83 research outputs found

    Balancing Scalability and Uniformity in SAT Witness Generator

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    Constrained-random simulation is the predominant approach used in the industry for functional verification of complex digital designs. The effectiveness of this approach depends on two key factors: the quality of constraints used to generate test vectors, and the randomness of solutions generated from a given set of constraints. In this paper, we focus on the second problem, and present an algorithm that significantly improves the state-of-the-art of (almost-)uniform generation of solutions of large Boolean constraints. Our algorithm provides strong theoretical guarantees on the uniformity of generated solutions and scales to problems involving hundreds of thousands of variables.Comment: This is a full version of DAC 2014 pape

    Rounding Meets Approximate Model Counting

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    The problem of model counting, also known as #SAT, is to compute the number of models or satisfying assignments of a given Boolean formula FF. Model counting is a fundamental problem in computer science with a wide range of applications. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in using hashing-based techniques for approximate model counting that provide (ε,δ)(\varepsilon, \delta)-guarantees: i.e., the count returned is within a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-factor of the exact count with confidence at least 1−δ1-\delta. While hashing-based techniques attain reasonable scalability for large enough values of δ\delta, their scalability is severely impacted for smaller values of δ\delta, thereby preventing their adoption in application domains that require estimates with high confidence. The primary contribution of this paper is to address the Achilles heel of hashing-based techniques: we propose a novel approach based on rounding that allows us to achieve a significant reduction in runtime for smaller values of δ\delta. The resulting counter, called RoundMC, achieves a substantial runtime performance improvement over the current state-of-the-art counter, ApproxMC. In particular, our extensive evaluation over a benchmark suite consisting of 1890 instances shows that RoundMC solves 204 more instances than ApproxMC, and achieves a 4×4\times speedup over ApproxMC.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, to be published in CAV2

    Distinct Elements in Streams: An Algorithm for the (Text) Book

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    Engineering an Efficient PB-XOR Solver

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    Despite the NP-completeness of Boolean satisfiability, modern SAT solvers are routinely able to handle large practical instances, and consequently have found wide ranging applications. The primary workhorse behind the success of SAT solvers is the widely acclaimed Conflict Driven Clause Learning (CDCL) paradigm, which was originally proposed in the context of Boolean formulas in CNF. The wide ranging applications of SAT solvers have highlighted that for several domains, CNF is not a natural representation and the reliance of modern SAT solvers on resolution proof system limit their ability to efficiently solve several families of constraints. Consequently, the past decade has witnessed the design of solvers with native support for constraints such as Pseudo-Boolean (PB) and CNF-XOR. The primary contribution of our work is an efficient solver engineered for PB-XOR formulas, i.e., formulas consisting of a conjunction of PB and XOR constraints. We first observe that a simple adaption of CNF-XOR architecture does not provide an improvement over baseline; our analysis highlights the need for careful engineering of the order of propagations. To this end, we propose three different tactics, all of which achieve significant performance improvements over the baseline. Our work is motivated by applications arising from binarized neural network verification where the verification of properties such as robustness, fairness, trojan attacks can be reduced to model counting queries; the state of the art model counters reduce counting to polynomially many SAT queries over the original formula conjuncted with randomly generated XOR constraints. To this end, we augment ApproxMC with LinPB and we call the resulting counter as ApproxMCPB. In an extensive empirical comparison over 1076 benchmarks, we observe that ApproxMCPB can solve 912 instances while the baseline version of ApproxMC4 (augmented with CryptoMiniSat) can solve only 802 instances
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