10,146 research outputs found
Lessons for SUSY from the LHC after the first run
A review of direct searches for new particles predicted by Supersymmetry
after the first run of the LHC is proposed. This review is based on the results
provided by the ATLAS and CMS experiments.Comment: 31 pages, 41 figures, Appear in the special issue of the EPJ C
journal entitled "SUSY after the Higgs discovery
Vertical pairing of identical particles suspended in the plasma sheath
It is shown experimentally that vertical pairing of two identical
microspheres suspended in the sheath of a radio-frequency (rf) discharge at low
gas pressures (a few Pa), appears at a well defined instability threshold of
the rf power. The transition is reversible, but with significant hysteresis on
the second stage. A simple model, which uses measured microsphere resonance
frequencies and takes into account besides Coulomb interaction between
negatively charged microspheres also their interaction with positive ion wake
charges, seems to explain the instability threshold quite well.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, May 14th (2001
Existence and Vanishing of the Breathing Mode in Strongly Correlated Finite Systems
One of the fundamental eigenmodes of finite interacting systems is the mode
of {\em uniform radial expansion and contraction} -- the ``breathing'' mode
(BM). Here we show in a general way that this mode exists only under special
conditions: i) for harmonically trapped systems with interaction potentials of
the form or , or ii) for
some systems with special symmetry such as single shell systems forming
platonic bodies. Deviations from the BM are demonstrated for two examples:
clusters interacting with a Lennard-Jones potential and parabolically trapped
systems with Yukawa repulsion. We also show that vanishing of the BM leads to
the occurence of multiple monopole oscillations which is of importance for
Performance evaluation of wheels for lunar vehicles
Performance evaluation of wheels for lunar vehicle
The Many Faces of a Character
We prove an identity between three infinite families of polynomials which are
defined in terms of `bosonic', `fermionic', and `one-dimensional configuration'
sums. In the limit where the polynomials become infinite series, they give
different-looking expressions for the characters of the two integrable
representations of the affine algebra at level one. We conjecture yet
another fermionic sum representation for the polynomials which is constructed
directly from the Bethe-Ansatz solution of the Heisenberg spin chain.Comment: 14/9 pages in harvmac, Tel-Aviv preprint TAUP 2125-9
Non-Simplified SUSY: Stau-Coannihilation at LHC and ILC
If new phenomena beyond the Standard Model will be discovered at the LHC, the
properties of the new particles could be determined with data from the
High-Luminosity LHC and from a future linear collider like the ILC. We discuss
the possible interplay between measurements at the two accelerators in a
concrete example, namely a full SUSY model which features a small stau_1-LSP
mass difference. Various channels have been studied using the Snowmass 2013
combined LHC detector implementation in the Delphes simulation package, as well
as simulations of the ILD detector concept from the Technical Design Report. We
investigate both the LHC and ILC capabilities for discovery, separation and
identification of various parts of the spectrum. While some parts would be
discovered at the LHC, there is substantial room for further discoveries at the
ILC. We finally highlight examples where the precise knowledge about the lower
part of the mass spectrum which could be acquired at the ILC would enable a
more in-depth analysis of the LHC data with respect to the heavier states.Comment: 42 pages, 18 figures, 12 table
Interaction between dust grains near a conducting wall
The effect of the conducting electrode on the interaction of dust grains in a
an ion flow is discussed. It is shown that two grains levitating above the
electrode at the same height may attract one another. This results in the
instability of a dust layer in a plasma sheath.Comment: 9 pages. 3 figures. Submitted to Plasma Physics Report
Economic inequalities in burden of illness, diagnosis and treatment of five long-term conditions in England: panel study
We compared the distribution by wealth of self-reported illness burden (estimated from validated scales, biomarker and reported symptoms) for angina, cataract, depression, diabetes and osteoarthritis, with the distribution of self-reported medical diagnosis and treatment. We aimed to determine if the greater illness burden borne by poorer participants was matched by appropriately higher levels of diagnosis and treatment
3D-printing based Transducer Holder for Robotic Assisted Ultrasound Guided HIFU
The InnoMotion (Synthes Inc., previously by Innomedic GmbH) is a Conformité Européene (CE) marked (in 2005) robotic system for image-guided percutaneous interventions, providing five pneumatically driven degrees of freedom (DoF) and two manually adjusted DoF. It is a fully MR and CT compatible pneumatic driven tele-manipulator for image guided insertion of cannula and probes for biopsy, drainage, drug delivery, and energetic tumor destruction.
In order to achieve the robotic assisted ultrasound guided HIFU therapy, a specific holder was designed for the INNOMOTION robotic arm by using SolidWorks (Dassault Systèmes, Vélizy-Villacoublay, France). The holder provides at least seven degrees of freedom (DoF), which let the InnoMotion robotic arm hold a HIFU transducer and an ultrasound imaging probe at the same time. The HIFU transducer is mounted to the holder, while the ultrasound (US) probe could be adjusted manually to cover the expected ablation area before therapy.
The main components of the holder were 3D-printed by using plastic material and were well compatible with the MR system and InnoMotion robotic arm. And the robotic assisted HIFU experiment could be performed based on this designed setup
Self-consistent model of unipolar transport in organic semiconductor diodes: accounting for a realistic density-of-states distribution
A self-consistent, mean-field model of charge-carrier injection and unipolar
transport in an organic semiconductor diode is developed utilizing the
effective transport energy concept and taking into account a realistic
density-of-states distribution as well as the presence of trap states in an
organic material. The consequences resulting from the model are discussed
exemplarily on the basis of an indium tin oxide/organic semiconductor/metallic
conductor structure. A comparison of the theory to experimental data of a
unipolar indium tin oxide/poly-3-hexyl-thiophene/Al device is presented.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; to be published in Journal of Applied Physic
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