1 research outputs found

    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengelolaan Limbah Cair RSUD Wangaya Denpasar

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    Denpasar General Hospital of Wangaya is a B type non-training hospital. This hospital has Water Waste Treatment (WWT) to procees liquid waste using an aeration system. Waste water parameters at outlet were above the standard. The aim of this study was to identify the influencing factors to waste water management at Denpasar General Hospital of Wangaya. This was an observational study with cross sectional approach. Sample was 30 workers who involved in hospital waste water management. Data were taken by using a questionnaire, direct interview and examining BOD, COD, TSS, free NH3 and coliform parameters at the outlet of WWT. It was found that the workers who had sanitary background only 10% and all the workers never had specific training about hospital waste water management. Knowledge about hospital waste water management still low and as well as motivation of the workers. There was standard operational procedure for hospital waste water management and it was revised in 2001. It is suggested to provide trainings on hospital waste water management, doing periodical monitoring on WWT management, and doing field work supervision and evaluation. Keywords: hospital, waste water, managemen