255 research outputs found

    Connection between dynamically derived IMF normalisation and stellar populations

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    In this contributed talk I present recent results on the connection between stellar population properties and the normalisation of the stellar initial mass function (IMF) measured using stellar dynamics, based on a large sample of 260 early-type galaxies observed as part of the Atlas3D project. This measure of the IMF normalisation is found to vary non-uniformly with age- and metallicity-sensitive absorption line strengths. Applying single stellar population models, there are weak but measurable trends of the IMF with age and abundance ratio. Accounting for the dependence of stellar population parameters on velocity dispersion effectively removes these trends, but subsequently introduces a trend with metallicity, such that `heavy' IMFs favour lower metallicities. The correlations are weaker than those found from previous studies directly detecting low-mass stars, suggesting some degree of tension between the different approaches of measuring the IMF. Resolving these discrepancies will be the focus of future work.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 311, Galaxy Masses as Constraints of Formation Models, M,. Cappellari & S. Courteau, ed

    The stellar populations of massive galaxies in the local Universe

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    I present a brief review of the stellar population properties of massive galaxies, focusing on early-type galaxies in particular, with emphasis on recent results from the ATLAS3D Survey. I discuss the occurrence of young stellar ages, cold gas, and ongoing star formation in early-type galaxies, the presence of which gives important clues to the evolutionary path of these galaxies. Consideration of empirical star formation histories gives a meaningful picture of galaxy stellar population properties, and allows accurate comparison of mass estimates from populations and dynamics. This has recently provided strong evidence of a non-universal IMF, as supported by other recent evidences. Spatially-resolved studies of stellar populations are also crucial to connect distinct components within galaxies to spatial structures seen in other wavelengths or parameters. Stellar populations in the faint outer envelopes of early-type galaxies are a formidable frontier for observers, but promise to put constraints on the ratio of accreted stellar mass versus that formed 'in situ' - a key feature of recent galaxy formation models. Galaxy environment appears to play a key role in controlling the stellar population properties of low mass galaxies. Simulations remind us, however, that current day galaxies are the product of a complex assembly and environment history, which gives rise to the trends we see. This has strong implications for our interpretation of environmental trends.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX. Invited talk for the IAU Symposium 295 "The Intriguing Life of Massive Galaxies". To appear in Proc. of the XXVIII IAU General Assembly, Beijing, China, August 2012, eds. D. Thomas, A. Pasquali; I. Ferreras. Cambridge University Pres

    Two channels of supermassive black hole growth as seen on the galaxies mass-size plane

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    We investigate the variation of black hole masses (Mbh) as a function of their host galaxy stellar mass (Mstar) and half-light radius (Re). We confirm that the scatter in Mbh within this plane is essentially the same as that in the Mbh - sigma relation, as expected from the negligible scatter reported in the virial mass estimator sigma_v^2=GxMstar/(5xRe). All variation in Mbh happens along lines of constant sigma_v on the (Mstar, Re) plane, or Mstar \propto Re for Mstar <2x10^11 Msun. This trend is qualitatively the same as those previously reported for galaxy properties related to stellar populations, like age, metallicity, alpha enhancement, mass-to-light ratio and gas content. We find evidence for a change in the Mbh variation above the critical mass of Mcrit ~ 2x10^11 Msun. This behaviour can be explained assuming that Mbh in galaxies less massive than Mcrit can be predicted by the Mbh - sigma relation, while Mbh in more massive galaxies follow a modified relation which is also dependent on Mstar once Mstar >Mcrit. This is consistent with the scenario where the majority of galaxies grow through star formation, while the most massive galaxies undergo a sequence of dissipation-less mergers. In both channels black holes and galaxies grow synchronously, giving rise to the black hole - host galaxy scaling relations, but there is no underlying single relation that is universal across the full range of galaxy masses.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; MNRAS accepted (minor text changes

    Measuring the low mass end of the Mbh - sigma relation

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    We show that high quality laser guide star (LGS) adaptive optics (AO) observations of nearby early-type galaxies are possible when the tip-tilt correction is done by guiding on nuclei while the focus compensation due to the changing distance to the sodium layer is made 'open loop'. We achieve corrections such that 40% of flux comes from R<0.2 arcsec. To measure a black hole mass (Mbh) one needs integral field observations of both high spatial resolution and large field of view. With these data it is possible to determine the lower limit to Mbh even if the spatial resolution of the observations are up to a few times larger than the sphere of influence of the black hole.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX. To appear in "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation", Malta, 19-23 Oct. 2009, eds. V.P. Debattista and C.C. Popescu, AIP Conf. Ser., in pres

    Spatially resolved variations of the IMF mass normalization in early-type galaxies as probed by molecular gas kinematics

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    We here present the first spatially-resolved study of the IMF in external galaxies derived using a dynamical tracer of the mass-to-light ratio. We use the kinematics of relaxed molecular gas discs in seven early-type galaxies (ETGs) selected from the ATLAS3D survey to dynamically determine mass-to-light ratio (M/L) gradients. These M/L gradients are not very strong in the inner parts of these objects, and galaxies that do show variations are those with the highest specific star formation rates. Stellar population parameters derived from star formation histories are then used in order to estimate the stellar initial mass function function (IMF) mismatch parameter, and shed light on its variation within ETGs. Some of our target objects require a light IMF, otherwise their stellar population masses would be greater than their dynamical masses. In contrast, other systems seem to require heavier IMFs to explain their gas kinematics. Our analysis again confirms that IMF variation seems to be occurring within massive ETGs. We find good agreement between our IMF normalisations derived using molecular gas kinematics and those derived using other techniques. Despite this, we do not see find any correlation between the IMF normalisation and galaxy dynamical properties or stellar population parameters, either locally or globally. In the future larger studies which use molecules as tracers of galaxy dynamics can be used to help us disentangle the root cause of IMF variation

    Connection between dynamically derived IMF normalisation and stellar populations

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    Dynamical modelling of stars and gas in NGC2974: determination of mass-to-light ratio, inclination and orbital structure by Schwarzschild's method

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    We study the large-scale stellar and gaseous kinematics of the E4 galaxy NGC2974, based on panoramic integral-field data obtained with SAURON. We quantify the velocity fields with Fourier methods (kinemetry), and show that the large-scale kinematics is largely consistent with axisymmetry. We construct general axisymmetric dynamical models for the stellar motions using Schwarzschild's orbit-superposition method, and compare the inferred inclination and mass-to-light ratio with the values obtained by modelling the gas kinematics. Both approaches give consistent results. However we find that the stellar models provide fairly weak constraints on the inclination. The intrinsic orbital distribution of NGC2974, which we infer from our model, is characterised by a large-scale stellar component of high angular momentum. We create semi-analytic test models, resembling NGC2974, to study the ability of Schwarzschild's modelling technique to recover the given input parameters (mass-to-light ratio and inclination) and the distribution function. We also test the influence of a limited spatial coverage on the recovery of the distribution function (i.e. the orbital structure). We find that the models can accurately recover the input mass-to-light ratio, but we confirm that even with perfect input kinematics the inclination is only marginally constrained. This suggests a possible degeneracy in the determination of the inclination, but further investigations are needed to clarify this issue. For a given potential, we find that the analytic distribution function of our test model is well recovered by the three-integral model within the spatial region constrained by integral-field kinematics.Comment: 22 pages, 24 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Version with full resolution images available at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/sauron/papers/krajnovic2004_ngc2974.pd

    Star Formation in Nearby Early-Type Galaxies: The Radio Continuum Perspective

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    We present a 1.4 GHz Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) study of a sample of early-type galaxies (ETGs) from the volume- and magnitude-limited ATLAS-3D survey. The radio morphologies of these ETGs at a resolution of 5" are diverse and include sources that are compact on sub-kpc scales, resolved structures similar to those seen in star-forming spiral galaxies, and kpc-scale radio jets/lobes associated with active nuclei. We compare the 1.4 GHz, molecular gas, and infrared (IR) properties of these ETGs. The most CO-rich ATLAS-3D ETGs have radio luminosities consistent with extrapolations from H_2-mass-derived star formation rates from studies of late-type galaxies. These ETGs also follow the radio-IR correlation. However, ETGs with lower molecular gas masses tend to have less radio emission relative to their CO and IR emission compared to spirals. The fraction of galaxies in our sample with high IR-radio ratios is much higher than in previous studies, and cannot be explained by a systematic underestimation of the radio luminosity due to the presence extended, low-surface-brightness emission that was resolved-out in our VLA observations. In addition, we find that the high IR-radio ratios tend to occur at low IR luminosities, but are not associated with low dynamical mass or metallicity. Thus, we have identified a population of ETGs that have a genuine shortfall of radio emission relative to both their IR and molecular gas emission. A number of mechanisms may conspire to cause this radio deficiency, including a bottom-heavy stellar initial mass function, weak magnetic fields, a higher prevalence of environmental effects compared to spirals and enhanced cosmic ray losses.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey. XII. Stellar Populations and Kinematics of Compact, Low-Mass Early-Type Galaxies from Gemini GMOS-IFU Spectroscopy

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    We present Gemini GMOS-IFU data of eight compact low-mass early-type galaxies (ETGs) in the Virgo cluster. We analyse their stellar kinematics, stellar population, and present two-dimensional maps of these properties covering the central 5"x 7" region. We find a large variety of kinematics: from non- to highly-rotating objects, often associated with underlying disky isophotes revealed by deep images from the Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey. In half of our objects, we find a centrally-concentrated younger and more metal-rich stellar population. We analyze the specific stellar angular momentum through the lambdaR parameter and find six fast-rotators and two slow-rotators, one having a thin counter-rotating disk. We compare the local galaxy density and stellar populations of our objects with those of 39 more extended low-mass Virgo ETGs from the SMAKCED survey and 260 massive (M>1010M>10^{10}\Msun) ETGs from the A3D sample. The compact low-mass ETGs in our sample are located in high density regions, often close to a massive galaxy and have, on average, older and more metal-rich stellar populations than less compact low-mass galaxies. We find that the stellar population parameters follow lines of constant velocity dispersion in the mass-size plane, smoothly extending the comparable trends found for massive ETGs. Our study supports a scenario where low-mass compact ETGs have experienced long-lived interactions with their environment, including ram-pressure stripping and gravitational tidal forces, that may be responsible for their compact nature.Comment: Accepted in ApJ, 19 pages, 10 figure