64 research outputs found

    Genome-resolved insight into the reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes in aquatic microbial community

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    Aquatic microbial communities are an important reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). However, distribution and diversity of different ARG categories in environmental microbes with different ecological strategies is not yet well studied. Despite the potential exposure of the southern part of the Caspian Sea to the release of antibiotics, little is known about its natural resistome profile. We used a combination of Hidden Markov model (HMM), homology alignment and a deep learning approach for comprehensive screening of the diversity and distribution of ARGs in the Caspian Sea metagenomes at genome resolution. Detected ARGs were classified into five antibiotic resistance categories including prevention of access to target (44%), modification/protection of targets (30%), direct modification of antibiotics (22%), stress resistance (3%), and metal resistance (1%). The 102 detected ARG containing metagenome-assembled genomes of the Caspian Sea were dominated by representatives of Acidimicrobiia, Gammaproteobacteria, and Actinobacteria classes. Comparative analysis revealed that the highly abundant, oligotrophic, and genome streamlined representatives of taxa Acidimicrobiia and Actinobacteria modify the antibiotic target via mutation to develop antibiotic resistance rather than carrying extra resistance genes. Our results help with understanding how the encoded resistance categories of each genome are aligned with its ecological strategies

    mOTUpan: a robust Bayesian approach to leverage metagenome-assembled genomes for core-genome estimation

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    Recent advances in sequencing and bioinformatics have expanded the tree of life by providing genomes for uncultured environmentally relevant clades, either through metagenome-assembled genomes or through single-cell genomes. While this expanded diversity can provide novel insights into microbial population structure, most tools available for core-genome estimation are sensitive to genome completeness. Consequently, a major portion of the huge phylogenetic diversity uncovered by environmental genomic approaches remains excluded from such analyses. We present mOTUpan, a novel iterative Bayesian method for computing the core genome for sets of genomes of highly diverse completeness range. The likelihood for each gene cluster to belong to core or accessory genome is estimated by computing the probability of its presence/absence pattern in the target genome set. The core-genome prediction is computationally efficient and can be scaled up to thousands of genomes. It has shown comparable estimates to state-of-the-art tools Roary and PPanGGOLiN for high-quality genomes and is capable of using genomes at lower completeness thresholds. mOTUpan wraps a bootstrapping procedure to estimate the quality of a specific core-genome prediction, as the accuracy of each run will depend on the specific completeness distribution and the number of genomes in the dataset under scrutiny. mOTUpan is implemented in the mOTUlizer software package, and available at github.com/moritzbuck/mOTUlizer, under GPL 3.0 license

    Challenges in supplying empirical proof for predictions derived from Species Distribution Models (SDMs): the case of an invasive cyanobacterium

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    Species distribution models (SDMs) calibrated with bioclimatic variables revealed a high probability for range expansion of the invasive toxin producing cyanobacterium, Raphidiopsis raciborskii to Sweden, where no reports of its presence have hitherto been recorded. While predictions focused on the importance of climate variables for possible invasion, other barriers to dispersal and successful colonization need to be overcome by the species for successful invasion. In this study, we combine field-based surveys of R. raciborskii (microscopy and molecular analysis using species-specific primers) of 11 Swedish lakes and in-silico screening of environmental DNA using 153 metagenomic datasets from lakes across Europe to validate the SDMs prediction. Field-based studies in lakes with high/low predicted probability of occurrence did not detect the presence of R. raciborskii, and in-silico screening only detected hints of its presence in 5 metagenomes from lakes with probability ranging from 0.059 to 0.825. The inconsistencies between SDMs results and both field-based/in-silico monitoring could be due to either sensitivity of monitoring approaches in detecting early invasions or uncertainties in SDMs that focused solely on climate drivers. However, results highlight the necessity of proactive monitoring with high temporal and spatial frequency

    Hypersaline Lake Urmia: a potential hotspot for microbial genomic variation

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    Lake Urmia located in Iran is a hypersaline environment with a salinity of about 27% (w/v). Metagenomic analyses of water samples collected from six locations in the lake exhibited a microbial community dominated by representatives of the family Haloferacaceae (69.8%), mainly those affiliated to only two genera, Haloquadratum (59.3%) and Halonotius (9.1%). Similar to other hypersaline lakes, the bacterial community was dominated by Salinibacter ruber (23.3%). Genomic variation analysis by inspecting single nucleotide variations (SNVs) and insertions/deletions (INDELs) exhibited a high level of SNVs and insertions, most likely through transformation for abundant taxa in the Lake Urmia community. We suggest that the extreme conditions of Lake Urmia and specifically its high ionic concentrations could potentially increase the SNVs and insertions, which can consequently hamper the assembly and genome reconstruction from metagenomic reads of Lake Urmia

    Candidatus Methylumidiphilus Drives Peaks in Methanotrophic Relative Abundance in Stratified Lakes and Ponds Across Northern Landscapes

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    Boreal lakes and ponds produce two-thirds of the total natural methane emissions above the latitude of 50 degrees North. These lake emissions are regulated by methanotrophs which can oxidize up to 99% of the methane produced in the sediments and the water column. Despite their importance, the diversity and distribution of the methanotrophs in lakes are still poorly understood. Here, we used shotgun metagenomic data to explore the diversity and distribution of methanotrophs in 40 oxygen-stratified water bodies in boreal and subarctic areas in Europe and North America. In our data, gammaproteobacterial methanotrophs (order Methylococcales) generally dominated the methanotrophic communities throughout the water columns. A recently discovered lineage of Methylococcales, Candidatus Methylumidiphilus, was present in all the studied water bodies and dominated the methanotrophic community in lakes with a high relative abundance of methanotrophs. Alphaproteobacterial methanotrophs were the second most abundant group of methanotrophs. In the top layer of the lakes, characterized by low CH4 concentration, their abundance could surpass that of the gammaproteobacterial methanotrophs. These results support the theory that the alphaproteobacterial methanotrophs have a high affinity for CH4 and can be considered stress-tolerant strategists. In contrast, the gammaproteobacterial methanotrophs are competitive strategists. In addition, relative abundances of anaerobic methanotrophs, Candidatus Methanoperedenaceae and Candidatus Methylomirabilis, were strongly correlated, suggesting possible co-metabolism. Our data also suggest that these anaerobic methanotrophs could be active even in the oxic layers. In non-metric multidimensional scaling, alpha- and gammaproteobacterial methanotrophs formed separate clusters based on their abundances in the samples, except for the gammaproteobacterial Candidatus Methylumidiphilus, which was separated from these two clusters. This may reflect similarities in the niche and environmental requirements of the different genera within alpha- and gammaproteobacterial methanotrophs. Our study confirms the importance of O-2 and CH4 in shaping the methanotrophic communities and suggests that one variable cannot explain the diversity and distribution of the methanotrophs across lakes. Instead, we suggest that the diversity and distribution of freshwater methanotrophs are regulated by lake-specific factors

    Large-scale phylogenomics of aquatic bacteria reveal molecular mechanisms for adaptation to salinity

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    The crossing of environmental barriers poses major adaptive challenges. Rareness of freshwater-marine transi-tions separates the bacterial communities, but how these are related to brackish counterparts remains elusive, as do the molecular adaptations facilitating cross-biome transitions. We conducted large-scale phylogenomic analysis of freshwater, brackish, and marine quality-filtered metagenome-assembled genomes (11,248). Average nucleotide identity analyses showed that bacterial species rarely existed in multiple biomes. In contrast, distinct brackish basins cohosted numerous species, but their intraspecific population structures displayed clear signs of geographic separation. We further identified the most recent cross-biome transitions, which were rare, ancient, and most commonly directed toward the brackish biome. Transitions were accompanied by systematic changes in amino acid composition and isoelectric point distributions of inferred proteomes, which evolved over millions of years, as well as convergent gains or losses of specific gene functions. Therefore, adaptive chal-lenges entailing proteome reorganization and specific changes in gene content constrains the cross-biome tran-sitions, resulting in species-level separation between aquatic biomes

    A Genomic Perspective Across Earth's Microbiomes Reveals That Genome Size in Archaea and Bacteria Is Linked to Ecosystem Type and Trophic Strategy

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    Our view of genome size in Archaea and Bacteria has remained skewed as the data has been dominated by genomes of microorganisms that have been cultivated under laboratory settings. However, the continuous effort to catalog Earth's microbiomes, specifically propelled by recent extensive work on uncultivated microorganisms, provides an opportunity to revise our perspective on genome size distribution. We present a meta-analysis that includes 26,101 representative genomes from 3 published genomic databases; metagenomic assembled genomes (MAGs) from GEMs and stratfreshDB, and isolates from GTDB. Aquatic and host-associated microbial genomes present on average the smallest estimated genome sizes (3.1 and 3.0 Mbp, respectively). These are followed by terrestrial microbial genomes (average 3.7 Mbp), and genomes from isolated microorganisms (average 4.3 Mbp). On the one hand, aquatic and host-associated ecosystems present smaller genomes sizes in genera of phyla with genome sizes above 3 Mbp. On the other hand, estimated genome size in phyla with genomes under 3 Mbp showed no difference between ecosystems. Moreover, we observed that when using 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) as an estimator for genetic units, only 3% of MAGs cluster together with genomes from isolated microorganisms. Although there are potential methodological limitations when assembling and binning MAGs, we found that in genome clusters containing both environmental MAGs and isolate genomes, MAGs were estimated only an average 3.7% smaller than isolate genomes. Even when assembly and binning methods introduce biases, estimated genome size of MAGs and isolates are very similar. Finally, to better understand the ecological drivers of genome size, we discuss on the known and the overlooked factors that influence genome size in different ecosystems, phylogenetic groups, and trophic strategies

    Genome-resolved analyses show an extensive diversification in key aerobic hydrocarbon-degrading enzymes across bacteria and archaea

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    Background Hydrocarbons (HCs) are organic compounds composed solely of carbon and hydrogen that are mainly accumulated in oil reservoirs. As the introduction of all classes of hydrocarbons including crude oil and oil products into the environment has increased significantly, oil pollution has become a global ecological problem. However, our perception of pathways for biotic degradation of major HCs and key enzymes in these bioconversion processes has mainly been based on cultured microbes and is biased by uneven taxonomic representation. Here we used Annotree to provide a gene-centric view of the aerobic degradation ability of aliphatic and aromatic HCs in 23,446 genomes from 123 bacterial and 14 archaeal phyla. Results Apart from the widespread genetic potential for HC degradation in Proteobacteria, Actinobacteriota, Bacteroidota, and Firmicutes, genomes from an additional 18 bacterial and 3 archaeal phyla also hosted key HC degrading enzymes. Among these, such degradation potential has not been previously reported for representatives in the phyla UBA8248, Tectomicrobia, SAR324, and Eremiobacterota. Genomes containing whole pathways for complete degradation of HCs were only detected in Proteobacteria and Actinobacteriota. Except for several members of Crenarchaeota, Halobacterota, and Nanoarchaeota that have tmoA, ladA, and alkB/M key genes, respectively, representatives of archaeal genomes made a small contribution to HC degradation. None of the screened archaeal genomes coded for complete HC degradation pathways studied here; however, they contribute significantly to peripheral routes of HC degradation with bacteria. Conclusion Phylogeny reconstruction showed that the reservoir of key aerobic hydrocarbon-degrading enzymes in Bacteria and Archaea undergoes extensive diversification via gene duplication and horizontal gene transfer. This diversification could potentially enable microbes to rapidly adapt to novel and manufactured HCs that reach the environment

    Energy efficiency and biological interactions define the core microbiome of deep oligotrophic groundwater

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    The work conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, is supported under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. The Swedish Research Council (contracts 2018-04311, 2017-04422, and 2014-4398) and The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) supported the study. M.D. thanks the Crafoord Foundation (contracts 20180599 and 20130557), the Nova Center for University Studies, Research and Development, and Familjen Hellmans Stiftelse for financial support. M.D. and D.S. thank the Carl Tryggers Foundation (grant KF16: 18) for financial support. S.B. and M.M. acknowledge financial support from the Swedish Research Council and Science for Life Laboratory. High-throughput sequencing was also carried out at the National Genomics Infrastructure hosted by the Science for Life Laboratory. Bioinformatics analyses were carried out utilizing the Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science (UPPMAX) at Uppsala University (projects b2013127, SNIC 2019/3-22, and SNIC 2020/5-19) with support from a SciLifeLab-WABI bioinformatics grant. We would also like to thank Mats Astrom for his comments on the Aspo HRL lithology. JS is financially supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation as part of the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden at SciLifeLab.While oligotrophic deep groundwaters host active microbes attuned to the low-end of the bioenergetics spectrum, the ecological constraints on microbial niches in these ecosystems and their consequences for microbiome convergence are unknown. Here, we provide a genome-resolved, integrated omics analysis comparing archaeal and bacterial communities in disconnected fracture fluids of the Fennoscandian Shield in Europe. Leveraging a dataset that combines metagenomes, single cell genomes, and metatranscriptomes, we show that groundwaters flowing in similar lithologies offer fixed niches that are occupied by a common core microbiome. Functional expression analysis highlights that these deep groundwater ecosystems foster diverse, yet cooperative communities adapted to this setting. We suggest that these communities stimulate cooperation by expression of functions related to ecological traits, such as aggregate or biofilm formation, while alleviating the burden on microorganisms producing compounds or functions that provide a collective benefit by facilitating reciprocal promiscuous metabolic partnerships with other members of the community. We hypothesize that an episodic lifestyle enabled by reversible bacteriostatic functions ensures the subsistence of the oligotrophic deep groundwater microbiome.United States Department of Energy (DOE) DE-AC02-05CH11231Swedish Research CouncilEuropean Commission 2018-04311 2017-04422 2014-4398Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB)Crafoord Foundation 20180599 20130557Nova Center for University Studies, Research and DevelopmentFamiljen Hellmans StiftelseCarl Tryggers Foundation KF16: 18Swedish Research Council European CommissionScience for Life LaboratoryUppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science (UPPMAX) at Uppsala University b2013127 SNIC 2019/3-22 SNIC 2020/5-19SciLifeLab-WABI bioinformatics grantKnut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation as part of the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden at SciLifeLa

    Connectivity of Fennoscandian Shield terrestrial deep biosphere microbiomes with surface communities

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    The deep biosphere is an energy constrained ecosystem yet fosters diverse microbial communities that are key in biogeochemical cycling. Whether microbial communities in deep biosphere groundwaters are shaped by infiltration of allochthonous surface microorganisms or the evolution of autochthonous species remains unresolved. In this study, 16S rRNA gene amplicon analyses showed that few groups of surface microbes infiltrated deep biosphere groundwaters at the aspo Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden, but that such populations constituted up to 49% of the microbial abundance. The dominant persisting phyla included Patescibacteria, Proteobacteria, and Epsilonbacteraeota. Despite the hydrological connection of the Baltic Sea with the studied groundwaters, infiltrating microbes predominantly originated from deep soil groundwater. Most deep biosphere groundwater populations lacked surface representatives, suggesting that they have evolved from ancient autochthonous populations. We propose that deep biosphere groundwater communities in the Fennoscandian Shield consist of selected infiltrated and indigenous populations adapted to the prevailing conditions.Westmeijer et al. employ high-throughput sequencing to investigate the connection between deep biosphere groundwaters and surface microbial communities. They suggest that the microbial communities of deep biosphere groundwaters in the Fennoscandian Shield are mostly comprised of autochthonous species, rather than migratory surface representatives