69 research outputs found
Phase-stepping fiber-optic projected fringe system for surface topography measurements
A projected fringe interferometer for measuring the topography of an object is presented. The interferometer periodically steps the phase angle between a pair of light beams emanating from a common source. The steps are pi/2 radians (90 deg) apart, and at each step a video image of the fringes is recorded and stored. Photodetectors measure either the phase and theta of the beams or 2(theta). Either of the measures can be used to control one of the light beams so that the 90 deg theta is accurately maintained. A camera, a computer, a phase controller, and a phase modulator established closed-loop control of theta. Measuring the phase map of a flat surface establishes a calibration reference
Fiber-optic projected-fringe digital interferometry
A phase-stepped projected-fringe interferometer was developed which uses a closed-loop fiber-optic phase-control system to make very accurate surface profile measurements. The closed-loop phase-control system greatly reduces phase-stepping error, which is frequently the dominant source of error in digital interferometers. Two beams emitted from a fiber-optic coupler are combined to form an interference fringe pattern on a diffusely reflecting object. Reflections off of the fibers' output faces are used to create a phase-indicating signal for the closed-loop optical phase controller. The controller steps the phase difference between the two beams by pi/2 radians in order to determine the object's surface profile using a solid-state camera and a computer. The system combines the ease of alignment and automated data reduction of phase-stepping projected-fringe interferometry with the greatly improved phase-stepping accuracy of our closed-loop phase-controller. The system is demonstrated by measuring the profile of a plate containing several convex surfaces whose heights range from 15 to 25 micron high
Active phase compensation system for fiber optic holography
Fiber optic delivery systems promise to extend the application of holography to severe environments by simplifying test configurations and permitting the laser to be remotely placed in a more benign location. However, the introduction of optical fiber leads to phase stability problems. Environmental effects cause the pathlengths of the fibers to change randomly, preventing the formation of stationary interference patterns which are required for holography. An active phase control system has been designed and used with an all-fiber optical system to stabilize the phase difference between light emitted from two fibers, and to step the phase difference by 90 deg without applying any constraints on the placement of the fibers. The accuracy of the phase steps is shown to be better than 0.02 deg., and a stable phase difference can be maintained for 30 min. This system can be applied to both conventional and electro-optic holography, as well as to any system where the maintenance of an accurate phase difference between two coherent beams is required
Speckle interferometry using fiber optic phase stepping
A system employing closed-loop phase-stepping is used to measure the out-of-plane deformation of a diffusely reflecting object. Optical fibers are used to provide reference and object beam illumination for a standard two-beam speckle interferometer, providing set-up flexibility and ease of alignment. Piezoelectric fiber-stretchers and a phase-measurement/servo system are used to provide highly accurate phase steps. Intensity data is captured with a charge-injection-device camera, and is converted into a phase map using a desktop computer. The closed-loop phase-stepping system provides 90 deg phase steps which are accurate to 0.02 deg, greatly improving this system relative to open-loop interferometers. The system is demonstrated on a speckle interferometer, measuring the rigid-body translation of a diffusely reflecting object with an accuracy + or - 10 deg, or roughly + or - 15 nanometers. This accuracy is achieved without the use of a pneumatically mounted optics table
Battery and Fuel Cell Development Goals for the Lunar Surface and Lander
NASA is planning a return to the moon and requires advances in energy storage technology for its planned lunar lander and lunar outpost. This presentation describes NASA s overall mission goals and technical goals for batteries and fuel cells to support the mission. Goals are given for secondary batteries for the lander s ascent stage and suits for extravehicular activity on the lunar surface, and for fuel cells for the lander s descent stage and regenerative fuel cells for outpost power. An overall approach to meeting these goals is also presented
Small Satellite Missions for Planetary Science
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Science Mission Directorate is committed to developing science missions based on small-format spacecraft, including CubeSats and those that can be launched from a standard evolved expendable launch vehicle (EELV) secondary payload adapter (ESPA) ring. This paper describes the investments in small-format spacecraft (SmallSats) that NASA’s Planetary Science Division has made to date, including nineteen concept studies used to determine if deep space SmallSat missions could credibly conduct high quality science. The results of those studies were used to solicit SmallSat missions under the Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration (SIMPLEx) program. This paper describes these previous investments and the types of technologies needed to accomplish them, and describes the Planetary Science Division’s plans to continue developing these small but powerful missions
Laser interferometric measurement of ion electrode shape and charge exchange erosion
A projected fringe profilometry system was applied to surface contour measurements of an accelerator electrode from an ion thrustor. The system permitted noncontact, nondestructive evaluation of the fine and gross structure of the electrode. A 3-D surface map of a dished electrode was generated without altering the electrode surface. The same system was used to examine charge exchange erosion pits near the periphery of the electrode to determine the depth, location, and volume of material lost. This electro-optical measurement system allowed rapid, nondestructive, digital data acquisition coupled with automated computer data processing. In addition, variable sensitivity allowed both coarse and fine measurements of objects having various surface finishes
Robust Quantitative Measurement of Flows and Transparent or Highly Reflective Objects
The liquid crystal point diffraction interferometer (LCPDI) is a new instrument that has been developed for the measurement of phase objects. The LCPDI uses the compact, robust design of Linnik's point diffraction interferometer and adds to it phase stepping capability for quantitative interferogram analysis. The result is a compact, simple to align, environmentally insensitive interferometer capable of accurately measuring optical wave-fronts. A solid state camera provides very high data density and automated data reduction. The instrument can measure either transparent objects like fluids and lenses, or highly reflective opaque objects like mirrors. In the former case, the refractive index distribution is measured and then related to various properties like temperature, density, chemical composition, or thickness. In the latter case, the measured phase distribution is related to the object shape. The objects measured must be stationary or quasisteady state because the measurement requires the acquisition of several frames of image data during which time the object's properties must not have changed. The data acquisition time depends on the speed of the frame grabber and the required number of data frames. Typically, three to five frames taking 1 to 2 seconds are required. The potential for faster data acquisition exists
Defocus Measurement Using a Liquid Crystal Point Diffraction Interferometer
A liquid crystal PDI is demonstrated by measuring the defocus change between two positions of the interferometer. Errors caused by average intensity variations are discussed
Liquid-Crystal Point-Diffraction Interferometer for Wave-Front Measurements
A new instrument, the liquid-crystal point-diffraction interferometer (LCPDI), is developed for the measurement of phase objects. This instrument maintains the compact, robust design of Linnik's point-diffraction interferometer and adds to it a phase-stepping capability for quantitative interferogram analysis. The result is a compact, simple to align, environmentally insensitive interferometer capable of accurately measuring optical wave fronts with very high data density and with automated data reduction. We describe the theory and design of the LCPDI. A focus shift was measured with the LCPDI, and the results are compared with theoretical results
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