227 research outputs found

    Job Satisfaction Among Female Teachers in Rangpur, Bangladesh

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    The most important thing of everyone life and work is satisfaction. This study is conducted to analyze the job satisfaction among the female teachers of government colleges of Rangpur City in Bangladesh.  Normally job satisfaction is considered as a factor of social psychology but in this study job satisfaction is analyzed from organizational perspective. The objectives of this study is to understand  the indicators of female teachers job satisfaction, to find out the satisfaction level of the female teachers, to find out the reasons behind the job dissatisfaction and to give some recommendations in the relevant area. To fulfill this aims data are collected from the female teachers of the Government colleges in respective area. The purposive random sampling has been used and the sample size range is 50. A well set questionnaire that includes some of demographic and mostly scale based questions   to collect the data, analyzed it by using some common statistical tools. The empirical study has found some factors which affect job satisfaction of female teachers; these are salary, security, college reputation, maternity leave, housing facility, transport facility etc. it is observed that the female teachers are satisfied in the case of some major factors but there are some area in where they are not satisfied like gender biasness, using modern technology, promotional criteria accommodation facility, refreshment facility etc.. the recommendations in that case is to increase the satisfaction level like the performance of the female teachers should be appreciated, the college should be free from gender biasness at the social context view, the colleges should raise the modern technology and sophisticated manner of service development for all gender   and accommodation facilities should be raised   to lessen the harassment level. Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Female Teachers, Job security and Harassment, Moderate Satisfactio

    Spatial-Longitudinal Bent-Cable Model with an Application to Atmospheric CFC Data

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    Spatial data (also called georeferenced data) arise in a wide range of scientific studies, including geography, agriculture, criminology, geology, urban and regional economics. The underlying spatial effects – the measurement error caused by any spatial pattern embedded in data – may affect both the validity and robustness of traditional descriptive and inferential techniques. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to take into account spatial effects when analysing spatially dependent data. In particular, addressing the spatial association among attribute values observed at different locations and the systematic variation of phenomena by locations are the two major aspects of modelling spatial data. The bent-cable is a parametric regression model to study data that exhibits a trend change over time. It comprises two linear segments to describe the incoming and outgoing phases, joined by a quadratic bend to model the transition period. For spatial longitudinal data, measurements taken over time are nested within spatially dependent locations. In this thesis, we extend the existing longitudinal bent-cable regression model to handle spatial effects. We do so in a hierarchical Bayesian framework by allowing the error terms to be correlated across space. We illustrate our methodology with an application to atmospheric chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) data. We also present a simulation study to demonstrate the performance of our proposed methodology. Although we have tailored our work for the CFC data, our modelling framework may be applicable to a wide variety of other situations across the range of the econometrics, transportation, social, health and medical sciences. In addition, our methodology can be further extended by taking into account interaction between temporal and spatial effects. With the current model, this could be done with a spatial correlation structure that changes as a function of time

    Japanese and American Management: A Conceptually Study on Two Conceptions

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    Through the details researching work of Japanese and American Management core strategies at unconventional approach. Japanese and the American are two fundamentally altered management styles from the wider outlook. The goal of this paper giving the framework through the details conceptual investigation based on the two styles of management. Generally four basic underlying management concepts and theories of historical Judgments show the scatter point of views and the behavior approach management style. There is the main difference is about the philosophy and attitudinal evaluation of management practices. Japanese’s management is the based on unionism manner system on the other hand American management describes the individualism concept. They are different for many reason but both are leveling their management practices to the global standard. Keywords: Japanese Management, American Management, Management Practices Unionism, individualism

    Performance Study of Soft Local Binary Pattern over Local Binary Pattern under Noisy Images

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    In this paper, the performance of soft local binary pattern (SLBP) method has been investigated with edge detection techniques for face recognition in case of noisy condition. Various edge detection techniques such as Canny, Robert and Log methods have been used with SLBP for recognizing faces. The results obtained using SLBP with various edge detection for noisy condition based on image quality measurement shows better recognition rate compared to the results obtained using local binary pattern (LBP). Simplified edge detection methods simplify the images as a result SLBP with edge detection requires less computation time compared with edge detection of LBP


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    AbstractThis study examines the construction of racialized society and gendered identities in fictional text of Morrison's Beloved. The research aim is to analyze and explore how these identities are constructed in Beloved by using a feminist approach. We find that the imposed ideal of femininity is absorbed and patriarchy is assumed. Female’s black characteristics are repressed both intra-communally and inter-communally. In the former, black female characters are not ‘fitted’ to white femininity as they strive for identity crisis even among the blacks. In the latter, they are whim of male dominance-subject of incest, rape and seduction. Though, women are doubly repressed, it is not the racial discrimination that threatens and jeopardizes black women identity rather a sheer domination of patriarchal power from within and without exaggerating debasing women life among the whites. Therefore, this paper reflects on the manifestation of femininity and patriarchy in a radicalized society and how these two  interact in women life in Morison's Beloved.

    IoT-Based Cyber-Physical Communication Architecture: Challenges and Research Directions

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    In order to provide intelligent services, the Internet of Things (IoT) facilitates millions of smart cyber-physical devices to be enabled with network connectivity to sense, collect, process, and exchange information. Unfortunately, the traditional communication infrastructure is vulnerable to cyber attacks and link failures, so it is a challenging task for the IoT to explore these applications. In order to begin research and contribute into the IoT-based cyber-physical digital world, one will need to know the technical challenges and research opportunities. In this study, several key technical challenges and requirements for the IoT communication systems are identified. Basically, privacy, security, intelligent sensors/actuators design, low cost and complexity, universal antenna design, and friendly smart cyber-physical system design are the main challenges for the IoT implementation. Finally, the authors present a diverse set of cyber-physical communication system challenges such as practical implementation, distributed state estimation, real-time data collection, and system identification, which are the major issues require to be addressed in implementing an efficient and effective IoT communication system

    Channel estimation scheme for 3.9G wireless communication systems using RLS algorithm

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    Main challenges for a terminal implementation are efficient realization of the receiver, especially for channel estimation (CE) and equalization. In this paper, training based recursive least square (RLS) channel estimator technique is presented for a long term evolution (LTE) single carrier-frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) wireless communication system. This CE scheme uses adaptive RLS estimator which is able to update parameters of the estimator continuously, so that knowledge of channel and noise statistics are not required. Simulation results show that the RLS CE scheme with 500 Hz Doppler frequency has 3 dB better performances compared with 1.5 kHz Doppler frequency

    Investigations into efficient implicit LOD-FDTD using orthogonal and non-orthogonal meshes

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.In this thesis we aim to develop efficient, enhanced versions of locally one dimensional finite difference time domain (LOD-FDTD) using orthogonal and non-orthogonal meshes with convolutional perfectly matched layered (CPML) absorbing boundary condition (ABC) for solving a range of electromagnetic (EM) and microwave problems. To solve many real world propagation problems related to electrically large structures and compute the EM response from resonant and curved structures both in two dimensional (2-D) and three dimensional (3-D) employing orthogonal and non-orthogonal meshes, novel LOD-FDTD with CPML ABC are presented to render the problem manageable and treatable with available resources within a reasonable time frame and without placing an unrealistic burden on the computational resources. In the first part of the thesis, a segmented (S)-LOD-FDTD method has been developed for EM propagation modelling in electrically large symmetric structures. After modifying 3-D symmetric structures to two dimensional (2-D) structures, the segmentation approach is applied. The developed S-LOD-FDTD method has been validated through propagation prediction inside large straight, branched and curved tunnels. The predictions on path loss agree reasonably well with the results obtained using segmented alternating direction implicit finite difference time domain (S-ADI-FDTD) method as well as with published measured data. The results indicate higher signal attenuation for the junction/transition regions as compared to regions away from such abrupt transitions. A performance comparison of the proposed method has also been described in terms of CPU time and memory. It was found that by dividing the domain into more segments, both execution time and memory usage can be reduced. Subsequently, a non-orthogonal LOD-FDTD (LOD-NFDTD) method is presented for EM scattering from 2-D structures. Formulations of scattered field and CPML ABC in generalised non-orthogonal curvilinear grids for 2-D LOD-NFDTD are also presented. The non-orthogonal grids are used to fully mesh the computational domain, which leads to efficient computation. Moreover, the proposed technique requires fewer arithmetic operations than the nonorthogonal ADI-FDTD (ADI-NFDTD) method, leading to a reduction of CPU time. The numerical dispersion of the proposed method as a function of Courant-Friedrich-Lewy (CFL) number (CFLN) is also discussed. Computational results for EM scattering from 2-D conducting, dielectric, and coated cylinders are presented. The proposed method is unconditionally stable and the numerical results agree reasonably well with the results in the literature, as well as with the ADI-NFDTD results. Compared to ADI-NFDTD, the proposed method is characterised by a lighter calculation burden and higher accuracy. We also propose a dispersion controlled rotationally symmetric LOD-FDTD (D-RS-LOD-FDTD) method for analysing rotationally symmetric (RS) microwave structures and antennas. First, the formulation for conventional RS-LOD-FDTD with CPML ABC is presented. Then D-RS-LOD-FDTD algorithm with CPML is derived and utilised to reduce the dispersion that may result from modelling RS microwave structures. As a preliminary calculation, the open tip monopole (OTM) antenna has been analysed. The dispersion control parameters contribute to the improvement in accuracy even with a large time step beyond the CFL limit. Computational results for the return loss and specific absorption rate from OTM and expanded tip wire (ETW) antennas embedded inside a tissue-like phantom media are presented. The use of the dispersion control parameters not only reduces the resultant dispersion effectively but also enables us to employ a large time step for efficient computations, so that the computation time can be reduced to about half of that required for its explicit counterpart (RS-FDTD). We also present a two sub-step CPML ABC for the conventional (C)-LOD-FDTD method for both orthogonal and non-orthogonal curvilinear meshes for analysing 3-D microwave structures. Numerical results on three dimensional (3-D) microwave structures using the proposed methods are also presented. A fundamental scheme based LOD-FDTD (F-LOD-FDTD) for both orthogonal and non-orthogonal meshes are proposed to minimise the resultant computational load for solving 3-D microwave structures, in addition to freeing the right-hand side of the resultant update equations of matrix operations. Numerical stability of the F-LOD-FDTD for both orthogonal and non-orthogonal meshes is also presented to demonstrate the unconditional stability of the proposed methods. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the significance of the proposed approaches. A comparison with the C-LOD-FDTD-CPML in terms of CPU time and memory requirements reveals the merits of the proposed F-LOD-FDTD CPML method for both orthogonal and non-orthogonal curvilinear meshes in terms of lighter calculation burden and higher efficiency

    Parametric Investigation of Near End and Far End Crosstalks in Printed Circuit Board Lands

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    Multi-conductor transmission line and interconnect carry signals with wide rage of frequencies from sending end to receiving end. The signal in one transmission line may be interupted by the unwanted contributions from the neighboring line conductors. If data speed increases, high frequency effects occur and the signals suffer from difficulties such as ringing, crosstalk, reflections, and ground bounce that seriously hamper the quality of the received signal. In order to estimate the signal quality, signal integrity analysis is needed. In this paper, an attempt has been made to investigate the sensitivity of the near and far end crosstalk on the parameters such as physical geometry of the conductors, electrical property of the substrate and the rise and fall time of excitation signal. The method of moments (MOM) is used to calculate the line parameters for different geometries. The simulation studies are carried out in TNT. The time domain and frequency domain analyses are performed using transmission line model of PSPICE. Moreover, a model is developed and tested in the laboratory. It is observed that the coupling inductance and capacitance vary with the variation of physical geometry and the substrate parameter

    Organic-Inorganic Nanomaterial Based Highly Efficient Flexible Nanogenerator for Self-Powered Wireless Electronics

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    As the world progresses towards artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), self‐powered sensor systems are increasingly vital for sensing and detection. Nanogenerators, a new technology in energy research, enable the harvesting of normally wasted energy from the environment. This technology scavenges a wide range of ambient energies, meeting the ever-expanding energy demands as conventional fossil fuel sources are depleted. This research involves designing and fabricating high-performance flexible piezoelectric nanogenerators (PENGs) and triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs), using novel organic-inorganic hybrid nanomaterials for wireless electronics. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is crucial in the aerospace industry to enhance aircraft safety and consistency through reliable sensor networks. PENGs are promising for powering wireless sensor networks in aerospace SHM applications due to their sustainability, durability, flexibility, high performance, and superior reliability. This research demonstrated a self-powered wireless sensing system based on a porous PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride)-based PENG, which is ideal for developing auto-operated sensor networks. The porous PVDF film-based PENG, enhanced output current by ~ 11 times and output voltage by ~ 8 times, respectively, compared to a pure PVDF-based PENG. The PENG device generated sufficient electrical energy to power a customized wireless sensing and communication unit and transfer sensor data every ~ 4 minutes. This PENG could harness energy from automobile vibration, reflecting the potential for real-life SHM systems. Subsequently, a novel, self-assembled, highly porous perovskite (FAPbBr2I)/polymer (PVDF) composite film was designed and developed to fabricate high-performance piezoelectric nanogenerators (PENGs). The porous structure enlarged the bulk strain of the piezoelectric composite film, resulting in a 5-fold enhancement of the strain-induced piezo potential and a 15-fold amplification of the output current. This highly-efficient PENG achieved a peak output power density of 10 ”W/cm2 and enabled to run a self-powered integrated wireless electronic node (SIWEN). The PENG was applied to real-life scenarios including wireless data communication, efficient energy harvesting from automobile vibrations as well as biomechanical motion. This low-temperature, full-solution synthesis approach could lead to a paradigm shift in sustainable power sources, expanding the realms of flexible PENGs. One of the remaining concerns is the highly soluble lead component, which is one of the constituents of the PENGs that poses potential adversary impacts on human health and the environment. To address this concern, lead-free organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite (OIHP) based flexible piezoelectric nanogenerators (PENGs) have been developed. The excellent piezoelectric properties of the FASnBr3 NPs was demonstrated with a high piezoelectric charge coefficient (d33) of ~ 50 pm/V through piezoelectric force microscopy (PFM) measurements. The device’s outstanding flexibility and uniform distribution properties resulted in a maximum piezoelectric peak-to-peak output voltage of 94.5 V, peak-to-peak current of 19.1 ÎŒA, and output power density of 18.95 ÎŒW/cm2 with a small force of 4.2 N, outperforming many state-of-the-art halide perovskite-based PENGs. For the first time, a self-powered RF wireless communication between smartphones and a nanogenerator solely based on a lead-free PENG was demonstrated and serves as a stepping-stone towards achieving self-powered Internet of Things (IoT) devices using environment-friendly perovskite piezoelectric materials. Likewise, triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) are also promising energy-harvesting devices for powering the next generation of wireless electronics. TENGs’ performance relies on the triboelectric effect between the tribonegative and tribopositive layers. In this study, a natural wood-derived lignocellulosic nanofibrils (LCNF) tribolayer was reported to have high tribonegativity (higher than polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)) due to the presence of natural lignin on its surface and its nanofibril morphology. LCNF nanopaper-based TENGs produced significantly higher voltage (160%) and current (120%) output than TENGs with PTFE as the tribonegative material. Assembling LCNF nanopaper into a cascade TENG generated sufficient output to power a wireless communication node to send a radio-frequency signal to a smartphone every 3 mins. This study demonstrates the potential of using LCNF as a more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional tribonegative materials based on fluorine-containing petroleum-based polymers. Overall, this thesis explores the design and development of highly efficient and flexible nanogenerators for self-powered wireless electronics. By combining highly electroactive nanomaterials with flexible polymer matrix structures, NGs with high electric output performance and flexibility were successfully obtained. The synthesizing process for the electroactive nanomaterials was carefully designed and adopted to sustain the inherent advantages of flexible electronics. The various type of high performance flexible NGs developed in this research work, including ZnO/PVDF porous PENGs, FAPbBr2I/PVDF based PENGs, FASnBr3/PDMS based PENGs, and LCNF nanopaper-based TENGs, provide promising solutions for energy harvesting and self-powered sensing
