, crashin
Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dosen dan mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Sipil yang bekerja sama dengan BAPPEDA Kabupaten Jombang dalam program PPMBK (Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Berbasis Kinerja) Tahun 2022, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan masyarakat dalam pembuatan paving ramah lingkungan di Desa Ngampungan khususnya dalam pengembangan desa wisata pandansili bermitra dengan POKDARWIS (Kelompok Sadar Wisata), dengan pemanfaatan limbah ampas tebu yang dijadikan sebagai bahan campuran pada produk paving ramah lingkungan sehingga memiliki tingkat porositas tinggi. Pelatihan dan sosialisasi pemanfaatan limbah sebagai bahan paving juga menambah pengetahuan tentang konservasi lingkungan. Metode Mix Design yang digunakan dalam proses percampuran bahan penyusun beton untuk menghasilkan takaran bahan yang sesuai serta dapat menghasilkan kualitas paving yang sesuai dengan (SNI 03-0691-1996) paving block. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian paving yaitu uji kuat tekan dan kuat aus, sehingga menghasilkan paving dengan mutu 10.216 MPa (K-123). Hasil tersebut membuktikan bahwa mutu paving meningkat sebesar 0.216 MPa (K-3). Penerapan pada proses produksi menggunakan metode Taguchi dengan komposisi bahan 3.916 (Kg) semen, 9.033(Kg) pasir, 0.120 (Kg) ampas tebu. Kegiatan ini juga menghibahkan alat cetak paving yang telah di desain sedemikian rupa untuk memudahkan produksi paving agar produk tersebut dapat di implementasikan menjadi fasilitas umum yang lain
Studi Kelayakan Pembangunan Biodigester Limbah Cair Pabrik Tahu
Dampak pengolahan industri tahu adalah limbah cair yang kebanyakan menimbulkan masalah. Limbah cair tahu dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi biogas. Untuk itu perlu studi analisa kelayakan untuk pembangunan biodigester dari segi teknis, ekonomi dan lingkungan. Proses pekerjaan teknik pada analisa teknik digunakan untuk menentukan jenis digester dan penempatan yang sesuai dan efisien diperoleh dari biaya operasional, luas lahan dan kapasitas produksi. Dari survei analisa teknik didapatkan jenis instalasi reaktor yang dipilih yaitu Cover Lagoon Anaerobic Reactor (Colar) termodifikasi dengan model portable kapasitas 200 liter. Pada studi analisa ekonomi digunakan untuk mengetahui kelayakan pembangunan Biodigester dalam menentukan rincian anggaran biaya dan didapatkan harga Rencana anggaran biaya senilai Rp. 2.301.000,- dan investasi dalam jangka 5 tahun ke depan dengan parameter Net Present Value (NPV)= Rp 7.512.000,- (bernilai positif), Probality Indeks (PI)= 3,2 ≥ 1 dalam jangka investasi, Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) pada suku bunga yang berlaku secara umum NPV bernilai positif dan tidak ditemukan IRR dan Payback Periode (PP) = 1,3 Tahun (≤ jangka investasi 5 tahun) usaha kembali modal. Analisa kelayakan lingkungan didapatkan hasil bahwa outer biodigester aman dan bau sedikit menyengat serta berkurangnya limbah cair pabrik tahu, penanganan dari outer tersebut adalah di jalur khusus ke drainase tertutup atau pipa ke tempat pembuangan akhir atau tangki septik tertutup. ABSTRACTThe impact of the tofu processing industry is their liquid waste which mostly causes problems. Tofu liquid waste can be used as biogas. For that, we need a feasibility study for the development of a Biodigester from a technical, economic, and environmental perspective. The process of technical analysis is used to determine the type of digester and the suitable and efficient place, obtained from operational costs, land area, and production capacity. From the technical analysis study, the selected type of reactor installation was obtained, namely the modified Cover Lagoon Anaerobic Reactor (Colar) with a portable model with a capacity of 200 liters. The economic analysis study is used to determine the feasibility of the Biodigester development in determining the detail of cost budget and it reached Rp. 2.301.000.00, - and the investment in the next 5 years with the parameter Net Present Value (NPV) = Rp. 7.512.000.00 (positive value), the probability Index (PI) = 3.2 ≥ 1 in the investment term, the internal Rate Of Return (IRR) is generally positive at the applicable interest rate, and there is no IRR and Payback Period (PP) = 1.3 years (≤ 5 years investment) of the return on investment. The environmental analysis study resulted that the outer biodigester is safe and smells a bit sting to reduce the liquid waste from the tofu factory. Those handling of the outer is located in a special route pipe to the final landfills site or closed septic tank