208 research outputs found
The Effects of Magnetic Field on the Fluid Flow through a Rotating Straight Duct with Large Aspect Ratio
AbstractThis paper presents a numerical study of an investigation of a fluid flow through a rotating rectangular straight duct in the presence of magnetic field. The straight duct of rectangular cross-section rotates at a constant angular velocity about the centre of the duct cross- section is same as the axis of the magnetic field along the positive direction in the stream wise direction of the flows. Numerical calculation is based on the Magneto hydrodynamics incompressible viscous steady fluid model whereas Spectral method is applied as a main tool. Flow depends on the Magnetic parameter, Dean number and Taylor number. One of the interesting phenomena of the fluid flow is the solution curve and the flow structures in case of rotation of the duct axis. The calculation are carried out for 5≤Mg≤50000, 50≤Tr≤100000, Dn=500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 where the aspect ratio 3.0. The maximum axial flow will be shifted to the centre from the wall and turn into the ring shape under the effects of high magnetic parameter and large Taylor number whereas the fluid particles strength is weak
Challenges and Prospects of Poultry Industry in Bangladesh
Poultry industry is one of the most promising sectors for Bangladesh. This industry can provide various opportunities to increase GDP growth rate plus equitable distribution through arranging food security as well as ensuring self -employment, creating purchasing power and reducing poverty at a large scale. About 44 per cent of daily human intake of animal protein comes from livestock products. The poultry industry has been supplying quality protein to the people of Bangladesh at the lowest price in the world. The study outlined major concerns focusing on the entire problems. The followings points have been finally consider as comprehensive issues; lack of quality chicks, high price of feed, marketing problem, insufficient bank loan, lack of quality vaccine, the vaccine price is very high and bird flu. It is observed that to import poultry related products huge amount of valuable foreign exchange will be spent. We have proposed for providing subsidy to the local industry and protect safeguard to the local entrepreneurs of the poultry industry. Keywords: Poultry, Problem, Prospect, Dropping, Banglades
Unsteady MHD Casson Fluid Flow through a Parallel Plate with Hall Current
AbstractUnsteady MHD Casson fluid flow through a parallel plate with hall current is investigated. The uniform magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the plates and the fluid motion is subjected to a uniform suction and injection. The lower plate is stationary and the upper plate is moving. Explicit Finite Difference technique has been used to solve the momentum and energy equations. The effect of pressure gradient, the Hall parameter and other parameters describing in the equations are shown graphically. Effect of decaying parameter with different Casson number on primary velocity, secondary velocity and temperature distributions are illustrated in the form of the graph
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