19 research outputs found


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    Air kelapa merupakan cairan yang berasal dari buah kelapa, yang umumnya merupakan hasil samping dari pengolahan santan, atau dari buah kelapa yang sengaja diambil buah dan airnya untuk dikonsumsi. Air kelapa memiliki sejumlah makro dan mikromineral,  juga mengandung  vitamin, protein (asam amino) meskipun dalam jumlah yang kecil. Pengolahan air kelapa masih sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu tulisan ini bertujuan untuk merangkum penelitian-penelitian hasil studi pusta, yang dilakukan dalam rangka mengolah air kelapa menjadi beebagai produk pangan. Produk pangan yang dapat dibuat dari air kelapa meliputi air kelapa kemasan, minuman isotonik, nata de coco, cuka, minuman antioksidan, minuman berkarbonasi, jus kurma, yougurt kelapa, drink yougurt, serbuk minuman kelapa,  minuman probiotik, sorbet kelapa, edible film, coco cider, kefir, susu kelapa, kecap, permen kelapa jahe, permen jelly kelapa, keju kelapa, dan selai kelapa

    Business Development Strategy for Kopi Kita MSME in Purbolinggo East Lampung Based on SWOT Analysis

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    Kopi Kita is one of the MSME that processes coffee beans into ground coffee. The challenge faced by SMEs is the intense business competition. Therefore it is necessary to formulate the right strategy to overcome this challenge based on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the company has. The purpose of this research is to examine and find out internal and external factors in the company and formulate and obtain relevant business development strategies to be applied to Kopi Kita, Purbolinggo, Lampung. The research method was carried out by observation, interviews, and literature study, while the data were analyzed using the SWOT method. The results of the study show alternative strategies for developing Coffee SME businesses are 1) maintaining and improving product quality, 2) maintaining product price stability, 3) increasing product marketing through digital media, 4) collaborating with the government in providing production facilities and infrastructure, 5) fixing the packaging, 6) maintaining product price stability and highlighting the characteristics and variety of products owned, 7) highlighting the composition contained in the product, 8) implementing rewards and punishment for employees

    Good Manufacturing Practices in Black Tea Processing at PT. XYZ

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    Black tea comes from perfectly fermented tea leaves and is one of Indonesia's main export commodities. The high level of black tea exports requires producers to produce high-quality products. One way to realize quality and safe products is by implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). The purpose of this study was to determine the application of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in black tea processing at PT XYZ. The research method was carried out by collecting primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through direct observation and practice in the field, as well as interviews with related parties. While secondary data is obtained through records and archives such as libraries and references to other supporting sources, The variables observed were company location, buildings, sanitation facilities, production equipment, raw and supporting materials, production processes, personnel hygiene, waste handling, production support facilities, and product packaging. The results showed that PT XYZ as a whole had implemented GMP well in the black tea processing industry, with GMP implementation levels ranging from 75–100%. The building GMP component has an implementation rate of 80%, with the "walls and floors" sub-component not properly implemented. In addition, the personnel hygiene component has an implementation rate of 75% with the sub-component "hygiene monitoring for personnel who have direct contact with the product," which is still not properly implemented

    Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Abon Sapi UKM ABC Berdasarkan Kepuasan dan Kepentingan Konsumen

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    UKM ABC merupakan industri pengolahan abon sapi di Kabupaten Purbalingga yang pemasarannya telah meluas hingga ke Banyumas, Cilacap, Bandung, dan Jakarta. Peningkatan permintaan abon sapi, menyebabkan bermunculannya produk sejenis sebagai pesaing. Dalam rangka menghadapi iklim usaha yang semakin kompetitif ini, perusahaan perlu meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen dengan menerapkan strategi perbaikan mutu abon sapi UKM ABC, khususnya yang masih belum memenuhi harapan konsumen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan atribut mutu produk yang menjadi prioritas untuk diperbaiki dan memberikan rekomendasi upaya peningkatan mutu produk abon sapi UKM ABC.  Penelitian dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner kepada 200 responden, yang kemudian dianalisis dengan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan atribut mutu abon sapi yang perlu diperbaiki meliputi logo halal pada label kemasan, informasi komposisi bahan pada label kemasan, warna abon, dan informasi tanggal kadaluarsa pada label kemasan. Upaya peningkatan mutu abon sapi yang dapat dilakukan berupa pencantuman logo halal, komposisi bahan, dan tanggal kadaluarsa pada kemasan, perbaikan warna abon dengan pengendalian penggunaan gula, minyak, waktu dan suhu penggorengan


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    Crystal coconut sugar is sugar that made from coconut sap which is processed to  powder or crystal. This sugar has lower Glycemic Index and higher levels of fiber and vitamin B12 than cane sugar. Other advantages are that it is more soluble, has longer shelf life, more attractive in shape, easier to package and transport, has a unique taste and aroma, and can be fortified with other ingredients. Crystal coconut sugar can be used as a substitute for sugar cane in various beverage products. This paper aims to provide an overview of the process, excellence, and potential use of crystal coconut sugar in beverage products sourced from research journals and scientific books. Crystal coconut sugar has the potential to substitute cane sugar in tamarind syrup products, traditional drinks, instant powder drinks, instant chocolate drinks, coffee mixes, and ice cream

    Strategi Pengembangan untuk UKM Abon Ayam Cap Jago di Purwokerto

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    Perusahaan Abon Cap Jago merupakan Usaha Kecil Menengah di Purwokerto yang memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan. Namun seiring waktu, persaingan usaha sejenis semakin ketat. Perusahaan menyadari perlu adanya upaya memenangkan persaingan dengan cara memperbaiki berbagai atribut abon Cap Jago yang masih lemah berdasarkan penilaian kepuasan dan kepentingan konsumen. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan atribut yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan dan mendapatkan strategi perbaikan untuk UKM abon ayam Cap Jago. Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi dan survey dengan alat bantu kuesioner secara purposive sampling kepada konsumen yang berjumlah 100 orang, dianalisis dengan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Hasil penelitian menunjukan atribut yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan adalah metode promosi melalui diskon, umur simpan produk, dan tekstur abon ayam. Strategi untuk perbaikan abon ayam Cap Jago meliputi pemberian potongan harga  untuk pembelian dalam jumlah banyak, penggantian kemasan dengan jenis polipropilen (PP), penambahan kalimat berisi saran pada label kemasan tentang penyimpanan dan penggunaan produk setelah kemasan dibuka, penambahan jumlah karyawan yang menangani daging ayam segar, pengurangan waktu perebusan daging ayam, penggunaan alat pengukur suhu dan waktu untuk perebusan dan penggorengan, serta penyusunan SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) yang lengka


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the design of herbal bath soap derived VCO based on consumer priorities using Quality Function Deployment method. Information about consumer needs obtained from a survey of consumer herbal soap-based coconut oil. Surveys include open interviews to listen the quality attributes of consumer needs and distribution of consumer importance wieght assessment questionnaires, assessment of consumer satisfaction rate and appraisal of sales attractiveness. House of quality analysis on the QFD method helps the company make decisions in presenting VCO herbal bath soap products in the market. Efficacy of bath soap is the highest priority for consumers. In addition to antiseptic properties, the properties of moisturizing and able to remove dirt, soap consumers are expected to also include comfort (not cause irritation) and security (registered BPOM). Technical parameters with the highest priorities are the determination of oil materials. By developing bath soap products based on these highest priority,  highest consumer satisfication can be reached

    Tepung Dami Nangka Sebagai Pensubstitusi Karagenan Pada Permen Jelly Nangka

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    Jackfruit rags are a jackfruit waste that has the potential properties of a gelling agent in making jackfruit jelly candy. The purpose of this study was to see how the substitution of kappa carrageenan for jackfruit rags, as well as the sugar concentration, affected the sensory properties of jackfruit jelly candy and to figure out which treatment was best, as well as to see how the chemical properties of jackfruit jelly candy with and without jackfruit rags differed. A randomized block design with 2 factors of treatments was applied in this study, i.e.: the proportion of jackfruit rags and kappa-carrageenan (70:30; 60:40; and 50:50%) and the concentration of sucrose (30, 40 and 50%). The substitution of jackfruit rags affected the texture of the jelly candy, making it softer and less clear in appearance, but gave the best flavour and preference score. The sensory qualities of jelly sweets were also affected by sugar concentration. Increasing the concentration of added sugar affected the sweetness of the jelly candy, which became sweeter. The color of the jelly candy changed to brown, which changed the flavour of the jelly candy and made it appealing to the panellists. The best treatment from the analysis was the use of 30% jackfruit rags substitution with 50% sugar with chemical characteristics of 16.47% moisture, 0.458% ash, 7.91% reducing sugar, and acidity degree of 4.49. Compared to jelly candy treated without substituting jackfruit rags (control), the best product (K1G3) contained lower ash and reducing sugar but had higher water content and acidity degree. Keywords: Carrageenan; jackfruit rags; jelly candy; sucrose.   ABSTRAK Dami nangka merupakan salah satu limbah dari buah nangka yang masih jarang untuk dimanfaatkan. Padahal dami nangka memiliki kandungan serat dan pektin yang cukup tinggi, sehingga perlu dimanfaatkan. Salah satu bentuk pemanfaatannya yaitu sebagai substitusi untuk gelling agent pada permen jelly nangka. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi dami nangka dan konsentrasi sukrosa terhadap sifat sensori permen jelly serta menentuan perlakuan terbaik dan mengkaji perbedaan sifat kimianya dengan permen jelly tanpa substitusi dami nangka. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan dua faktor yaitu perbandingan kappa karagenan dan tepung dami nangka terdiri 3 taraf yaitu (70: 30; 60:40; dan 50:50%) dan variasi konsentrasi sukrosa terdiri dari 3 taraf (30, 40 dan 50%). Hasil penelitian menunjukan substitusi dami nangka dan perbedaan konsentrasi sukrosa dalam permen jelly berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap sifat sensori permen jelly yaitu tekstur, kenampakan, flavor, kesukaan, warna dan rasa manis. Perlakuan terbaik yaitu penggunaan substitusi dami nangka sebesar 70:30 dengan sukrosa 50% yang memiliki karakteristik sensori tekstur agak kenyal (2,98), kenampakan agak jernih (3,31), warna kuning (4,66), rasa manis yaitu manis (4,08), flavor enak (3,73), dan kesukaan yaitu suka (3,58). Karakteristik kimia pada perlakuan terbaik yaitu kadar air sebesar 16,47%, kadar abu 0,458%, kadar gula reduksi 7,91% dan derajat keasaman (pH) sebesar 4,49 (asam). Apabila dibandingkan dengan permen jelly tanpa subtitusi dami nangka (kontrol), produk terbaik (K1G3) memiliki kadar abu dan kadar gula reduksi yang lebih rendah namun memiliki kadar air dan derajat keasaman yang lebih tinggi. Kata kunci: Karagenan; dami nangka; permen jeli; sukrosa

    Aplikasi metode quality function deployment (QFD) dalam perancangan produk tempoyak

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    Tempoyak is a food that made from fermented durian flesh with the addition of salt. In product development, one of the ways to get products that are in accordance with consumer desires is the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method. QFDis a design method that can be used to meet customer requirements and evaluate product performance. The research objectives areknowing attributes of consumer requirements for tempoyak products, knowing the technical parameters in the manufacture of tempoyak products, and knowing the priority of consumer requirements, the level of importance and technical parameters in designing tempoyak products. The results showed that there were 17 attributes that consumers wanted, namely sweet-sour taste, yellowish white color, tempoyak aroma, price Rp. 50,000 per kilogram, there is a label on the packaging, the primary color of the transparent packaging, the small package size is 250gram, the jar packaging, the inclusion of the composition, useful for maintaining the digestive system, the inclusion of the expiration date, the inclusion of the halal logo, the inclusion of BPOM, the inclusion of the production date, the inclusion of instructions for storage , inclusion of serving suggestions, and cleanliness of the tempoyak production process. The results also show that there are 8 technical parameters, namely the preparation of raw materials, separation of durian flesh from seeds, mixing of durian meat with salt, fermentation, packaging, labeling, BPOM registration, and MUI halal registration. Attributes of consumer requirements that are of high priority are the inclusion of an expiration date, cleanliness of the tempoyak production process, the inclusion of a halal logo, a label on the packaging, and the inclusion of BPOM. Technical parameters that are of high priority in tempoyak development are labeling, preparation of raw materials, packaging, fermentation, and mixing of durian meat with salt

    Strategi Perbaikan Makanan Khas Bogor

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    Bogor constitute one of the tourist destination city in Indonesia, meanwhile, one of the attractions of this city is the indigenous food. However, only a few foods are widely known, therefore, it is necessary to identify the types of Bogor indigenous foods and strategies to improve these foods which are very unpopular to avoid extinction. This study aims to identify Bogor indigenous foods, level of popularity as well as improvement strategy. The methods used include survey, experts interview, and questionnaires while data analysis was performed using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Moreover, the results showed that there were 12 Bogor indigenous foods namely, Soto Mie, Soto Kuning, Laksa, Asinan, Doclang, Cungkring, Es Pala, Lapis Talas, Talas Kukus, Roti Unyil, Makaroni Panggang, and Tauge Goreng while the food with the lowest popularity level (very unpopular) is Cungkring. After analyzing the level of satisfaction and importance with IPA, there are 4 attributes of Cungkring that needs to be improved. Improvement strategies include improving spice color, gravel color, packaging and serving speed