22 research outputs found

    Exploring Rewards Systems and Turnover Intention among Malaysian Private University Academics: The Role of Continuance Commitment as a Mediator

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    This research employed an empirical approach in overviewing the relationship between five independent variables namely, remuneration, work-life balance, supervisor support, and employee recognition and the intention of turnover by means of employees' continuance commitment. The study comprises a total of 331 academics from the four private universities that were selected. This study utilized a structured survey to collect data, drawing on publicly available literature to inform the survey's design. Building upon a comprehensive review of existing literature, the survey instrument was tailored to address the specific research objectives of this study, incorporating modifications as deemed necessary. The analysis presented in this chapter offers a detailed examination of both the measurement and structural models employed in the study. The measurement model rigorously assessed the reliability and validity of the measurement instruments, ensuring that indicators met established criteria for accuracy and precision. Subsequent Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analyses revealed that neither direct nor mediated paths achieved statistical significance, indicating a lack of empirical support for the hypothesized relationships among the variables under investigation. This comprehensive evaluation provides valuable insights into the methodological rigor of the study and highlights avenues for future research exploration

    Does Leverage Matter To Market Spread ?

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    Securitization includes the transfer of illiquid resources to investors where such exchange is supported by the issuance of obligation securities called Asset-Backed Debt Securities (ABS) through a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). The under-utilisation of bonds or the absence of enhancement of the firm credit portfolio resulted in financial difficulties being faced by companies during the financial crisis in 1997. The fundamental focus in this investigation is on the determinants of primary market spread on RMBS, CMBS and ABS, and this study intends to inspect 12 years of information, from 2004 to 2016. Past examinations have left gaps in this area of research. The research objectives are the investigation of the determinants that incorporate domestic macroeconomic variables. The exploration will adopt a quantitative technique in investigating the information gathered, which is focused on pools Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and panel data. Regarding the primary market spread in Malaysia, factors such as debt to equity showed significance in the primary market spread in the control models, and originators may want to consider this economic issue before issuing securitized products

    Mediating Effect Of Expected Service Relationship Between Audit Service Quality And Customer Satisfaction: A Study Of Malaysian Venture Capital Firms

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    The scandal of Arthur Andersen and Enron should be a crucial lesson for audit firms concerning failure in audit service quality. Nevertheless, there are none of the audit firms can guarantee that the audit firms will maintain forever, and one of them will make no mistakes. The contention for audits for big audit firms as synonymous with quality audit has become questionable. The universal objective of the study was to analyze the cause and effect of expected service between audit service quality and customer satisfaction for Malaysian venture capital firms registered with KLSE. The study employed a descriptive study design and entailed the 65 listed venture capital firms as the population, because of the small member. Raw data were collected by the use of a structured questionnaire by use of drop and pick later. The collected data were analyzed first by use of descriptive statistics; correlation analysis was done to establish the mediating effect of the expected service relationship between the dependent and independent variables, and lastly, a regression analysis was executed on the model to test the hypotheses. The study supposes and expects that only two out of five audit quality dimensions (i.e., Assurance, Empathy, Reliability, Responsiveness, and Tangible) were statistically significant related to customer satisfaction. Thus the two characteristics of tangibility and responsiveness have a substantial impact on customer satisfaction. The research will be meaningful to the management of the venture capital firms and the audit firms alongside the academics who may want to pursue the subject further

    Factors Influencing Unemployment among Graduates in Malaysia – An Overview

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the significance factors that influence unemployment among graduates in Malaysia. The variables consists job mismatch, English proficiency and employability skills are stated as independent variables for this study. The respondents were 150 employers and workers in Malaysia. The finding showed that job mismatch, English proficiency and employability skills have influence on unemployment among graduates in Malaysia. All variables show positive relationship towards the unemployment among graduates. This study refers to primary data and also secondary data for supporting the sampling technique. Meanwhile, the researcher use questionnaire as the method to collect all the data from sample respondents in accomplishing the research objectives. While the data for this study was analyzed using multiple statistical procedures: mean point value, standard deviation, and correlation analysis. The result of the study presented in this research agrees that job mismatch; English proficiency and employability skills influenced unemployment among graduates. This study can be seen as a foreword to a more detailed study to be carrying by future research on the issue of unemployment among graduates in Malaysia. Keywords: Unemployment, Job Mismatch, Proficienc

    The Dimensions Of Work Stress Among Expatriates In Government Link Corporation – An Overview

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    The Due to rapid increase of competent and professional managers, the Malaysian Conglomerate Companies (GLC), under Khazanah Nasional Berhad had forced to hire professional employees from other countries that called expatriates. GLC is who are linked with Malaysian’s Government linked companies such as UEM Group, Sime Darby, Petronas and also Celcom Axiata Berhad. The purpose of this research is to identify the factors and the level of work stress among expatriates in Celcom Axiata Berhad. To date, Celcom Axiata Berhad is among the largest telecommunication organization in Malaysia. Celcom Axiata Berhad want to maintain it competitiveness in the market therefore it would hire professional managers from others countries to manage certain operations. The author is using non-probability sampling technique, where 50 questionnaires over of 60 populations were distributed to the respondents who are the expatriates in Celcom Axiata Berhad. The author measured the dependent variable of work stress and three independent variables which are workload, role conflict and interpersonal relationship at workplace. The findings are interpreted by using Pearson Correlation Analysis, descriptive analysis, regression and hypothesis testing. The findings in Pearson Correlation Analysis showed all the independent variables are having significant relationship to work stress, as the dependent variables. Therefore, the entire hypothesis is accepted. The author is suggesting several options in order to reduce the work stress such as the expatriates should learn to prioritize their work according to their importance. Keywords: Work Stress, GLC, Role Conflict, Workloa

    The impact of energy consumption based on fossil fuel and hydroelectricity generation towards pollution in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand

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    This study investigated the effects of energy consumption (ENY) based on fossil fuels and alternative energy with hydroelectricity as its proxy upon pollution, aside from ascertaining if the correlation between income and pollution determined the presence of Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC). In addition, the functions of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and trade openness (TO) were probed into so as to generate more precise outcomes of EKC hypothesis. Hence, in order to fulfil the objectives outlined in this study, the Bound estimation method was utilized to examine three developing nations of the Association of South East Asian Nation (ASEAN), which are Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. The main finding of interest retrieved from this paper refers to the EKC hypothesis reflective of Malaysia and Thailand. It was discovered that hydroelectricity favourably lowered the release of carbon emissions in the case of Malaysia, while it insignificantly influenced environmental degradation for Indonesia and Thailand. On the other hand, as anticipated, per capita energy use displayed a significant long-run effect in raising the levels of carbon emission in Indonesia and Thailand. Meanwhile, the FDI inflows seemed to improve the environmental quality only in Malaysia, while deepening in TO among ASEAN-3 nations appeared to successfully minimize issues related to environmental degradation in these countries

    Examining Relationships between Employees’ Attributes and Act of Whistleblowing

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the connection between employees’ attributes and the act of whistleblowing. The study was conducted at Penang Port Sdn Bhd by using quantitative method and purposive sampling data gathering. A total of 117 employees from Penang Port Sdn Bhd participated in the survey. The data gathered was processed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25. The results indicate a positive correlation between all variables of whistleblowing. The findings highlight that only two characteristic which is attitudes towards whistleblowing and internal control, have a meaningful association with the act of whistleblowing. Alternate hypotheses (H1) are accepted for hypotheses 1 and 2 but rejected for hypotheses 3. The implications of the findings for the organization are examined, as well as future study directions

    Langkawi's Ecological and Economic Renaissance: A Study of Blue and Green Opportunities

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    This article delves into the potential of the blue and green sectors situated in Langkawi Island, Malaysia. With its abundant marine and terrestrial resources, the island needs to strike a balance between its economic growth and environmental preservation imperatives. By leveraging the potential of green and blue sectors such as tourism, fisheries, renewable energy, agriculture, and forestry, Langkawi Island can serve as a model for responsible development, all while preserving its innate natural beauty and biodiversity. A survey was conducted involving 104 local respondents at various attraction points across Langkawi Island to assess the progress of these sectors. Overall, the respondents were predominantly in agreement regarding the impacts of development stemming from both the blue and green economies, coupled with the positive spill-over effects witnessed on the island. The descriptive findings indicate that the potential for growth within these blue and green economies is promising, buoyed by anticipation from both governmental and private sectors. As such, it becomes imperative for policymakers to formulate a comprehensive development plan that can adequately bolster the expansion of these sectors. This preparation will be crucial in ensuring the sustainable growth of Langkawi Island's blue and green economies, ultimately fostering a harmonious coexistence between economic progress and environmental conservation.Artikel ini mengulas potensi sektor biru dan hijau yang berlokasi di Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia. Dengan sumber daya laut dan darat yang melimpah, pulau ini perlu menemukan keseimbangan antara pertumbuhan ekonomi dan keharusan pelestarian lingkungan. Dengan memanfaatkan potensi sektor hijau dan biru seperti pariwisata, perikanan, energi terbarukan, pertanian, dan kehutanan, Pulau Langkawi dapat menjadi contoh pengembangan yang bertanggung jawab, sekaligus menjaga keindahan alam dan keanekaragaman hayatinya yang asli. Untuk menilai perkembangan sektor-sektor ini, dilakukan survei yang melibatkan 104 responden lokal di berbagai titik atraksi di Pulau Langkawi. Secara keseluruhan, responden sebagian besar sepakat mengenai dampak pembangunan yang berasal dari kedua sektor ekonomi biru dan hijau, serta efek positif yang terlihat di pulau ini. Temuan deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa potensi pertumbuhan dalam sektor ekonomi biru dan hijau ini sangat menjanjikan, didukung oleh antisipasi dari sektor pemerintah dan swasta. Oleh karena itu, menjadi sangat penting bagi pembuat kebijakan untuk merumuskan rencana pembangunan yang komprehensif yang dapat memadai memperkuat perluasan sektor-sektor ini. Persiapan ini akan menjadi kunci untuk memastikan pertumbuhan berkelanjutan dari ekonomi biru dan hijau Pulau Langkawi, akhirnya mendorong keberadaan harmonis antara kemajuan ekonomi dan pelestarian lingkungan

    Nexus among carbon emissions, real output and energy consumption in Malaysia and South Korea : new evidence using non-linear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) analysis

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    This study investigates the asymmetries in the nexus among carbon emissions, real output, and energy consumption between Malaysia and South Korea through the use of a non-linear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) model. The positive and negative shock of the variables indicate varying signs and magnitudes. Furthermore, the findings revealed a mixed presence of asymmetries among the nexus, as indicated in the variables for both short and long runs. The study also exemplified that the dependence of South Korea on energy consumption to generate economic growth appears to be greater than Malaysia. On the contrary, the impact of economic expansion upon the higher release of carbon emissions is greater for the case of Malaysia, in comparison to South Korea. The outcomes further displayed that higher energy consumption in both nations could lead to higher economic growth. As such, the presence of asymmetries in the relationships between the tested variables could impose significant information for future policy recommendations, particularly for these two nations

    Ecopreneur: Bridging The Gap Between Conventional Teaching And Learner Achievement

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    In 21st century education, it is imperative for educators to exploit technology in order to meet the evolving education needs of the current generation through greater access to knowledge. The researchers cum educators supplemented the conventional-based classrooms teaching of entrepreneur education with a customized home-based and interactive e-learning platform, ECOPRENEUR, to increase learner participation, engagement and achievement. The research employed a mixed method approach to elicit data from 385 undergraduates from an established public university in Malaysia to determine the efficacy of the e-learning platform as a supplementary learning tool in the teaching of Technology Entrepreneurship. Findings reveal that the intervention supplementary learning platform improves students’ overall grades in Technology Entrepreneurship: m = 44.04 in the pre-test and m= 53.63 in the post-test. Paired sample test results demonstrate a statistically significant grade outcome (t = 28.679; n=385; p=.000). Further findings reveal that the male students in the study secured higher grades with a mean of 55.72 compared to female students with a mean of 52.26 (p=.000) in the post-test. Both pre and post-test scores show that students from the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics outperformed (pre-test mean with 45.76 and post-test 56.69) students from the Faculty of Plantation and Agro Technology (pre-test m=42.29 and post-test m= 50.51), thus indicating that motivation and expertise in information and communication technology to navigate the platform play a major role in determining its efficacy