1,544 research outputs found

    Re-Imagining Rehearsals: A Survey of Improvisational Principles and Practices that Foster Ethical Caring

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    Theatre has the potential to champion important ideas and compel audiences to reject mistreatment or injustice. Unfortunately, the history of theatre illustrates an industry that has struggled to embody the values it espouses onstage in its offstage practices. While theatre brings together all types of artists from a diversity of backgrounds, it sometimes fails to guarantee those artists a healthy space to collaborate within. Specifically, I analyze the relationship between a director and their actors during the rehearsal process, and how the power disparity of that relationship has led to actors’ safety being disregarded, their boundaries being violated, and their willingness to be creative quashed. Because of directors’ status as an authority figure within a rehearsal space, I believe it is their responsibility to guarantee better practices that prioritize actors’ well-being.Through an analysis of Nel Noddings’ conception of care, I argue that directors must practice ethical caring with their actors by acting as facilitators, strengthening actor agency, and bringing the cast closer together. In order to accomplish these goals, I survey the principles and practices embedded in improvisational theatre, pulling on formative theorists like Viola Spolin, Augusto Boal, Keith Johnstone, and others. Through reflecting on my own use of these principles and practices, I found that they helped prioritize care in the rehearsal space and offer a healthier way for directors to work with actors; however, my application showed areas of concern that caring directors ought to be mindful of in their own use of these ideas. I hope that this survey of improvisational fundamentals encourages directors to look further for more care-based practices, making care the first focus of a rehearsal process at every level of theatre

    Sensuous Motion, Sensuous Boundaries, Sensuous Place: Angiolo Mazzoni\u27s Blue Building

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    In his book Archetypes in Architecture, Thomas Thiis-Evensen forges a path between the altars of rational technology and subjective creativity. His method, which draws closely upon Christian Norberg-Schulz\u27s pioneering research on the architecture of place, is intended to provide a framework for understanding the shared emotional content of place through a deep reflection on the nature of the floor, the wall and the roof as the critical elements which convey the existential character of a place

    Smokeless Tobacco: Defective Marketing Creates a New Toxic Tort

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    Tortious Breach of Contract in Oklahoma

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    Parental Participation and School Based Management in Nicaragua: An SES Analysis of Differentiated Parent Participation in School Councils by Income, Education, and Community Crime Rates

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    In Latin America, School-Based Management and decentralization more broadly have emerged as an important tool of educational policy. The presumed benefits of School-Based Management designs depend, in large part, on broad parental participation in the programs that governments create to devolve decision-making related to schooling. However, few studies examine the circumstances under which parents actually participate in newly established decentralized education programs. This article sheds partial light on these conditions by employing a Socio-Economic Status (SES) perspective to examine school-based management reform in Nicaragua. Using data derived from five newly autonomous schools, the study compares parents’ self-reported levels of income, education, and community crime rates with their propensity to participate in newly formed school councils. Results give partial support to an SES hypothesis by revealing that parents who live in communities where violence is endemic participate less in the school councils. Findings support the argument that for decentralized education programs to be successful on equity issues, policy planners must attend to these socio-structural circumstances by providing commensurate support mechanisms that encourage marginal households and communities to participate in the new program

    Out of care, into university: raising higher education access and achievement of care leavers

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    Around 40,000 children are estimated to require out-of-home care in Australia and this number has risen every year over the past decade (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2014a). Young people up to 18 years who are unable to live with their birth families are placed in different forms of out-of-home care, including kinship care, foster care, residential care, family group homes, and independent living. People who spent time in out-of-home care before the age of 18 are subsequently referred to as care leavers when they transition out of the system. Care leavers rarely transition to higher education. They are largely excluded from the level of education that brings the highest wage premiums and lifetime rewards. Despite their extremely low university participation rates, there is no national agenda for improvement. This research project was conducted by La Trobe University and funded through an external research grant provided by the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) at Curtin University. This report aims to provide the basis for such an agenda by highlighting the nature and extent of the problem, and suggesting practical solutions within both the education and community service sectors. Our research adopted a mixed methods approach and included: a literature review; an examination of national data sets; an online survey of public universities in Australia; and interviews with senior representatives from major out-of-home care service providers. We provide recommendations targeted to the Australian Government, state and territory governments, higher education institutions, and community service organisations. Three reforms are required to improve the access and achievement of care leavers in higher education: The collection of nationally consistent data on higher education access and outcomes for care leavers. Policy reform within the education and community service sectors including greater recognition of this under-represented student cohort and support for the transition of young people from out-of-home care to adulthood. An over-arching need for cultural change that challenges the often low expectations for care leavers

    A benchmark study on mantle convection in a 3-D spherical shell using CitcomS

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    As high-performance computing facilities and sophisticated modeling software become available, modeling mantle convection in a three-dimensional (3-D) spherical shell geometry with realistic physical parameters and processes becomes increasingly feasible. However, there is still a lack of comprehensive benchmark studies for 3-D spherical mantle convection. Here we present benchmark and test calculations using a finite element code CitcomS for 3-D spherical convection. Two classes of model calculations are presented: the Stokes' flow and thermal and thermochemical convection. For Stokes' flow, response functions of characteristic flow velocity, topography, and geoid at the surface and core-mantle boundary (CMB) at different spherical harmonic degrees are computed using CitcomS and are compared with those from analytic solutions using a propagator matrix method. For thermal and thermochemical convection, 24 cases are computed with different model parameters including Rayleigh number (7 × 10^3 or 10^5) and viscosity contrast due to temperature dependence (1 to 10^7). For each case, time-averaged quantities at the steady state are computed, including surface and CMB Nussult numbers, RMS velocity, averaged temperature, and maximum and minimum flow velocity, and temperature at the midmantle depth and their standard deviations. For thermochemical convection cases, in addition to outputs for thermal convection, we also quantified entrainment of an initially dense component of the convection and the relative errors in conserving its volume. For nine thermal convection cases that have small viscosity variations and where previously published results were available, we find that the CitcomS results are mostly consistent with these previously published with less than 1% relative differences in globally averaged quantities including Nussult numbers and RMS velocities. For other 15 cases with either strongly temperature-dependent viscosity or thermochemical convection, no previous calculations are available for comparison, but these 15 test calculations from CitcomS are useful for future code developments and comparisons. We also presented results for parallel efficiency for CitcomS, showing that the code achieves 57% efficiency with 3072 cores on Texas Advanced Computing Center's parallel supercomputer Ranger

    Monitoring of nitrogen leaching on a dairy farm during four drainage seasons

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    peer-reviewedThe authors acknowledge funding from the Environmental Protection Agency and Teagasc under the 2000–2006 RTDI programme.The effect of four commonly used dairy farm management systems (treatments), on nitrogen leaching to 1 m was studied over a 4-year period from October 2001 to April 2005. The treatments were (i) grazed plots receiving dirty water, (ii) 2-cut silage plots receiving slurry, (iii) grazed plots and (iv) 1-cut silage plots receiving slurry. All plots had fertiliser N applied; the soil was free-draining overlying fissured limestone. Mean 4-year N input (kg/ha) was 319 and mean annual stocking density was ~2.38 LU/ha. The annual average and weekly NO3-N and NH4-N concentrations in drainage water were analysed for all years, using a repeated measures analysis. For the annual NO3-N data, there was an interaction between treatment and year (P < 0.001). There were significant differences (P < 0.05) in NO3-N concentrations between the treatments in all years except the third. For the NH4-N data there was no interaction between treatment and year or main effect of treatment but there were differences between years (P < 0.01). Mean weekly concentrations were analysed separately for each year. For NO3-N, in all years but the third, there was an interaction between treatment and week (P < 0.001); this occurred with NH4-N, in all 4 years. Dirty water was significantly higher than grazed-fertiliser only and 1-cut silage in NO3-N concentrations in 2001–02; in 2002–03, dirty water and 2-cut silage were significantly higher than the other treatments; while in 2004–05, dirty water and grazed-fertiliser only were significantly higher than the other two treatments. The overall 4-year mean NO3-N and NH4-N concentrations were 8.2 and 0.297 mg/L, respectively.Environmental Protection Agenc
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