2,998 research outputs found

    Actualidad económica y educativa. Necesidad de una vuelta a la pedagogía platónica

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    In view of the prospect of economic globalization, its undemocratic nature, the increase of social injustice in the world and the priority in education to adapt students to their demands, I understand that today more than ever, we must return to the Platonic pedagogy that in its interpersonal characteristic, only wishes to encourage the induction of the idea of goodness in people waking up at the same time their critical awareness. This pedagogy could be the perfec instrument to meet today's economic and educational needs, so that society, far from being the correlative of globalization, could modulate economic parameters to achieve greater justice in the world.Ante la perspectiva económica de la globalización, su carácter antidemocrático, el aumento de la injusticia social en el mundo que está provocando y la prioridad en educación en adaptar a los alumnos a sus exigencias, entiendo que hoy más que nunca, debemos volver a la pedagogía platónica que, en su intrínseco carácter interpersonal, sólo desea fomentar la inducción de la idea de bondad, desarrollando a su vez el sentido crítico. Esta pedagogía es el instrumento que cumpliría exactamente con las necesidades económicas y educativas actuales, para que la sociedad, lejos de ser el correlato tecnológico de la globalización, fuese quien modulase los parámetros económicos para conseguir una mayor justicia en el mundo

    Mediación familiar, garantía para custodias compartidas satisfactorias

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    La custodia compartida de los hijos e hijas, que nace del entendimiento y acuerdo de las partes tras la separación o divorcio, supone una corresponsabilidad en los cuidados de los menores y un reparto equitativo de los tiempos de convivencia que redunda en beneficio de los mismos al permitirles mantener un contacto continuo con ambos progenitores. Por ello se hace imprescindible una Ley Estatal de Custodia Compartida que potencie la mediación familiar como el mejor de los escenarios para pactar custodias compartidas satisfactorias.Joint custody of children, which stems from an understanding and agreement between both parties in a separation or divorce, involves shared childcare responsibilities and an equal distribution of living time which is in the children’s benefit since it allows them to maintain continuous contact with both parents. To this end a State Law on Joint Custody is indispensable since it potentiates family mediation as the best stage for arranging satisfactory joint custody

    Exploring the Use of the Word Citizen in Writings on the Fourth Amendment

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    Symposium: Latinos and Latinas at the Epicenter of Contemporary Legal Discourses. Indiana University School of Law-Bloomington, March 2007

    The Missing and Misplaced History in Shelby County, Alabama v. Holder - Through the Lens of the Louisiana Experience with Jim Crow and Voting Rights in the 1890s

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    Symposium on Re-Examining the Voting Rights Act: Where Is Our Nation after Shelby County v. Holde

    Community-oriented Service-Learning: A university experience for preventing cannabis abuse in vulnerable adolescents and young people

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    Learning integrated into community action promotes a more active citizenry. More specifically, service-learning (S-L) embedded into higher education can represent a big challenge yet also an opportunity to involve the whole university community in social and community development. This paper addresses this teaching method by identifiying and reviewing the different components that define S-L, that is: civic engagement, social responsibility, civic education, partnership, and reflection. The ways in which S-L can be introduced into the curriculum are explained, through detailing experiences already carried out in the teaching of psychology. Current available data on its efficacy in university education are analyzed. The focus now turns to a university experience involving Community Psychology students across Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. During this experience, students on both programmes make their final-year projects to develop a prevention resource aimed at young people at high risk of problematic cannabis use. Ultimately, this program not only teaches students the principles of Community Psychology but also give them an opportunity to put them into practice

    Eva Lootz. The thoughts like active forces

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    Año 1940, Viena. Nace Eva Lootz en un país a punto de ser imbuido en una dura guerra que marcaría su historia para siempre. A mediados de los años 60 llega a España buscando la libre expresión de sus sentimientos para mostrarlos en su arte y, desde el principio, consigue triunfar con lo que hace y se erige como rompedora del panorama artístico español, siendo pionera en el campo de las instalaciones. En 1994 se le concedió el Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas lo cual confirmó definitivamente su inclusión como artista española y se reconoció la importancia de su trabajo.Year 1940, Vienna. Eva Lootz is born in a country about to be imbued in a rough war that would mark its history for ever. In the mid 60`s she arrives to Spain looking for the free expression of her feelings and the possibility of showing them throught her art. From the beginning, she succeeds and she becomes an innovative artist in the Spanish artistic scene, being the pioneer in the field of the installations art. In 1994 the National Prize of Plastic Arts was given to her and this fact definitively confirmed her as a Spanish artist and allowed for the recognition of the importance of her work