204 research outputs found
Tevfik Fikret'in düşünce evreni:"En iyi ve en ileri" olmayı başaran Fikret, getirdiği toplumcu özle düşünce tarihimizde bir dönemeçtir
Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 98/A-Tevfik Fikretİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033
Köy Enstitülerinin 35. Yıldönümünde:Köy Enstitülü sanatçılar gördüklerini, yaşadıklarını anlatıp köyü uyandırma yollarını araştırmışlardır
Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya Adı: Eğitimİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033
Employment of the Wireless Sensor Networks in Precision Agriculture and Investigation of the Application Areas
Tarımsal faaliyetlerde insan iş gücünün azaltılması, çiftçi refahını sağlarken, üretimin daha verimli ve kaliteli yapılmasını da sağlamaktadır. Özellikle bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki gelişmelerin tarım kesiminde kullanımı kaçınılmaz olmuştur. Kablosuz haberleşme sistemlerinde son yıllarda yaşanan hızlı gelişmeler kablosuz ağlar da dâhil olmak üzere pek çok alanda yeni teknolojilerin kullanılabilirliğini mümkün kılmıştır. Geleneksel kablosuz ağlardan farklı olarak kablosuz algılayıcı ağlar (KAA) fiziksel olguları gözetlemek üzere algıladığı veriyi işleyebilen ve birbirleri ile kablosuz ortamda haberleşebilen algılayıcı düğümlerden oluşur. KAA pek çok sivil ve askeri alanda olduğu gibi sulama, gübreleme, ilaçlama vb. tarımsal proseslerin yönetimi için hassas tarım alanında da görev yapabilirler. Bu şekilde KAA yardımıyla üretim miktarı ve ürün kalitesinin artırılması sağlanabilir. Bu çalışmada hassas tarım alanında KAA kullanımı incelenerek literatürde yer alan çeşitli tarımsal uygulamalar gözden geçirilmiştir.Agricultural activities to reduce the human work force, well-being of farmers, while also making production more efficient and provides quality. Developments in information and communication technologies, especially the use of the agricultural sector was inevitable. In recent years, rapid developments in wireless communication systems have made it possible the availability of new technologies in many areas including wireless networks. Unlike traditional wireless networks, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of sensor nodes to observe the physical phenomena that can process the data and communicating with each other in a wireless environment. WSNs can serve many civilian and military areas as well as in the precision agriculture for the management of agricultural processes such as irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides and similar applications. In this way, the amount of production and product quality can be increased with the help of WSNs. In this study, we examine the use of the WSNs in precision agriculture in the literature and it is reviewed that various agricultural application
The Relationship Between Electricity Consumption, Real GDP And Employment In G-7 Countries: Seasonal Panel Unit Roots And Cointegration Model
The energy sector unarguably play a crucial role economic growth and employment in developed countries. The changes in energy use, particulary electricity consumption, are often correlated with changes in macro economic variable such as economic development, labor market, investment. This paper aims to reveal the relationship between electricity consumption and macroeconomic variables by using new techiques for seasonal unit root test for panel data. At first, we have applied the HEGY-IPS test which is the presence of seasonal panel unit root test. Secondly, we have investigated the relationship between electricity consumption, income and employment in G-7 countries using seasonal cointegration analysis which is called EGHL-type test over the period of 1995:q1 to 2013:q3. The results of this study show that all variables have unit root at zero frequency and electricity consumption and employment series have seasonal unit roots at semi-annual and annual frequencies for each countries. Besides that, there exists seasonal panel unit roots in electricity consumption and employment series excepted income series. These results indicate that the series are possibly cointegrated. For G-7 countries, there isn’t any cointegration relationship detected among the electricity consumption, real GDP and employment series at the zero, semi annual and annual frequencies excepted for Italy. Key words: Electricity Consumption, Economic Growth, Employment, Seasonal Panel Unit Roots, Seasonal Cointegration, G-7 Countries
Error Performance Of Super-Orthogonal Space-Time Trellis Codes with Transmit Antenna Selection
Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 200
A Communication Based Islanding Detection Method for Photovoltaic Distributed Generation Systems
PV based distributed generation (DG) systems must have some electrical connection standards while they connected to an electrical grid. One of these electrical conditions and the most important one is unplanned islanding condition. Islanding is a very dangerous condition because it could damage the PV system and related electrical systems and also working people have been at risk in islanding condition. In this application study, a new communication based islanding detection method was introduced for grid tied PV systems. A real time controller was developed with Labview for detecting islanding condition. Developed method is a hybrid method which uses the effective ways of communication based and passive methods. The results obtained from the proposed real time islanding detection method show that proposed method is reliable, robust, and independent from load and inverter. Nondetection zone (NDZ) is almost zero and islanding detection time is approximately 1-2 cycles indicated in experimental results so this time has a significant short response time according to IEEE 929-2000 standard. The proposed method is effective and presents a realistic solution to islanding so it could be implemented easily to grid tied PV systems and could be used in real system applications
Intelligent control of agricultural irrigation system based on wireless sensor and actuator networks
Optimizing water usage is the primary objective of intelligent and eco-friendly agricultural irrigation systems. In irrigation systems, the flow and pressure of water is usually regulated by controlling the position of the valve. The proportioning electronic actuator accepts a signal from the control system and moves the valve to allow the valve to partially open or close. Varying speed of pump motor can also control the usage of water. The integration of wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSANs) into irrigation management promises to overcome the excessive watering problem while providing additional functionality. This paper presents a case study on the use of WSAN for irrigation activities and investigates the application of fuzzy logic based valve aperture control. The results show that the proposed strategy can be effective in water flow control
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