3 research outputs found
Inventarisasi Tanaman Peneduh Jalan Penjerap Timbal di Purwokerto
Tanaman peneduh jalan adalah tanaman yang berada di tepi jalan. Tanaman peneduh
jalan memiliki dua fungsi yaitu sebagai estetika dan ekologis. Salah satu fungsi ekologis
tanaman peneduh jalan adalah mengakumulasi bahan pencemar. Jenis pencemaran yang
memerlukan penanganan secara sistematis dan komprehensif adalah pencemaran timbal (Pb).
Pb banyak dihasilkan oleh aktivitas pembakaran bahan bakar minyak kendaraan bermotor. Jenis
tanaman peneduh jalan yang berpotensi mengakumulasi Pb belum tereksplorasi sehingga
dilakukan riset yang dapat menghasilkan database jenis spesies yang mampu mengurangi Pb di
lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menginventarisasi jenis tanaman peneduh jalan penjerap
Pb. Manfaat penelitian adalah mendapatkan jenis tanaman peneduh jalan yang berpotensi
penjerap Pb. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survai di 8 (delapan) jalan di wilayah
Purwokerto. Sampel daun tanaman peneduh jalan diambil secara acak terpilih di sepanjang jalan
tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis-jenis tanaman peneduh jalan yang berpotensi
menjerap Pb adalah Glodogan (Polyalthea longifolia), Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus), Filicium
(Filicium decipiends), Ketapang (Terminalia catappa), Beringin (Ficus benjamina), Kupu-kupu
(Bauhinia tomentosa), Puspa (Schima wallichii), Kenari (Canarium ovatum) dan Genitu
(Chrysophyllum cainito)
Development of Photoaffinity Probe for the Discovery of Steviol Glycosides Biosynthesis Pathway in <i>Stevia rebuadiana</i> and Rapid Substrate Screening
Functional discovery
and characterization of the target enzymes
responsible for the biosynthesis pathway coded for the genes is ongoing,
and the unknown functional diversity of this class of enzymes has
been revealed by genome sequencing. Commonly, it is feasible in annotating
of biosynthetic genes of prokaryotes due to the existence of gene
clusters of secondary metabolites. However, in eukaryotes, the biosynthetic
genes are not compactly clustered in the way of prokaryotes. Hence,
it remains challenging to identify the biosynthetic pathways of newly
discovered natural products in plants. Steviol glycosides are one
class of natural sweeteners found in high abundance in the herb <i>Stevia rebaudiana</i>. Here, we applied the chemoproteomic strategy
for the proteomic profiling of the biosynthetic enzymes of steviol
glycosides in <i>Stevia rebaudiana</i>. We not only identified
a steviol-catalyzing UDP-glycosyltransferase (UGT) UGT73E1 involved
in steviol glycoside biosynthesis but also built up a probe-based
platform for the screening of potential substrates of functional uncharacterized
UGT rapidly. This approach would be a complementary tool in mining
novel synthetic parts for assembling of synthetic biological systems
for the biosynthesis of other complex natural products
Development of Photoaffinity Probe for the Discovery of Steviol Glycosides Biosynthesis Pathway in <i>Stevia rebuadiana</i> and Rapid Substrate Screening
Functional discovery
and characterization of the target enzymes
responsible for the biosynthesis pathway coded for the genes is ongoing,
and the unknown functional diversity of this class of enzymes has
been revealed by genome sequencing. Commonly, it is feasible in annotating
of biosynthetic genes of prokaryotes due to the existence of gene
clusters of secondary metabolites. However, in eukaryotes, the biosynthetic
genes are not compactly clustered in the way of prokaryotes. Hence,
it remains challenging to identify the biosynthetic pathways of newly
discovered natural products in plants. Steviol glycosides are one
class of natural sweeteners found in high abundance in the herb <i>Stevia rebaudiana</i>. Here, we applied the chemoproteomic strategy
for the proteomic profiling of the biosynthetic enzymes of steviol
glycosides in <i>Stevia rebaudiana</i>. We not only identified
a steviol-catalyzing UDP-glycosyltransferase (UGT) UGT73E1 involved
in steviol glycoside biosynthesis but also built up a probe-based
platform for the screening of potential substrates of functional uncharacterized
UGT rapidly. This approach would be a complementary tool in mining
novel synthetic parts for assembling of synthetic biological systems
for the biosynthesis of other complex natural products