7 research outputs found

    Editorial Volume 17 Issue 5

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    This Special Issue of the Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal (AABFJ) comes out of the Industrial Analysis from Multidimensional Perspectives stream of the 3rd International Conference on Organizational Performance Excellence (iCOPE 2023). This conference is held by Binus Business School, Bina Nusantara University. The conference takes on the theme of Ecosystem, Innovation, and Excellence in Enhancing Organizational Resilience and Agility for Sustainability and welcomes the submission of research papers focused on any industry. Therefore, this special issue provides industrial analyses from multidimensional perspectives. Each industry has its own unique identity. Therefore, it is important to conduct industry-level analysis to develop better and more effective business strategies

    The Role of Parasocial Relationships, Congruence and Source Credibility in Indonesia: A Study on Tiktok Live Streaming Commerce in the Cosmetics Industry

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    This study aimed to investigate how parasocial relationships, congruence, and source credibility influence purchase intention in TikTok Live Streaming commerce for cosmetics among Indonesian Generation Z users. Data was collected from 270 respondents through an online questionnaire, and validity and reliability tests were conducted. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS). Results showed that celebrity endorsers\u27 attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise positively impact purchase intention. Parasocial relationship mediated the connection between celebrity characteristics and purchase intention. Moreover, celebrity-product congruence positively influenced endorsers\u27 perceived credibility and mediated the relationship with purchase intention. The findings emphasize the importance of celebrity attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise in shaping purchase intention. The mediating role of parasocial relationships highlights the significance of strong celebrity-audience connections. Additionally, celebrity-product congruence enhances endorsers\u27 credibility and positively influences purchase intention. These insights assist brands and marketers in optimizing influencer marketing strategies on TikTok, fostering engagement and driving purchase behavior


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    Recently, China’s e-commerce has entered a period of rapid development. The government has also shown their support towards this advancement in the financial sector. Therefore, a study to analyze the effect of cross-border e-commerce on international trade of emerging countries in the case of China has been proposed. Pearson correlation coefficient is used as the research methodology to study the relationship between the two variables. There are not many literatures which focus on the impacts of e-commerce toward International trade. Crossborder e-commerce is of great significance to emerging countries’ development. The result of this research shows that there is no significant relationship between cross-border e-commerce and international trade in the case of China. One possible cause of this is the lack of data as cross-border e-commerce is relatively new. Therefore, further research has to be carried out to find out the underlying relationship of these 2 variables which will help the government in taking beneficial measures for the country’s future international trade development

    Board Characteristics and Sustainability Ratings of Multi-Business Groups: An evidence from Korean Conglomerates (Chaebols)

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    The interest of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores is increasing in both academic research and industry practices. Previous studies have examined the effects of ESG scores on the operating and market performance of firms but have found mixed results. The objective of this study is to provide a preliminary analysis of the effect of ESG scores on financial performances of the Korean multi- business group conglomerates, the Chaebols. Using a panel sample for fixed/random effects models, this study investigates a sample of the largest 41 Chaebol firms with a total of 246 observations during the period of 2014–2019. Our results showed that the governance score of the firm has a positive effect on financial performance. Further, we analyzed the factors affecting governance scores of the firm in relation to board characteristics. Out of four independent variables, three showed significant results. These are CEO duality, the board size, and the average age of board members of the firms. The results remain consistent and significant after robustness testing

    Friendly locals and clean streets? – Evaluating Jakarta’s destination brand image

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    Destination image and city branding are accumulating a growing body of knowledge in urban studies and tourism literature. Although several visitor destination image models have been proposed, the most prevalent in Asia remains the comprehensive destination image model. This is the first research to test the applicability of this model beyond the United States and with in-ternational (rather than domestic) visitors. Jakarta is chosen as the geographical test area for this study, which incorporates structural equation modeling on a data sample of international leisure visitors in Jakarta. The findings indicate that the destination image model could be generalized beyond the US and applied to Jakarta. This study finds that tourism policymakers in Jakarta should focus on promoting the friendliness of local residents and improving the city’s cleanliness, as these are the two most positive and negative perceptions. Overall, this study showed that a unique destination image—a largely under-researched topic in place branding—is a variable that should be considered when formulating the overall place image of city destinations around the world

    Board Characteristics and Sustainability Ratings of Multi-Business Groups: An evidence from Korean Conglomerates (Chaebols)

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    The interest of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores is increasing in both academic research and industry practices. Previous studies have examined the effects of ESG scores on the operating and market performance of firms but have found mixed results. The objective of this study is to provide a preliminary analysis of the effect of ESG scores on financial performances of the Korean multi- business group conglomerates, the Chaebols. Using a panel sample for fixed/random effects models, this study investigates a sample of the largest 41 Chaebol firms with a total of 246 observations during the period of 2014–2019. Our results showed that the governance score of the firm has a positive effect on financial performance. Further, we analyzed the factors affecting governance scores of the firm in relation to board characteristics. Out of four independent variables, three showed significant results. These are CEO duality, the board size, and the average age of board members of the firms. The results remain consistent and significant after robustness testing